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Barbara Skinner

Posted: Mon Feb 23, 2009 8:07 pm
by Ian Grace
This from Annabelle Swain over the weekend. (Annabelle is the daughter of the other Barbara Skinner and his wife John Bolster and highly accomplished hillclimber with the White Minor and the flatnose special 'Smoky'.) Annabelle is an Honorary Member of the Register, and I have sent condolences on behalf of all of us.

Dear Ian,

It is with deep regret that I write to tell you of the death of my cousin, Barbara Skinner who was the daughter of Peter (who drove the Red
Minor, later the Triangle Special) and the grand daughter of Carl Skinner of SU fame. She had only recently returned from the wedding of her daughter in Perth and was excited about emailing me with photos of the wedding. She lived in Adelaide and was considerably younger than me. Barbara was found by a neighbour having died in her sleep and guarded by her dog. Barbara had given me many photos of her father and my mother (her aunt)
taken by her mother at various hill climbs and some interesting newspaper cuttings when I visited her a few years ago.