4 speed g'box rear cover

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Joined: Thu Jan 15, 2009 6:32 pm

4 speed g'box rear cover

Post by Orstin »

Howdy - as the new boy, I'm a little hesitant to post a request for something so soon, but here goes. The next thing I wish to do with my M type restoration is to build the gearbox. I have a 'Wolseley' 4 speed box but am looking for a rear cover plate with a mounting boss for a handbrake. My understanding (which has to be said, is limited!) is that a Morris Minor one would to the trick. Is anyone in a position to help in anyway?

many thanks..

Ian Grace
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Re: 4 speed g'box rear cover

Post by Ian Grace »

Hello again Hugh, and this time, may I offer a more formal welcome to the forum! Incidentally, I don't think you will find any prejudice against Austin 7s here. One of our stalwarts, Tony Gamble, recently acquired a Swallow saloon and I have owned two Rubys, a box saloon, and a rare short-scuttle transition fabric saloon in the past. We also haae a bit of a fun competition between our Minors and some friends of ours with Sevens on our summer rallies, for the Lewis & Nicholson trophy. (Lewis and Nicholson were two founders of the VSCC - one with a Seven and the other with a Minor - however, after establishing the awards, we discovered that the Minor was actually a Flatnose, but carried on with the annual award anyway!)

Anyway, perhaps you could e-mail (vintageminor@comcast.net) me your M's chassis details for the chassis register, and good luck with the gearbox cover plate - feel free to post for anything else you need - that is the purpose of this forum and Register. And if you are feeling brave, why not start a thread for your car in the 'Our Cars' section - everyone should have a thread for their car there (thinly veiled hint to others!).
Posts: 14
Joined: Thu Jan 15, 2009 6:32 pm

Re: 4 speed g'box rear cover

Post by Orstin »

Thanks for the reply and welcome! My Austin 7 ownership has lasted some 38 years and is ongoing, with just the three cars at the moment (do you know anyone who only has *one* Austin 7?!) The stable includes my 1933 saloon, bought as my first car all of those 38 years ago..

I could be tempted to start a thread about my car as others have done. I've been very impressed by some of the things I've seen there. As far as my details are concerned, if you turn the membership form over when you get it... :wink:

Here's hoping someone can help with my gearbox problem..

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