RT 8431

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Re: RT 8431

Post by mowersman »

Well, I haven't been on here in quite a while... Sorry, I haven't done a lot on RT as other projects have gotten in the way mainly getting my land rover ready for the road, along with school work and searching for an apprenticeship.
Not a huge amount has happened with RT, However, we've had the dynamo recondition, and its better, but still not exactly right, as we suspect its been wired up wrong internally ( Half charge resistance in series with the field) but it does charge now. The engine was still very lacking in power, so we took it to a local engine specialist, who rebuilt the carb which was completely worn out as well as setting the ignition timing properly and tightening up a head nut that "someone" had missed :oops: .
Things are a lot better now, though there are still a few things that are going to need doing before the next MOT, as the brake hoses are looking a bit past there best, as is one of the tyres. Dad is starting to do the occasional bit of work on the interior, gluing the leather back onto the seats etc, so RT is starting to look better. I'm hoping to borrow the carpet out of Nigel Tuckers Sports coupe at some point so that we can use it as a pattern to make one. Then a little bit of touching up of the paint at it will be looking fabulous.
There are a few other jobs to do, the near side water jacket cover plate needs replacing, as the off side one rusted through, so we bought a replacement pair, but I've only fitted one for the time being. One of the holes that holds the fan mounting and cooling water outlet onto the head needs helicoiling as I can feel the thread stripping and can't tighten it up enough to get a good seal. Could also do with an oil change now that it has done a few miles. I'll see if I can get some more pictures, as this thread is a bit lacking in that department.
I'm sure I've done more, but can't remember what!
Ian Grace
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Re: RT 8431

Post by Ian Grace »

Hi Andrew,

Many thanks for the update - all very interesting. This all bodes very well for the coming season. We're buried in snow here in Seattle today, which is a rare event, but know that spring is now not far off, and I can't wait to get the fabric saloon out and get it fired up. Reading about others' activity here is an inspiration and encouragement to the rest of us.

Yes, let's have some pictures of the car - it's a rare model so the more photos the better.
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