New Year Greetings

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New Year Greetings

Post by Highlander »

Highlander would like to wish everyone in the Vintage Minor Register a very Happy and Healthy New Year. I am having my first drink of the day 4.25pm a very large Laphroaig with Ginger wine and ice - the finest way to get rid of a bottle of single malt I do not like!!!!! May I add Kenneth Cox of Huntley, Aberdeenshire, to my wishes - Kenneth I am just down the road at Longside/Crimond area (aunts, uncles and 45 cousins) and I know you are all snowed up at the moment. I would have rung but I have forgotten the password again, if you read this I am 0208 393 6732. (Epsom, Surrey) I have today solved my non charging problem. My T model ford man came and helped this morning armed with gadgets and qickly found out that the fuse conection on the cut out was not working. On examination this clip was very badly corroded (one of the two clips that ho;ld the fuse). I undid all the wires and took the cut out off. The underside of this clip had been shorting for years and inside was all badly worn. To get me out of trouble (Brooklands tomorrow) I drilled the underside of the clip and carefully took everything apart. I used a small (2BA?)nut and bolt through the clip and got everything back in line. The fuse did not fit very well as one side was too short so I wound fuse wire round one end like a coil and thbis fitted 100%. All back together and working (and charging!!) A very good end of the year. Looking forward to Brooklands. Forecast not too good but I will be there. Make yourself known to me and share a glass. Alister Reid, Highlander.
Ian Grace
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Re: New Year Greetings

Post by Ian Grace »


Cheers from Seattle - we will be celebrating New Year 8 hours after you!

Please take your camera to Brooklands tomorrow and get some pics of your Minor and any others plus their owners for the Magazine/website.

I'll e-mail you re the password and Ken's contact details - I haven't updated the online members' list with his details yet.
Mike Stubbings
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Re: Brooklands New Years Day.

Post by Mike Stubbings »

Hi All,

Happy New Year to you all.

I read Highlanders message yesterday and decided whatever the weather I would go to Brooklands early and try to
put a face to a name. After a very enjoyable New Years Eve and getting to bed rather late or maybe early whichever way you look at it I woke to a beautiful sunny morning and after a quick cuppa we were off to Brooklands. Almost on arrival saw a lovely Minor and found myself face to face with Highlander. We had a great chat for about an hour in which time we pulled most of the upholstery out of his Minor and rearranged it.. He has a shelf in the back of his which takes the sidescreens. Very neat arrangement, does anyone else have this fitment?.

Hi, Alister, Glad we decided to get down to Brooklands and catch up with you. Thoroughly enjoyed our chat and meeting up with you and your brother. Went back to look for you later (made the hill but not in good time)but you had left.Something I wanted to ask you,will ring you in near future.Pass my Good Wishes for 2010 to all those friends and relatives of yours north of the border who are struggling with the weather at the moment.

Alister,s Minor was the only one I saw there today, I have some photo,s which I am unable to send as I do not know how to put them on. I will though send them to Ian. Good luck all for the coming year. Mike.
Ian Grace
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Re: New Year Greetings

Post by Ian Grace »

Hi Mike,

Congrats on making it to Brooklands - always an incredible place to visit, but particularly so on New Year's Day.

Yes, please e-mail the pics and I will upload them. Many thanks, and a Happy New Year to one and all!
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