Signing off until next week

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Ian Grace
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Signing off until next week

Post by Ian Grace »

Hi guys,

Signing off until next week - off to New York at some ungodly hour in the morning and then setting sail for Blighty aboard QM2 Thursday, in tandem with QE2 on her 806th and final transatlantic crossing. Flying back to Seattle next Wednesday.

Cheers for now,

Ian Grace
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Re: Signing off until next week

Post by Ian Grace »

... and signing on again - from the computer centre aboard the QM2. Departed New York last night with QE2 and great fanfare. First sea day today - QE2 about half a mile off port side. Saw dolphins this morning on the other side. Plenty to eat and drink. :D Thinking of you all! Will check in again later in the week.
Ian Grace
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Re: Signing off until next week

Post by Ian Grace »

Hi Guys,

Just got back last night after a 10 hour flight direct Heathrow to Seattle. With the time differences of the last week - three hours to New York, then an hour each day on the crossing (making 23 hour days) and then 8 hours back the other way yesterday, I'm not at all sure what time my body is on, but I did manage to get to the office this morning! I'll catch up on the rest of the Forum today and tomorrow - looking forward to getting creacking again.

The trip with the QE2 was amazing and historic. The departure of the two Queens from New York was unforgetable and on Tuesday afternioon - about 150 miles southwest of Ireland, the two ships came very close together (after being about 1 to 2 miles apart for the rest of the crossing) and there was much deafening whistle blowing and cheering from both ships - and all in the middle of nowhere as the QE2 flew her paying off pennant - 40 feet long - one foot for every year of service. Very sad that the grand old lady will very soon be laid up for good -in Dubai of all places. She will never be the same again - they are going to remove much of her equipment, including her engines, to get more hotel rooms in, and they are even going to slice off her iconic funnel and put it on the quayside and then replace it with a fabulously expensive penthouse suite!

Looking forward to reading all your news,

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