Minor starter motor.

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Mike Stubbings
Posts: 196
Joined: Thu Dec 27, 2007 5:41 pm

Minor starter motor.

Post by Mike Stubbings »

Hi All, I have taken my starter motor to pieces to clean etc. All looks well except it does not have a return hair spring. I am not familiar with this starter M35A type A11-0. I would assume it should have one. Does anyone have a spare one or know where I could purchase one. Thanks Mike.
Ian Grace
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Re: Minor starter motor.

Post by Ian Grace »

Hi Mike,

I don't think I have heard of a starter motor hair spring before. I know that they have a really beefy spring as part of the Bendix and I think the hair spring might be a very light spring that keeps the Bendix from fouling the starter ring gear? If so, I don't think I have ever seen one on a Minor starter.
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Re: Minor starter motor.

Post by Simon »

I dont think that early starter motors had hair springs. The picture in Harry Edwards information manual does not show one and my side valve starter motor does not have one. I believe that post war ones where the Bendix is all enclosed in unit with the pinion do have a weak spring inside .
Mike Stubbings
Posts: 196
Joined: Thu Dec 27, 2007 5:41 pm

Re: Minor starter motor.

Post by Mike Stubbings »

Hi All, Thanks for the information.That is good enough for me. Chris Lambert once again came to my aid with a break down pic.Thanks again Chris. I have had early starters with a light return spring and wanted confirmation before I put it back together again. Hope you all had a good weekend. Mike.
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