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Saloon help needed

Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2010 1:43 am
by Ian Grace
New member Peter Rowley over here in the US needs some info to help him finish his SV saloon body - see below.

He writes:

"I am trying to repair the doors on the Minor and the bottoms have rotted out due to rust.I believe the bottoms ( and sides) have a strip of steel nailed to the frame and the door skin is bent round it. Can you tell me how far below the edge of the wooden frame that the steel protrudes before the skin is bent round it?. Also, can I get new rubber channels to take the sliding glass for the doors? I also need a pattern for the rear side windows ( paper will do) as I can get the glass cut locally. Is the rubber for the glass still available as all mine have become brittle and perished? One last thing, There seems to be a locking device for the sliding windows, do you have a picture of this as they are both very rusted and broken.I could possibly rig something up if I knew how they worked. Apart from all this everything seems to be going well,I have made new tops for the rear side windows and are ready to weld them in."

I will forward answers posted here. Can anyone post an image of the late/SV pattern window locks here - the wheel type, not the early lever and cam. Better still - does anyone have some spares? He should need four sets.


Re: Saloon help needed

Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2010 11:48 am
by Toby
I believe seals are available, maybe woolies etc, but certainly start with just down the road from here. I can measure doors but my saloon is much later...?