Christmas virtual pub meet

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Re: Christmas virtual pub meet

Post by Ian Grace »

Blimey, it's quiet in this pub this year!

Maybe we can meet in some numbers on New Year's Day? Although I will probably turn up late - given that I'm 8 hours or more behind most of you! Anyway, why not pop in and wish everyone all the very best for 2013?

So, who is going where on New Year's Day? Anyone planning to visit the Crooked Billet in Wokingham? If anyone is out and about anywhere -PLEASE TAKE PICTURES!

On another topic, this virtual pub would make a great place to air any thoughts on how we can make the Register better and more active in 2013 - any ideas out there?

Your very good health!

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Re: Christmas virtual pub meet

Post by Ian Grace »

Last day of the year here in Seattle. Glorious sunny day but sharp frost and ice on the water. Got everything out of the garage to give the floor a bloody good clean before painting it. Jayne is working today, but I'll get everything back in the garage this afternoon, pick her up and have a quiet New Year - probably watch the ball drop in Times Square NY on TV at 9 pm our time and get an early night, as we're both off tomorrow and don't want to be dog tired on our last day off before the daily grind starts all over again.

Hope to see you all on the forum tomorrow.

Bottoms up.
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Re: Christmas virtual pub meet

Post by plj »

Happy New Year Ian,

I'm hoping to get to Brooklands in the M8 Tourer tomorrow so will post you some pictures.


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Re: Christmas virtual pub meet

Post by Ian Grace »

Good luck Philip, and thanks. What is the wx forecast for tomorrow? Hood down weather I hope!
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Re: Christmas virtual pub meet

Post by Ian Grace »

Three hours to go to 2013 here in Seattle. I'm wearing an old VMR sweatshirt today which is embroidered '1928-2003'. Ten years ago we had about forty sweatshirts made and some had '1928 to 2003' added to mark the 75th Anniversary of the Morris Minor. It is amazing to think that ten years ago we were celebrating the 75 Anniversary of the Minor, and here we are about to mark the 85th Anniversary of our wonderful little cars. It is interesting to ponder that Morris produced the Minor just fifteen years after he had concocted his first car from proprietary bits and pieces.

New Year's greetings have arrived at VMR HQ today from around the world - from New Zealand, Japan, India and Blighty. Jack Blyth e-mailed from New Zealand to say that he has now moved into a retirement home, but plans to take his trusty fabric saloon to EIGHT events in 2013 to mark the Morris centenary. It seems only yesterday that he flew from New Zealand to England - with a suitcase full of Minor spares - to be with us four on very first summer rally in 2001. What an incredible example to us all. Also from New Zealand, Alex Dempster e-mailed to say that he had just received M 144 and will post on to our Antipodean members shortly. He notes, 'We will have the traditional slice of Scottish black bun and a dram at midnight before bed'. Sounds like a good plan to me!

From Japan, Kenji Matsuoka e-mailed to say that he and Shinichi Nagatani were honoured to see their M Types in M 144. I replied that I was grateful for their regular reports on their M happening in Japan.

Brian Maeers e-mailed to give me some much-needed advice on my Mirror dinghy and to say that he and Heidi are looking forward greatly to seeing us all at Manor Farm in July where he already has the hog roast organized. Heidi lost her mother this year, and our thoughts are very much with her at this trying time.

It has been a trying year for many of us - particularly in Japan and New Zealand where earthquakes have wreaked such havoc. Please also keep AVM Rick Charles in your thoughts and prayers. Rick joined us from the RAF Charitable Trust at Prescott in July. He is undergoing emergency brain surgery next week to remove a mass. This is perhaps a good time to pause and count our blessings.

So, for 2013, to each and all across the globe - a happy, healthy, safe and prosperous New Year.

Ian and Jayne, Amanda and William. little Ian, Charles, Sophia, and Grace who is due in February!
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Re: Christmas virtual pub meet

Post by Ian Grace »

New Year's day brings the news that I have been appointed the next chairman of the US-based de Havilland Moth and Chipmunk Club, which celebrates its 50th year this year. Just what I need to fill my copious spare time. :o :o :o
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Re: Christmas virtual pub meet

Post by Ian Grace »

Well, here we are again and another year is almost behind us.

I'm sitting having a real pint of Fuller's ESB in the Three Lions in Redmond, while answering a pile of e-mails and updating the forum on my iPhone! I just got the December Newsletter out to everyone this morning and I'm calling in to our print shop this afternoon to approve the first article M148 Magazine and get the printing going.

Do use this Virtual Pub thread to say hello and share your year's news between now and the New Year.

Cheers everyone and sincere thanks for your support of the Register over the year.

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Re: Christmas virtual pub meet

Post by Ian Grace »

Seen any good YouTube videos lately?

