Christmas virtual pub meet

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Re: Christmas virtual pub meet

Post by Ian Grace »

Wonderful Simon!

This just in. Thanks and and Kate! VX 4590 looking as good as new. Seen here on the Marlborough Downs near their home last December.

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Re: Christmas virtual pub meet

Post by Ian Grace »

Brian Maeers remembered. Janie Maeers posted this photo of her father this morning.

Brian was an energetic founder member and supporter of the Vintage Minor Register from day 1 - bringing his pair of 1929 tourers (Dorothy and Prudence) to all of our early events, including the very first one in Cambridgeshire in 2001.

He hosted two of our rallies at Manor Farm in deepest Leccestershire, the latter which Jayne and I were able to attend. On an earlier planning visit, we arrived at the farm to find the Stars and Stripes flying in the breeze from his flagpole! He also anchored regular VMR pub meets at the Cock Inn in the village and invariably invited everyone back to the farm for a sumptuous lunch afterwards.

That last rally was the last time we saw Brian - he was diagnosed only a few weeks afterwards. Jayne and I stayed at the farm and his hospitality, and that of Heidi and Janie were legendary. Not only that, but he loaned us one of his tourers for the weekend so we could actually take part. Something we rarely get to do, ad organizers. We will never forget that weekend. Cheers, Brian, wherever you are!

Charles Crisp adds: "Truly one of the best friends that I was so blessed with in my life. He was a true gentleman and he lit a room up with his presence in it. Not only that, his wit and humour, which was legendary, did get me into stitches many times over. I think the two most important and very special things that he gave me was 1) his beautiful family which I love to kingdom come and 2) the bug for pre war Morris Minors. Without him or his knowledge I do not think Valentine Crisp would ever come along. So I am so very grateful and very thankful to him for that."

Heartily seconded, Charles, and we formally remember him every year in the Register when we award the Brian Maeers Wine Cooler to the Register member who has used his car to best effect during the year.

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Re: Christmas virtual pub meet

Post by Ian Grace »

The view from the kitchen window at VMR HQ this morning after an overnight dusting. Looking across at the Cascades with mist cloaking the valley below. The ski resort at the top will be happy this morning. Anyone got any cars in the snow pics?

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Re: Christmas virtual pub meet

Post by Ian Grace »

These New Year wishes arrived this morning from Vincent Dransart in France. Loosely translated, "Do not try to be wise at all costs, madness is also wisdom"!


That's his 1932 D Type, D042 with hood down in the snow. Vincent also owns a 1929 M Type and is a great supporter of Pre-War Prescott, bringing plenty of Champagne in the back of the car every year!
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Re: Christmas virtual pub meet

Post by Ian Grace »

And this just in from John Dixon.

"Wishing a happy new year for all of us. Hope to see you at Prescott in my Minor - 60 years after the following photo was taken at the Clumber Park driving tests, 18th June 1961."

Can anyone else claim to have used and competed in their Minor over a span of sixty years? Not only that, but John has traveled the length and breadth of Europe (and into Russia) in this Minor, which he bought for five pounds as a student!

John also sent across this fascinating article on his Rolls 20 which has graced the hill at PWP in the past. ... p52-59.pdf

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Re: Christmas virtual pub meet

Post by Ian Grace »

And this from Chris Cooke, Chairman of the BSA Front Wheel Drive Club:

"Have good and safe new year. Hopefully we will be allowed to attend some rallies. You might be interested in the attached which I did for the club magazine." ... P Cook.doc
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Re: Christmas virtual pub meet

Post by Ian Grace »

Something to watch on (UK) TV New Year's evening? 7-30 p.m. Channel 4. ... d-walliams
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Re: Christmas virtual pub meet

Post by Ian Grace »

And this from Kev and Melanie Howe:

"2020 What a year.....all the car / motorbike events we look forward to .........cancelled!!!

No catching up with friends, no excitement of getting out in our cars, no trying to navigate unknown roads, no holding onto the car door during Pre-War Prescott in an effort not to get flung out as Kev takes the corners, no feeling sick with apprehension as we try to complete the Beamish Run and get through all the checkpoints before they close, no silently begging the frogeye to go into gear as we ascend Rosedale Chimney during the Eskdale, no looking forward to the Octagon Club tour and, Totally T Type weekends and, for the excuse to put our glad rags on for gala dinners !......what a year.

