John Wrigley

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Ian Grace
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John Wrigley

Post by Ian Grace »

I just obtained a fascinating article written in 1950 by John Wrigley entitled 'Why I like my Side-Valve Minor' and so pre-dates his Hounslow Minor emporium. It recounts his experiences with his 1933 SV Minor (UF 8293), which was clearly his first Minor at the time. He describes the car and discusses various small mods. that he made to it. He recounts that he bought the car very cheaply in 1948 from a friend who was going to Africa.

So it must have been UF 8293 that started John on his Minor career.

The Editor's intro. is also of great interest:

'Believing that there is something of interest in any car, providing the right things are done to it, we asked John Wrigley what he saw in the sidevalve Morris Minor that prompted him to start a Register for them.'

A Register for Minors sixty years ago? Unfortunately, John makes no reference to his Register in the article.

A check of DVLA indicates that UF 8293 is not currently computerized. The article will appear in the Yearbook.
Ian Grace
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Re: John Wrigley

Post by Ian Grace »

I have just created a John Wrigley archive page in the Members' Area of the website, to act as a repository for information and articles on John as well as his own publications.

It contains three editions of his spares catalogue - the first priced at 6d., the second cost 9d., and then there is a posh printed edition dated November 1956 (not priced). There are also John's notes on Bowden cable brake conversions and some useful maintenance notes, as well as some details of his Minors.

if anyone else has any further material on John, please get in touch. Thanks.
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