Check this one out: ... STaG6Tu_Oo

Isn't that cool?
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Re: Christmas virtual pub meet

Post by martinng »

If you search for Yesus Wilder in U-Tube; up pops many videos of this guy's miniature engineering feats.
Can spend hours mavelling at them.
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Re: Christmas virtual pub meet

Post by Ian Grace »

Christmas greetings from Barry and Marilyn Gilbert in Caloundra, Queensland!

Dear Relies, Cousins & Friends,

2013 is almost gone and 2014 according to our new Govt. will be different.

Our Xmas will be spent with families at Serena ’s place, Elimbah, out from Brisbane where about twenty will converge with kids and dogs for an outside BBQ type spread and a chance to refresh the identity of some of our grandchildren etc. is anticipated. This might mean I miss my afternoon nap!

This year we enjoyed a very pleasurable trip to NZ, renewing older acquaintances. In early January 2014, if we survive the plane trip to Melbourne, our plan is to join the cruise ship around Tasmania, stopping at several ports and missing some of Brisbane's hottest days. This is a 6-day cruise and will see us back home b the 13th.

The rest of the New Year is unplanned as yet but it should include playing bridge, bowling, gardening as a norm, as we have been doing this year - depending on some health factors and the weather. Today is wet for the first time in many weeks, hopefully enough rain will fall to penetrate the top soil, so the m-mower will have to come out to sustain our street lawns.

By next year we should be within walking distance (providing our legs hold up) of two new Hospitals, Public and Private. One already is accepting patients. Its been interesting to study their progress also the expansion of other housing and shopping projects on our Sunshine Coast. The extension of wide walkways in the district encouraged me to buy my second electric bike which, with the old Morris has just about filled our garage to its limit! Finding time to use them is getting harder!

All our families wish you well in health and happiness and a similar New Year.

Love Barry & Marilyn
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Re: Christmas virtual pub meet

Post by Ian Grace »

And more Christmas greetings from John and JoJo Nagle. ... 202013.pdf
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Re: Christmas virtual pub meet

Post by Ian Grace »

Last day in the office today before Christmas, and we woke up to snow. Only an inch or so, but enough to cause traffic chaos here in Seattle where rain is usually the order of the day. Glad I had the Landrover to get up and down the hills!

Forecast is rain for the Christmas week (no surprise there). How about England? Motoring weather on New Year's Day I hope. Who is going where on New Year's Day?

We have a couple of meets planned for lunchtime on New Year’s Day. The first will be at the Crooked Billet, Honey Lane, Wokingham, Berkshire. We’ll be joining with the Bean Car Club for this gathering. We’ll also be meeting at the VSCC meet at the White Buck, Burley in the New Forest. There will be any number of other meets up and down the country, including the Phoenix at Hartley Wintney, North Hampshire and the Royal Oak at Barrington, Cambridgeshire, so do plan to get out and about on the day and send in photos and reports – thanks in advance!
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Re: Christmas virtual pub meet

Post by Ian Grace »

Hard to believe the last BA Concorde flight was ten years ago.

Here's something to look out for if you head to Brooklands on New Year's Day: ... corde.html

From the BA website:

"Concorde used the most powerful pure jet engines flying commercially. The Aircraft's four engines took advantage of what is known as ‘reheat’ technology, which added fuel to the final stage of the engine. This produced the extra power required for take-off and the transition to supersonic flight.

Concorde measures nearly 204ft in length and stretched between 6 and 10 inches in flight due to heating of the airframe. It was painted in a specially developed white paint to accommodate these changes and to dissipate the heat generated by supersonic flight.

In November 1986 a British Airways Concorde flew around the world, covering 28,238 miles in 29 hours, 59 minutes.

More than 2.5m passengers flew supersonically on British Airways Concorde flights.

Concorde was subjected to 5,000 hours of testing before it was first certified for passenger flight, making it the most tested aircraft ever.

Concorde’s fastest transatlantic crossing was on 7 February 1996 when it completed the New York to London flight in 2 hours 52 minutes and 59 seconds.

On 24 October 2003, British Airways withdrew Concorde, bringing to a close the world’s only supersonic passenger service. The final scheduled commercial flight was BA002 from JFK operated by G-BOAG. BA’s fleet of seven aircraft were subsequently dispersed for preservation at Barbados (AE), Edinburgh (AA), Filton (AF), Manchester (AC), New York (AD) and Seattle (AG) with one (AB) remaining at Heathrow."
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Re: Christmas virtual pub meet

Post by Ian Grace »

I remember going to a meeting at a hotel on the north side of Heathrow one morning. As I parked I saw Concorde lining up. So I watched at the fence. The noise was tremendous as it passed me. The ground shook and every car alarm in the car park went off!

Anyone else have any favourite memories of this technical masterpiece?
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Re: Christmas virtual pub meet

Post by Ian Grace »

Have a great Christmas everyone!

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