News from Jack Blyth in Christchurch

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News from Jack Blyth in Christchurch

Post by Ian Grace »

Jack is safe.

This just in from him:

"I am lucky as my house has suffered no damage in either Sep or this quake. Not even any broken china. Was at a restaurant for lunch with friends when it struck so we got to hug each other under the table till it was safe to run ouside, the breaking crockery was deafening. Took and hour to travel 5ks home to check out my place, havnt moved since. I hope to fly to Auckland today if the airport opens to pick up a 2000 Rover 75 to replace my older 96 Rover 416SLI. Will take 5 days to drive it home with a few overnights at friends.

We have had about 30 aftershocks mostly very strong with 10 during the night. A big one 15 mins ago at 6am, very little sleep but need to have a wash. We are lucky to have water but not allowed showers or flush toilets. Have got electricity on again this morning.

It will take years to rebuild the central city, some of my friends' houses collapsed yesterday but none injured.


I have sent best wishes from all of us.

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Re: News from Jack Blyth in Christchurch

Post by Ian Grace »

This from Peter Hills and his wife who are currently traveling in New Zealand:

"Dear Family, Friends and Colleagues,

This is a general circular to let you know that we were not in Christchurch New Zealand when the earthquake happened. Fortunately for us, we left there 6 days back. The epicentre was at Lyttelton, the port of Christchurch and we had visited that place as well! However, we are safe and are touring the Queenstown area in South Island. We saw the damage caused by the earthquake last September in Christchurch and could not believe the city has been hit once again today. What a tragedy. Our prayers are with the people there.

We were also blessed having missed the floods in Australia and have had good and comfortable weather since. We have had an incredible holiday thus far meeting family and old friends who have been so generous with their hospitality. On Saturday we travel to Auckland North Island to continue the last leg of our trip.


Peter & Sandy"
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Re: News from Jack Blyth in Christchurch

Post by Ian Grace »

And this from Alex Dempster in Dunedin:

"As you will no doubt have heard, devastating quake as follow on from the one last year in Christchurch. Only minor shake down here with the building swaying for about a minute."
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Re: News from Jack Blyth in Christchurch

Post by Highlander »

And we worry about a miss-firing engine!!! Our prayers are with you all. Highlander.
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Re: News from Jack Blyth in Christchurch

Post by Ian Grace »

This from Irvine Black who is restoring two 18/80's to Tigress spec. in New Zealand:

"Thanks for your thoughts re the earthquake. We felt it at the time, quite nervewracking but no damage to us as we are ninety miles southwest of the epicentre. My wife's daughter and family are in one of the affected areas and although they were damaged have not had to evacuate. They do not have any water, sewerage or electricity and may be that way for some time.

Most of our friends around Christchurch have been quite lucky but as you will see on TV others are not. Can you imagine your lawn and driveway covered in a foot of mud, or in some cases,water in the house. It just comes up out of the ground. Some cars have driven into holes in the road and almost disappeared in the quicksand."
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Re: News from Jack Blyth in Christchurch

Post by Ian Grace »

This sobering update just in from Neville and Val Wilson:

"Hi Ian,

The death toll is climbing towards the 200 mark, with many more people still unaccounted for...many buildings still being searched, approx 24 people still under rubble in the Anglican cathedral in the square - approximately 40 to 50% of the commercial district has fallen or will be demolished for safety reasons widespread damage to power, water, sewers etc. Major slips in the hill suburbs, with boulders 6m dia. demolishing houses etc as they roll down the hills. Many smaller areas now uninhabitable. Petrol has increased to $2.08/litre, but I think this is due to unrest in the Middle East

Jack Blyth is OK - lost a few minor items, his friend Val did not fare so well - lost a lifetime’s collection of treasures, etc. which are irreplaceable. Wellington, our capital city, had a 4.5 magnitude quake last night. Scientific theory is that the earth shifted on its axis 2 years ago with the major quake in the Philippines and this is causing the major earth plates to realign their stress points. Also, the sea currents have changed and this is causing the weather patterns that the whole world is experiencing. The magnetic north pole usually moves within a 5km zone - at this period in time it is about 46 km from its normal area. I hope this finds you and your family well, and looking forward to the summer motoring season.

Regards Neville"
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Re: News from Jack Blyth in Christchurch

Post by Ian Grace »

More on the Christchurch quake from Neville:

"Hi Ian, this amazing photo was taken the moment the quake hit the centre of Christchurch. It was taken fron near the epicentre of the quake, high up on the hills to the seaward side of the town. This is small compared to the devistation in Japan. John McDonald suffered a lot of damage to his house and subsequently has sold his '31 Minor roadster. He says it may be up to three years before his house is repaired, and he had nowhere to store the car. Neville"

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