Summer Rally and Pre-War Prescott 2020

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Ian Grace
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Summer Rally and Pre-War Prescott 2020

Post by Ian Grace »

Planning this annual event takes more than a year, and so planning for our 2020 weekend is now under way and I have already had several enquiries regarding the date from those wishing to make holiday and accommodation arrangements.

The dates will be Friday 17th to Sunday 19th July 2020 and the format will be much the same as the 2019 weekend.

We will be marking the Centenary of Alvis and are therefore expecting a strong Alvis contingent.

More news as plans develop.
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Re: Summer Rally and Pre-War Prescott 2020

Post by Ian Grace »

And of course we will be marking the 20th Anniversary of the Register as well as the tenth anniversary of Pre-War Prescott.

Two amazing milestones!
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Re: Summer Rally and Pre-War Prescott 2020

Post by Ian Grace »

Entries are now open at The dates are Friday 12th June to Sunday 14th June.

As this will be the 20th Anniversary of the Register, let's see if we can get a really good Minor lineup together. I will be taking delivery of the Semi-sports in November and it will winter in Cirencester, so I have already entered it. Richard and Sue Woodward have entered their ex-Rosemary Burke 2-seater, so that's two Minors entered already! The entry list - as it grows - can me checked at
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Re: Summer Rally and Pre-War Prescott 2020

Post by Ian Grace »

A little news from Prescott. Chris Rogers, the Prescott General Manager and BOC Secretary, who started in post early last year, has resigned due to health concerns. His wife Fiona, who assists him in the office will also be leaving. And just before this news broke, the BOC Chairman of 8 years, Charles Trevelyan handed over to new Chairman Neil Upton.

We wish the club all the very best at this time of significant change.

We won't know for a while who the new General Manager will be, but I will be working with him from day 1 to prepare for Pre-War Prescott 2020.

And of course we wish Chris, Fiona and Charles all the very best for the future.
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Re: Summer Rally and Pre-War Prescott 2020

Post by Ian Grace »

Of course, it is NICK Upton, not Neil Upton. Nick is the well-known VSCC commentator, by the way.
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Re: Summer Rally and Pre-War Prescott 2020

Post by Ian Grace »

And this from the Bugatti Owners' Club:

"The Board of Directors (Council) are pleased to announce the appointment of Gemma Price as our new General Manager.

The only British woman to score WRC points whilst being part of the Ford team, a Director of BTRDA overseeing two British Championships and most recently five years as Competition Secretary at the VSCC as well as many other voluntary positions brings a wealth of Motorsport and organisational experience to the Club.

Gemma will take up her duties at the Club Office on February 3rd 2020. We wish her the very best in her new role."

I look forward to working with Gemma going forward.
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Re: Summer Rally and Pre-War Prescott 2020

Post by Ian Grace »

Entries are already building up. As of today, 63 in total including 9 Minors and 3 M Types. And we have 25 entries for Sunday so far. Not bad for this early in the planning.

The entry list can be viewed here as it grows:

And you can enter at:
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Re: Summer Rally and Pre-War Prescott 2020

Post by Ian Grace »

After a highly productive discussion with the Bugatti Owners’ Club this morning, I am very pleased to announce that the date for Pre-War Prescott 2020 is re-scheduled to Saturday 19th September – just over a three-month delay, which will hopefully suffice to get us past the current situation. Our navigation rally and scenic tour will therefore take place on Sunday 20th. Of course, should the entire 2020 motorsport season be lost then we shall postpone again – to Saturday 17th July 2021, but I think the current plan is the best we can do as of now.

There is another benefit to the new date, and that relates to camping. If we had held PWP on Sunday 27th, then camping would have been very difficult as the VSCC's camping arrangements are very different to our own. However, with the date of Saturday 19th, camping arrangements for the weekend will remain as usual, in the Orchard.

