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Membership stats

Posted: Tue Dec 15, 2009 11:34 pm
by Ian Grace
Just completed a 100% membership review in anticipation of including the 2010 subs renewals with M 134.

We have 221 members, of which 8 are Honorary members, 1 has paid subs to M 135, 5 have paid to M 136, 5 have paid to the end of 2010, and just 3 are currently delinquent with subs and are being chased. (So 220 Magazines will be posted - not including my own.)

So the exercise - started a year ago - to bring everyone's subs into line with the year end rather than annual renewals from their joining dates is all but complete. This will greatly simplify the 2010 subs tracking process - so a BIG thank you to everyone who helped bring this about - good job guys! 8)

Re: Membership stats

Posted: Wed Dec 16, 2009 6:29 pm
by Ian Grace
Just uploaded the latest versions of the Membership List and the Chassis Register to the Members' Area of the website. As always, please check for errors and omissions, and let me know if you find any - particularly e-mail addresses!

On my 'To Do' list for the Christmas holiday is to continue to hyperlink photos of members' cars to the Membership List (they are already hyperlinked to the Chassis Register). So if anyone would like to submit an updated photo of their car, I'd be happy to uploaed it to the website.