IA 9142

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Moderators: Ian Grace, Will Grace

Ian Grace
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Re: IA 9142

Post by Ian Grace »

You have it Alistair.

With that degree of preparation, I'd say your chances of failure are ... remote!
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Re: IA 9142

Post by alib »

Thanks for your words of encouragement Ian. I think we are now in the hands of the metallurgy gods. Will keep you posted.
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Joined: Sat Dec 26, 2020 10:14 pm

Re: IA 9142

Post by alib »

Today in work the welder managed to TIG the two pieces back together. He was surprised how well the weld took to the 90 year old casting. My jigging did the trick and we maintained alignment. I now need to carry out some dressing of the repair, as well as reinstating the grease point. The original grease nipple was right on the fracture line, and has been lost in the welding process

Ian Grace
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Re: IA 9142

Post by Ian Grace »

Outstanding Alistair! You have saved a particularly rare part.
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