Small world

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Ian Grace
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Small world

Post by Ian Grace »

Here's an interesting story that is developing.

This afternoon I was contacted by a chap in Canada whose parents will be celebrating their Golden Wedding Anniversary in England at the end of May. When his parents were first married in 1960, they owned a 1933 Morris Minor, and their son asks if, by any chance, the car has survived, and if so, might a reunion be possible in May.

The Register receives enquiries on a more or less weekly basis about Minors that were owned in the past, but almost invariably, the news is not good - their cars being lost in the mists of time.

Well, this case is different. Not only does the car survive, but it is in running order. And the owner shares the same surname!

Contacts and connections are being made across the Atlantic - so stand by for further news.
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Re: Small world

Post by Ian Grace »

Contact made. Ian Holland in Canada is now in contact with Clive Holland in England, and his 1933 Minor ANO 17 which, happily, is in perfect running order. A reunion will now be arranged. More news as the story develops.

A great result for the Register.

Here is Ian Holland's e-mail:

"Hello Ian,

I was most surprised to receive a response so quickly, and delighted to hear the news that you provided regarding the car. I wasn't entirely surprised to learn that the car was still around, as my parents had taken some steps to locate the car about 10 years ago. At that time they were interested in purchasing the car, but I don't think that the owner was prepared to sell. I don't recall if they actually got to meet the owner or see the car at that time, but I'm quite certain that it wasn't owned by someone with the same surname, when they tracked it down.

I don't believe that the current owner is related to us, although we don't have a lot of family history on my father's side. I think my father was only 4 years old when his father died. In any case, the coincidence of having past and present owners called Holland already has me hopeful that a reunion of sorts could be arranged.

My parents (Anne & Geoff Holland) currently live in Parksville, on Vancouver Island. Just a few hours up the coast (and a ferry ride) from Seattle. They've been on the west coast for about 8 or 9 years, since my Dad retired. I live in Ottawa with my family, and my brother lives here also, with his family. We've been in Ottawa since 1969, so have spent most of our lives here. Ottawa is where my parent's moved to after arriving in Montreal in 1967. All of us were born in the UK. We lived in London, and then Wallingford (just south of Oxford). My Dad was in the Navy before he got married, and my grandparents lived on the Isle of Wight for several years, so we've some legitimate connections with the south coast. It's possible that my Dad bought the Morris Minor in Portsmouth or Southampton.

My parents have decided to celebrate their 50th anniversary with as many of their relatives and old friends as possible, so they decided to have a party in the UK. That means there'll be 11 of us in total, traveling to the UK for this anniversary celebration party to be held in early June. I want to try and arrange some nice, unexpected surprises for their anniversary, and felt that tracking down their old car would be a treasure, especially if there was the chance of them getting to see it or possibly ride in it.

I'm sure that my parents have some old photos of the car, but I'm reluctant to ask them about it in the next couple of months, as it might tip off any potential surprise. If things go well over the next few months, and we are able to contact and arrange something with the current owner, then I'll keep in touch with you and send you some old and new photos of the car. By the way, my parents called the car 'Anobel', or 'Ano-belle', when they owned it, in reference to the registration.

I really appreciate your interest in this cause, and your offer of assistance in contacting the current owner. Hopefully, he'll appreciate the odd coincidence of the owner surnames, and may be interested in speaking with my parents to learn some of the history of the car, from the period when they owned it. I'm certainly looking forward to the opportunity to learn more, and for the possibility of seeing the car. I believe that I rode in it as an infant.

I look forward to hearing from you again soon.


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Re: Small world

Post by Ian Grace »

But this one appears, like so many, to have got away.

"Dear Sirs, I had this car in 1958 in the Liverpool area and wondered if you have any record of it still being in existance? I am now a member of the Range Rover Register and have a wonderful classic. This photo was taken near to my home in Maghull near Liverpool in 1958. That was the year when I bought the car for £35. It was my first car and as I did not know how things worked, I took it all to pieces to find out. I was guided by some engineering friends who knew a lot about motor cars and in a way, it helped me complete my engineering apprenticeship. The car never broke down and was an excellent introduction to motoring. If the car ever does come to light, then it can be recognised by the fact that the chassis is painted with green lead paint in an effort to preserve it. Every good wish, John, now living in Codsall, Staffs."

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Re: Small world

Post by Highlander »

Ian, These letters have been worth the joining fee. Keep up the good work. Highlander (53 years married!!)
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Re: Small world

Post by Ian Grace »

Thanks, Alister. It was well worth spending an hour or so on international calls to Canada and the UK over the weekend to set this up.

Interestingly, Parksville is only about 20 miles up the coast from Nanaimo, Vancouver Island - one of my favourite spots in this neck of the woods. Once Ian's parents are in on the surprise, I'll pay them a visit. Sometimes it pays to live in Seattle!
Ian Grace
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Re: Small world

Post by Ian Grace »

Ian Holland in Ottawa has managed to obtain photos of his parents' Minor - to be the star of the abovementioned reunion in June.

Here is one of them:

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Re: Small world

Post by Ian Grace »

So the deed is done!

This from Ian Holland this morning:

"I thought that you might like to see the recent newspaper article that appeared in today's (Wed, June 23) local Ottawa Citizen newspaper. The author lives in my neighbourhood, and I sent him a note on Monday morning to see what he thought of the Anobelle story. He replied almost immediately, and came to my house on Monday evening to get the facts. On Tuesday morning my parents were interviewed, and the writer also called Clive Holland for his input." ... story.html

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Re: Small world

Post by Highlander »

A wonderful story and just goes to show what a super Club we all belong. Molly and I have got 54 years under our belt and we know what tension a 50th Wedding Anniversary can become and something like seeing again the car you owned 50 years ago suddenly appear would make anyones day. Dont the couple look happy. I wonder what the motor cycle is on the end of the line? Remeber the droop snoops? Highlander, with a tear in his eye.
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