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Posts: 489
Joined: Fri Nov 24, 2006 12:52 am


Post by Highlander »

Ian, I have tried to contact you via 'The Register' but my e.mails do not get sent. I have had Barry Henderson round today with his 1932 two seater. I asked Barry to join the VMR and he did and I think I had £5 knocked off my subs. I askjed Barry what he thought of the VMR and he said he has not received any thing since he joined and is pretty pissed off!! Can you check this out please as have had nothing but good since joining. Highlander (Alister Reid)
Ian Grace
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Re: Membership

Post by Ian Grace »


Sackcloth and ashes department here. Looks like Barry was signed up as member number 328 in February 2009 and paid his subs. But for some reason his subs payment wan't recorded, so his address wasn't added to the label list for the Magazine. I also don't have an e-mail address for Barry, so can't send him the monthly Newsletters.

Please pass on my sincere apologies to Barry - I will send him a copy of M 134 post haste and if he would like to contact me by e-mail, I can add him to the Newsletter addresse list.
Posts: 489
Joined: Fri Nov 24, 2006 12:52 am

Re: Membership

Post by Highlander »

Ian, Thank you. I am not sure if Barry is on e.mail. I will ring him now and tell him the news!! He is a good ' hands on man'. Highlander. PS I have just rung Barry and he is not on e.mail. His Address is :- 26, Idiston Road, West Norwood, London. SE27 9HG. Tele 0208 670 5864 PPS. On the Register page you have a contact address i.e. click here. Up come a box like a reply to an e.mail. Type message and send but nothing happens. Up comes all sorts including POP 3 etc. Is it me or are there others trying to become members having the same trouble? Have bought a new 6v battery from Lincon under £70 delivered.
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