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Crankshaft Thrust Washers

Posted: Mon May 03, 2010 6:04 pm
by D Johnson
I am currently fitting a new crank into an OHV Morris engine and have measured the fount crankshaft thrust washer and have found the end float to be about 20tho. What does the thrush washer do as the end float of the crank is taken up by the ball bearing at the front of the crank? How do I reduce the end float on the thrush washers?

Thanks for any help


Re: Crankshaft Thrust Washers

Posted: Mon May 03, 2010 6:16 pm
by Ian Grace
Hello David,

The correct crank end float should be just 3 thou clearance at the thrust washer and is set up with shims which are available from Mike Dowley. I think the idea is to not use the bearing to control end float - wouldn't it change as the bearing wears? I hope this helps.