For those of you who have already entered, and for our traders and displayers, please let me know if you cannot make the September date and I will arrange a refund. On the other hand, I know that a number of you could not make the June date but may well be able to join us in September. If you have already entered and I don't hear from you, I will assume that the new date works for you.

Clearly, this is an evolving situation and some of you are bound to have questions or concerns. Please e-mail me and I will do my best to help.

In the meantime, if you would like to enter for the new date, but have not already entered for June, please do so at, or return the Entry Form downloadable from that page. (I will update the form with the new date in due course, but for the time being please ignore the June date.)

Thank you all so much for your understanding, messages of encouragement and best wishes already received. I hope I have responded to you all, but apologies if not.
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Re: Summer Rally and Pre-War Prescott 2020

Post by Ian Grace »

The following PWP update was circulated this morning, regarding the postponement of PWP to July 2021:

With the situation changing daily, and in the light of this week’s revised government guidelines spanning the next six months, Pre-War Prescott and our Summer Rally are postponed to the weekend of Saturday 17th July and Sunday 18th 2021. Although Prescott may be open by September (and I sincerely hope so), even by then, I suspect that many of the likely entrants, whose demographic is quite senior, will be leery of any large gathering, regardless of the guidelines in place by then. Right now, our overarching concern must be for everyone’s good health.

In addition, the September weekend already has some unfortunate clashes with both the Kop Hill and Harewood hillclimbs, as well as the race meet at Angouleme, plus some added technical complications of having to share the weekend (and therefore local accommodation, etc.) with the local Rotary Club who are gathering at Prescott over the same weekend in September. On top of this the VSCC Prescott long course event takes place the following Saturday, and may well become their two-day event, as the August date for this may well be in question. I know that many PWP entrants like to attend both events, but may not wish to attend Prescott two weekends in a row.

So could I ask all of you who have entered already to let me know whether you wish me to refund your entry or simply transfer your entry to the new date (and naturally I encourage you to do the latter!). Once the dust has settled on entrants’ collective wishes, I shall be holding a sum against these entries and I plan to pay this sum to the Bugatti Owner’s Club – perhaps in the next four weeks - if I can elicit a response from everyone by then. And for those of you who have already booked tickets for the evening BBQ, I will forward these funds to Ciaran who manages the Clubhouse to help him and his staff through these challenging times. I hope that this will provide some valuable income to the BOC and to the Clubhouse when it is needed the most. I will also pay the balance of the hire Prescott fee and BBQ bookings as soon as I have collected them from additional entries and not wait until the usual 60-days before the event deadline (for the BOC) or the BBQ night (for the Clubhouse).

Also, every entrant’s entry fee contains Ł5 for the RAF Charitable Trust in return for a raffle ticket. I propose to also pay the sum gathered so far to the RAF CT in the next 30 days, as their income will be decimated this year, with the cancellation of the Air Tattoo.

Could I also ask those of you who hold executive, newsletter or webmaster positions in our supporting Clubs and Registers to relay this change of date and change of plans to your respective memberships, so that as many people as possible are aware.

I will be updating the website, entry forms, etc. and I will also add a column to the online entry list for clarity, indicating those who have elected to move their entries to 2021. And I will remove those who elect to cancel. The entry list can be found at

I do hope the above plan is acceptable and not too inconvenient to everyone, as I think it is the best we can hope for in the current circumstances. With any luck, next year’s weekend will be the very best ever, as we celebrate the passing of the storm and much more. I wish all of you and your families and friends, the Bugatti Owners’ Club, the Bugatti Trust, the Clubhouse staff and last but by no means least the indomitable Prescott marshals all the very best as we and look forward to calmer, brighter waters before too long.

If you have any questions or concerns whatsoever, whether or not they relate to Pre-War Prescott or our Summer Rally, please do not hesitate to get in touch.

