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Fabric saloon reference pictures

Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2008 10:32 pm
by halbe
Hello everybody,

As I'm going to restore VG2007 I'll take lots of pictures .
Is there an interest in a cd-rom with reference pictures of my car .
It seems that she was never restored before ,so it might be a good opportunity to take some pictures.
Please let me know if there is an interest, and maybe an idea on how to do this .


Re: Fabric saloon reference pictures

Posted: Wed Jan 23, 2008 7:26 am
by chris lambert
There is definitely a need for an image reference library for use by future restorers of our cars. The whole process though is a potential minefield. If your car is to be used as a reference point, its originality needs to be established beyond any doubt to ensure accuracy. In other words we need to have a second reference point. It is unlikely that there is another surviving car against which to make this comparison but there may be surviving documentation in the form of period brochures etc, although in lots of cases the images in these publications are artists impressions and not actual photos.
In my humble opinion, the car looks pretty well untouched but there are far more knowledgeable pairs of eyes out there than mine. My view is that you take as many images as possible of all of the cars features and post a selecction onto the forum for comment from the experts. For example, the positioning of items attached to the firewall, wiring routing, floorboard shapes, door trim detail, etc, etc. From the feedback received it should be possible to assess its originality.
As to the actual process of restoration and recording, I will leave that to others far better qualified than I, other than to say retain samples of materials used (despite their apparent state of delapidation) again as a reference point for future restorations.
Having a CD rom available to assist with future restorations will be a fantastic aid. Most of us have 'stumbled around in the dark' when restoring our cars, this would help enormously.
PS What an historic Aston you own. From our conversations whilst you were over, Mr. Emsley Carr was a bit of a lad as well as the owner of the News Of the World!! :wink:

Re: Fabric saloon reference pictures

Posted: Wed Jan 23, 2008 9:11 am
by halbe
Good morning Chris,

My idea is that I'll take the photo's and put them on a cd.
Than it's a good idea to let the experts (as a newcomer I'm not ) have a copy of the cd and make a selection.
They are allways welcome to come and have a look at VG .
I don't pretend to have the most original minor , but I think it's a good idea to document unrestored cars.
Let's just find a format for the photo's , but not say that this material is the only "original" material out there.
So much has been lost over the last 80 odd years , let's just record what is still here and let the experts argue about what is right or wrong.
Would make a nice new subject on the forum!!.


Re: Fabric saloon reference pictures

Posted: Wed Jan 23, 2008 8:37 pm
by ashford
On the subject of fabric saloons, I just did a quick web search for morris images on the web and found a few nice period shots on this site including a ohc fabric saloon EC8822 and a four seat tourer 21-3914 which may be a Poland number.

I think it's an excellent idea to take as many pictures of Halbes very original looking saloon. As with old buildings, sometimes its the non original but period details that are also interesting and important to preserve.

Re: Fabric saloon reference pictures

Posted: Wed Jan 23, 2008 8:47 pm
by Ian Grace
Funnily enough, these two pics are in M 130 Correspondence - sent to me by Dave Whittle!

Re: Fabric saloon reference pictures

Posted: Wed Jan 23, 2008 8:48 pm
by Ian Grace
I'll similarly be taking plenty of reference photos of my Mac, plus I will take complete measurements and patterns of the ash frame - in case anyone wants to build one.