Assistance required

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Ian Grace
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Assistance required

Post by Ian Grace »

Just before Christmas, I was tracking down a Minor that turns up occasionally at the New Forest pub meet. I got in touch with the organizer, Dean Reader who put me on to the owner. It turns out that Dean is a freelance motoring writer and he is working on an article on Minor vans for a commercial vehicle publication. He asked me if I could help. I trawled through the archives and found several articles on Minor vans that have been published in past VMR Magazines and sent them to him, along with a number of photos. He asked for further data including production information, etc. and I told him that I would get back to him with more as soon I could.

This morning I received the following from Dean:

Ok I get the message. Unless you come back with a bonafide reason, then I am presuming that you, and representing your club are not going to help me. Not a very good advert for your club is it?

Right now I'm trying to get the January Newsletter out, write M 149 and get the summer rallies organized. Since I'm a bit pushed for time, perhaps one of you could draft me a suitable reply to send to Dean? :wink:
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Re: Assistance required

Post by sv4670 »

My initial reaction would be to tell him to get knotted and he should not to publish any of the information that was previously sent to him.
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Re: Assistance required

Post by martinng »

Ian, this Dean does seem to be a rather discourteous person - maybe under pressure of publishing deadlines!!
What exactly is the help that is needed to produce production information?
If it is looking through the genome or something simple then I could do that, but I have broadly similar sentiments to sv4670.
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Re: Assistance required

Post by halbe »

Hello Ian,

I rather doubt that this person would be an asset to the VMR so my sugestion would be to ignore his answer and not sent him a reply.

Mike Norrey
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Re: Assistance required

Post by Mike Norrey »

My feeling is that Dean would not be the sort of person that VMR would wish to deal with, especially with valuable VMR material.
I suspect VMR would not have any control on what he decides to publish.
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