McEvoy Minor

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McEvoy Minor

Post by Highlander »

Have just look at this months Automobile and the following letter may be of interest 'The McEnvoy Minor, RC 300, photo of which appears at the start of the 1932 RAC Rally. The car appears to have positively enormous front brakes not featured in any other picturs, including the adverts, and I wonder if anyone knows their origan. As the owner of a 1932 Minor tourer which has a some stage been fitted with front brakes from an M type MG, but which still doesnt stop when requested. I have a particularly selfish interest. ' Guy Murray, Trevenning, Cornwall. End of letter. Is Guy one of us? If you are out there Guy - lets be hearing from you. There is a 1/4 page advert re Harry Edwards Collection - Motoring Literature and Automobilia - is this our Harry? Sale not till 14th March 2009 at Reading. Lashing with rain today Sat. Highlander
Ian Grace
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Re: McEvoy Minor.

Post by Ian Grace »

Interesting - the piece on RC 2300 which was in the November issue is reproduced in M 132 - see the pdf copy of the article in the Members' Area under M 132.
I just spoke to Guy's wife - he is ill in bed right now but will be contacting me shortly. I think he used to own one. Watch this space. In the meantime, heres RC 300 at the start of the '32 RAC Rally - note the brakes.

Harry Edwards (yes, our Harry) is selling off a lot of his stuff - I'll be getting a catalogue shortly - it includes all his copies of The Morris owner, and more. Watch this space too!

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Re: McEnvoy Minor.

Post by Highlander »

Again what a wonderful photograph. The brakes are huge even to a new Morris man - what could they be off? An Oxford or Cowley? Highlander.
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Re: McEnvoy Minor.

Post by Simon »

The large front brakes may well be MG as some models had 12" brakes but they were cable operated, I do not know if they were finned or not. If they were hydraulic they could possibly be Wolseley Hornet (Special) as I had a 1934 EW Daytona which had 12" hydraulic brakes without the finned drums that the MG's had. The photograph shows smooth drums.
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Re: McEnvoy Minor.

Post by ashford »

These drums look slightly larger diameter than Wolseley Hornet and definitely wider. Both hornets and P type Mgs had 12 inch brakes but these ususally had shrunk on steel fins. Later replacement drums often had the fins missing though. K types presumably had larger brakes. I remember seeing some drums very similar to those shown on the minor on a stall at Beaulieu several years ago - I think they where off a larger morris or wolseley saloon. The fact that they are no longer on the car makes me wonder if these were one off 'special drums' borrowed from an MG / Wolseley racer just for use on a specific event.
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Re: McEvoy Minor.

Post by Ian Grace »

Ian Grace wrote: I just spoke to Guy's wife - he is ill in bed right now but will be contacting me shortly.
Just had an e-mail from Guy, who is better now. It appears that he has a 1932 SV Minor 2-seater and was interested in the larger brakes fitted to RC 300, because he is not impressed with his brakes! I'll give him a call shortly.
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Re: McEnvoy Minor.

Post by ashford »

This months Wolseley Hornet Special Club bulletin includes a review of the book by Richard Calver; 'A History of Jensen'.
It includes the collaboration of Michael McEvoy with Jensen and the resulting McEvoy Minors. I suspect some of you already have it. It s available from the Jensen Owners Club and direct from the authour:
I just wondered if anyone knows if it includes anything about the jensen bodied Morris Minor Sullivan Specials.
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Re: McEnvoy Minor.

Post by Ian Grace »


Richard is an old friend of mine and also a VMR member - he now lives in Australia. His full contact details can be found in the Members' List in the members' area. I suggest you contact him with your Sullivan question - I am sure he will be able to help.
Ian Grace
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Re: McEvoy Minor.

Post by Ian Grace »

RC 300 has just been accepted for eligibility by the VSCC. The first SV Minor ever with a buff form.
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Re: McEnvoy Minor.

Post by Simon »

Should I apply for a buff form for my Jensen with an OHC engine or fit a SV engine ????
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