Please keep an eye open for further e-mails regarding the change of plans in the coming days and weeks, as we work our way through these changes. Needless to say, all other Register activities while continue unabated, including the circulation of Newsletters, website updates, and please don't overlook the Forum which offers an excellent communications platform in the absence of face-to-face meetings. Please share your news for us all to enjoy, in whatever way works best for you.

Finally, I contacted Gemma Price at Prescott yesterday to let her know my decision. Gemma is the new BOC General Manager/Club Secretary, having recently taken over from Chris Rogers, and below is her reply. I would like to add to this by passing on Jayne’s and my sincere thanks for the incredible support and understanding we have received from all of you as we battle through stormy and uncharted waters. Living around 6,000 miles from most of you, your correspondence and messages of support are appreciated beyond words. Thank you, and this evening, our 37th Wedding Anniversary, we shall raise an an indecently large glass to you all around the world to wish you continued health, happiness, prosperity, and we look forward so much to a tremendous reunion in July 2021.

Ian and Jayne

From Gemma Price:

Hi Ian,

Nice to hear from you.

Thanks for letting me know about your decision to postpone, which I obviously totally understand and support.

Also, thank you for the exceptionally kind gesture of still making a payment to the BOC this year. This is astonishingly generous and on behalf of the whole club I thank you sincerely. The funds will make a huge difference to our survival through these challenging times. It will be a very tough year for the Club in many ways, but we plan to use this time to take stock of how we operate and plan to emerge from the crisis stronger and with a clearer sense of direction and purpose.

We will move your deposit into 2021 as requested and I wish you and your family well through the pandemic.

Take care and stay in touch.

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Re: Summer Rally and Pre-War Prescott 2020

Post by Ian Grace »

And this just received from Nick Upton, the new BOC Chairman:

"Dear Ian,

As you would expect your generous offer of providing to our funds competitors entry fees has circulated all members of the council. That is indeed generosity in heaps.

Gemma & I have a council meeting very shortly where we will be presenting our fresh ideas for the 2021 season, together with a budget for the remainder of this year, plus a draft for spring 2021.

Should any events be allowed for this year, it will be September at best.

We are both looking to enliven past events, introduce fresh & ensure in the months ahead the estate is cared for, improved where finances are available, so on the start button, we are off & running.

Again, please thank all your competitors from the BOC.

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Re: Summer Rally and Pre-War Prescott 2020

Post by Ian Grace »

Well, what a summer that was. But now it is time to start really looking forward to 2021 – and the Pre-War Prescott weekend in particular, which is a little more than ten months away. And since this year’s weekend had to be canceled, we are planning an extra special weekend for 2021. The event will, for the first time be a three-day affair, with a pub gathering on Thursday evening and a full day of events in the area on Friday before our traditional Friday evening reception. Full details of Friday’s activities will be announced here shortly, so watch this space. But for the time being, if you are planning to arrive from afar, may we suggest you arrange to arrive on Thursday instead of Friday. You will not be disappointed!

Entries are open and the entry list currently stands at 122, with 283 climbs already allocated. We are working hard to ensure that the queuing for the hill that we experienced at PWP 2019 is not repeated. We are paying for additional Bugatti Owners’ Club marshals in the Paddock (believe me – they are NOT to be messed with!) and we will also be allocating fewer climbs next year. Right now, you can book three climbs (two plus the free one that comes with every entry), but this will be throttled down to one plus the free one very soon now. You have been warned!

As for Prescott itself, the estate has had a torrid year but is just beginning to open up, in a limited fashion, this month. We are very confident that, by next July, all this nonsense will be far behind us and we can once again enjoy the full social side of Prescott that is the hallmark of Pre-War Prescott.

One positive from all of the chaos this year is that much of the preparatory ‘back room’ work for next year’s weekend has already been done, so will will have the time and opportunity to plan a truly memorable weekend across all three days, including a very special Navigation Rally and a parallel Scenic Tour on Saturday.

And stop by here for further updates as plans develop. See you there!
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