KR 5670

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Re: KR 5670

Post by Ian Grace »

That's a very good point too, Simon! One interesting find was the method of attachment of the body to the chassis. Upon lifting the original red carpet in the front, the body is bolted to the chassis with hex head bolts - not the usual coachbolts, and with square washers about 1" square with their four corners bent down to grip into the wood. Or in this case, into the lino that covers the sills in front of the front seats. This I would imagine was the preferred method at Maltbys, and they apparently didn't bother to lift the lino before bolting the body down.

Also, there is no body number evident under the rear seat, and in fact the cross timber that usually has the body number stamped into it on Minor saloons is much narrower than any I have seen on a Minor saloon body - being only about an inch or so wide, and therefore not wide enough to have a number stamped into it. What we don't know (or at least I don't know!) is where the Hornet bodies were built. Were they pure Minor bodies built at Cowley and diverted to Birmingham to be bolted onto Hornet chassis at Adderley Park? Or were they built by Wolseley to Morris drawings? I will be carefully removing one of the Maltby threshold plates to see what lurks underneath on the original threshold plate - Morris or Wolseley.
ian judd
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Re: KR 5670

Post by ian judd »

A slight diversion here... because of the different chassis lengths the frame angles must be a little different. Does this mean that SWB and LWB Minor front axles are not interchangable?

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Re: KR 5670

Post by peterb »

The 1932 Morris Part No. for the front axle on both the SWB OHV Minor and Family 8 LWB is the same - 36052.
It's also the same part no. for the 1934 SWB and the LWB Minor.
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Re: KR 5670

Post by Ian Grace »

Well, Simon's hunch was absolutely spot on!


Under the Maltby threshold plate is WOLSELEY!!!

So this IS a Hornet body, Hornet bodies ARE identical to Minor bodies, and they DO fit exactly on SWB chassis! And the mustard-coloured superstructure was painted by Wolseleys - as with most - if not all - of the early Hornet saloons and fabric saloons.

It must have been that someone had a Hornet saloon, wanted Maltby to fit a sporting body, traded in the salon body, then Maltbys bought a (cheaper) Minor chassis and registered it locally as KR 5670.

This bring to an end the enigma that has surrounded this car for very many years. And I guess this has to be the best-preserved Hornet saloon body in existence.
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Re: KR 5670

Post by Ian Grace »

And it also makes sense that Maltbys would have fitted their coachbuilder's plates, even thought they didn't build the coachwork, simply to cover up the Wolseley lettering - 'cos it isn't a Wolseley!
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Re: KR 5670

Post by Ian Grace »

Just ordered eight 4.50 x 19" inner tubes so that I can get both the saloon and the McEvoy mobile this weekend. None of the inner tubes on either car would pump up as they had both been standing for decades. I have never tried to fit an inner tube with the tyre in situ, and as I have eight to do, does anyone have any hints and tips or do's and don't's?
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Re: KR 5670

Post by Toby »

don't! I've never had much success putting tubes in old tyres and rusty rims, tyres are too hard to come off the rim and rust punctures the tube :( Good luck though, slippy stuff suitable for rubber would be a good idea to assist easing tyre over rim. I am going to approach the local tyre fitters to see about getting some old tyres and rims re-tubed, rims need painting anyway so not fussed about damage to finish.
if it's got wheels or chips - it'll cost you dear
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Re: KR 5670

Post by Ian Grace »


I should have added that this is simply an expedient to get the cars mobile - i.e. so I can push them in, out and around the garage. Right now they are stuck solid exactly where we shoved them off the trailer after the container arrived in the spring, so I can't get the garage organized and it is difficult to get around the cars to do any work on them.

Right now I have the two Minors, the body off Debbie Borman's Hundred Pound Minor and a completely dismantled Piper Colt, plus a Mirror dinghy on its trailer in the garage, and I have to shoehorn the Tiger Moth in there somewhere this Saturday! So I'm taking tomorrow to get the tubes in the tyres and get the two cars mobile, shifting the Colt and the Mirror to the lean-to and then painting the rest of the garage floor with concrete paint (I have painted around the fabric saloon!) before Saturday. The Tiger will be on it wheels, so the fuselage will be easily moved around, and then I'll have the first of the four wings up on trestles to be stripped of fabric and inspected/repaired as needed. I'll post some shots of the Tiger's arrival on the N5490 thread over the weekend.

My next objective for KR 5670, after getting it mobile, is to source a battery over here for it. I can get an MGB battery, but I really need something more heavy duty, and I'm not sure that is going to be easy to source. Then, once I can push her out of the garage, I can get serious about preparing the engine for firing up - draining and flushing the black treacle from the fuel tank, removing the sump and cleaning all that out, then checking out all the electrics – it still has all its original wiring.
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Re: KR 5670

Post by Jpallis001 »

Hi Ian - I had similar experience to Toby when attempting to fit new tubes to old tyres: loads of washing up liquid; loads of {long} tyre levers; big pair of boots (used vice {wood jaws} and boots to break seal); loads ot time = minimal success.

I discovered that none of my local (car) tyre fitters had machines that would handle the 'thin' 19" rims. However, the local motorcycle shop fitted them for not a lot of money and they have kept pressure for 10 months.

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Re: KR 5670

Post by Ian Grace »

Hi John,

The motorcycle place in town where I'm picking up the inner tubes (I'm just waiting for their call to tell me they have them in delivered) said they could fit them if need be. But I'd need to take them in two wheels at a time (unless I put both cars up on bricks!) which would take most of next week. I'm hoping to be able to get them sorted tommorrow. I'll let you know how that plan works out!
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Re: KR 5670

Post by Simon »


I think that the 404/19 plate battery from Lincon in the UK is in fact the same as that fitted to the early 6v VW beetles which you should be able to get in the USA. The MGB battery is not realy man enough and a bit of a waste of time.

As your tubes are shot is it possible for you to get what is left of your tubes filled with foam as they do for contractors plant - try a plant hire company.
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Re: KR 5670

Post by Ian Grace »


Ah yes - I had forgotten that the Beetle had a 6V battery - I used to have a 1963 Bug. Should have remembered. There's plenty of old Beetles around here.

I'll be trying to sort out the tyres today - the inner tubes that were supposed to be delivered to the bike shop at 4 pm yesterday didn't materialize.
ian judd
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Re: KR 5670

Post by ian judd »

Ian, have you thought of using 'car skates'? They fit under the wheels and have casters so the car can be pushed in any direction including sideways - just the thing for a crowded garage!

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Re: KR 5670

Post by Ian Grace »


Yes, that would be another possibility - my son actually suggested it too!

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Re: KR 5670

Post by Ronald »

Ian, i have a set of car skates.......... they're fine so long as the surface you're pushing the car on is smooth........... and i mean SMOOTH..... my concrete garage floor isn;t flat enough, and it becomes very hard work!!!!!!!!!!!
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