Hopefully we will all remain safe during 2021 and, fingers crossed for some car events to look forward to so we can all meet up again.....until then.....stay safe, keep in touch and wishing all our special friends a Happy New Year.

Mel and Kev xx"

Good Riddance, But Now What?

By Ogden Nash

Come, children, gather round my knee;
Something is about to be.
Tonight’s December thirty-first,
Something is about to burst.
The clock is crouching, dark and small,
Like a time bomb in the hall.
Hark! It’s midnight, children dear.
Duck! Here comes another year.
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Re: Christmas virtual pub meet

Post by Ian Grace »

From Roger and Inka Burnett in Spain this morning:

"We got a VMR subs reminder letter yesterday - I can’t imagine not renewing so you can save yourself the expense in future!

We send our very best wishes to all VMR members for a Happier, Far Healthier and Peaceful New Year.

With our love

Roger & Inka"

Thanks Roger!
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Re: Christmas virtual pub meet

Post by Ian Grace »

I can't believe another year has slipped by - it's been a hectic year at VMR HQ for reasons everyone knows. But now it's time to wish everyone a wonderful, safe and healthy Christmas and Jayne and i raise a virtual festive glass to one and all.

As mentioned elsewhere, the Autumn Magazine was horribly late and is currently at the printers - it should be the Winter issue! That is currently well under way but won't get to the printers until the New Year. So, to provide a good Christmas read, I will be e-mailing the Print Proof of M 179 to everyone before Christmas.

Please post your Christmas wishes and news here - cheers!

Ian & Jayne
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Re: Christmas virtual pub meet

Post by Ian Grace »

Christmas wishes and the print proof copy of M 179 distributed electrically in the last couple of days to everyone. if you did not receive your copies, please let me know.

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Re: Christmas virtual pub meet

Post by Ian Grace »

Magazine M 179 is now in the post to everyone and should be arriving imminently - if not already.

5 a.m. here in Seattle - off to Kentucky today to spend Christmas and new year with our family. Here's to a wonderful Christmas for everyone.

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Re: Christmas virtual pub meet

Post by Ian Grace »

Here's raising a virtual glass to everyone for Christmas 2022!

Jayne and I are heading to the cottage near Ludlow, Herefordshire on the 16th, to spend a couple of weeks in England - our first English Christmas for nearly thirty years.

Among much else, I am looking forward to getting the fabric saloon out and about, including the New Year's Day pub meet at the New inn, Pembridge, and also getting the head off the Semi-sports to sort the vertical drive. Also, the Semi-sports lost the driver's side floorboard while being trailered back in the summer, so I'm bringing a replacement in my luggage. I'll screw them down this time!

Right now, I'm assembling the December Newsletter - always a bumper issue as it is the last of the year. The Autumn Magazine is ready to be posted any day from Swindon, the Winter issue is well under way and i hope to get it out by the end of January, and of course the massive task of planning the Summer rally and Pre-War Prescott is well under way. We are hoping to be able to complete drafting both the Friday and Sunday routes in the next couple of weeks so we can test drive them over Christmas.

But for now, Jayne and I wish one and all a very merry Christmas, and a healthy and very prosperous New Year.

Please pop in here for a virtual pint and share all your news.
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Re: Christmas virtual pub meet

Post by Ian Grace »

Winter came early here this week in the Pacific Northwest. Now the storm has passed, this is the scene from the kitchen window this morning.

I wonder whether we will have a white Christmas in Herefordshire?! We arrive two weeks today.

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Re: Christmas virtual pub meet

Post by Ian Grace »

Last few days before we fly to London on Friday, arriving Saturday morning. Monitoring the snow closely as I want to use the fabric saloon over Christmas, but not if there is salt on the roads. Hopefully it will have washed away by New Year's Day at lease so we can take it to the New Inn at Pembridge.

If anyone else is out and about on New Year's Day, please take your camera and send in some pics for the Newsletter.

I'm taking my laptop with the draft January Newsletter on it and plan to launch the Newsletter before we return on the 2nd.
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