VG 3260

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Ian Grace
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Re: VG 3260

Post by Ian Grace »

Here's the fix:



mike houston
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Re: VG 3260

Post by mike houston »

The head is now complete except for the camshaft, with the lengthened rocker shafts and extra support stand, and has been put away while work commences on the engine block. However the frame is now coming along, as I hope the pictures show. The Blockley tyres were obtained from MWS of Slough who also did a good job fitting them. I can now roll the car around and clean up the garage! I am aiming to get the frame finished over the next few weeks, and then trial fit the rear body before that is restored and primed. I still have to make up some brackets to attach the rear uprights to the 'deck', and overcome various other problems first!
Regards to all,
body frame 004.jpg
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body frame 002.jpg
body frame 002.jpg (58.28 KiB) Viewed 6459 times
body frame 001.jpg
body frame 001.jpg (57.85 KiB) Viewed 6459 times
Ian Grace
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Re: VG 3260

Post by Ian Grace »

Super work, Mike. Did you do the ash framing yourself? How much were the Blockleys from MWS? I'll need five shortly. (Incidentally, looks like you might have the front wing supports on the wrong sides - they should lean forwards. Also noticed the junction box by the coil - a non-original feature that you shouldn't need. Sorry to be so picky!)
mike houston
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Re: VG 3260

Post by mike houston »

Most of the framing I've done myself, but I got a local joiner to do the front pillars and screen surround, they were driving me mad!! Be as picky as you like, I welcome constructive critique! The wing supports are just loose fitted to get them out of the way, I hadn't given much thought to which way round they need to be. The junction box is there because there was one there previously! Again the car has been messed about with, and the control box replaced by a later CF3, which might have some bearing on this? I haven't yet contemplated the rewiring, but some thoughts and directions are always handy.
The Blockleys are £35 each plus VAT, but with bands, tubes and fitting the total for all five was just the wrong side of £300.
Regards, Mike.
Ian Grace
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Re: VG 3260

Post by Ian Grace »

Thanks Mike. I just costed up five Blockley 350 x 19's, tubes and tapes on the MWS website - came to GBP 266-45 including VAT but without shipping. As I'm having them sent directly to my container shipper in Colmbrook - I will try to save the VAT as they will be directly exported. Sometimes it works, sometimes not! :D
mike houston
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Re: VG 3260

Post by mike houston »

At last I've managed to resume work on the coachbuilt body. Gradually I'm removing the paint from the rear section, and filler, treating the rust where found with Jenolite and then etch priming. Once this is completed it will have to go to the local bodyshop to have the rust cut out and new metal welded in. This is mainly around the wheelarches, but also above the side windows. I then have the wooden frame to treat and paint before mounting the body back on. I just wish I could make more time! The pictures should convey the current situation.
Regards to all, Mike.
Bodywork progress 002.jpg
Bodywork progress 002.jpg (57.83 KiB) Viewed 6361 times
Bodywork progress 001.jpg
Bodywork progress 001.jpg (58.67 KiB) Viewed 6361 times
mike houston
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Re: VG 3260

Post by mike houston »

Can anyone clarify for me the fitting of the sills? It does seem that the sill goes behind the scuttle at the bottom, rather than fitting flush with it. Could somebody please confirm that this is correct? Similarly at the rear of the sill. Does it fit flush against the rear apron? Some pictures seem to indicate that they go over it, which doesn't seem right. Some close ups of an original sill would help! My own car wasn't necessarily original in this area. Any help would be welcome!
Regards to all, Mike.
mike houston
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Re: VG 3260

Post by mike houston »

Some progress to report. Sills are now on, scuttle and windscreen surround panel also on. The rear apron, doors and wings have been soda-blasted and I have replaced some wood in one of the doors. The windscreen has been something of a trial, but is almost there, new aluminium bottom brackets will replace my first mild steel efforts! On this car the folding roof had long gone, and putting it back has not been easy but is nearly complete bar the covering which is going to be interesting! I have been fortunate to be able to regularly look at Len Booth's car to see how it is configured. He is fortunate to also have the original little makers plate, attached to one of the cross members. It shows that the "Kopalapso" Folding Roof was made by Donne & Willans (1909)Ltd, and bears what appears to be a consecutive number, in this case M19360. Do other folding roof cars also carry a number on this plate?
The major job is still to get the rear apron on and repaired, and I am inching towards that goal.
Regards to all, Mike.
Minor rebuild 005.JPG
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Minor rebuild 004.JPG (67.42 KiB) Viewed 6261 times
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Minor rebuild 003.JPG (65.81 KiB) Viewed 6260 times
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Re: VG 3260

Post by Toby »

My word Mike, you must be a very patient man. I don't envy your task of rebuilding a saloon body;- it's looking good. :D
if it's got wheels or chips - it'll cost you dear
mike houston
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Re: VG 3260

Post by mike houston »

Well its been all change here! I was quoted thousands to repair the rear body, rendering the restoration unviable, when along came a new body! I have now acquired the PO30 body that originally sat on the Clive Hall/Stephen Lewsley SL chassis. It is remarkably sound, especially the rear metal body. It is now mounted on the VG chassis, and I will need to dispose of the body frame I constructed. The restoration is back on track, and I will post some photos of the results.
Regards to all, Mike.
mike houston
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Re: VG 3260

Post by mike houston »

Pictures as promised. The PO30 body is completely sanded back to bare metal, Jenolited and etch primed. The metal is in remarkable condition, particularly above the rear side windows which is a usual rot spot. I will now lift the body, with assistance, back off the chassis and stand it on its nose to treat the underside and effect a couple of small repairs. Then bolt back on the chassis, and progress! Meantime the body frame I constructed is surplus to requirements.
Regards to all, Mike.
ps. Has anyone any thoughts as to the purpose of the small hole at the top of the scuttle side? They are on both sides and I can't think what they would have been used for. Think I'll fill them in.
See hole at top of scuttle.
See hole at top of scuttle.
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Note the early bolt on waist moulding.
Note the early bolt on waist moulding.
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Ian Grace
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Re: VG 3260

Post by Ian Grace »

Mike, do you want me to advertise the other saloon body? I can put it on the website and I'm also assembling 'Marketplace' for M 140 this weekend.
mike houston
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Re: VG 3260

Post by mike houston »

In spite of the weather getting a lot colder some further progress has been possible, if slow. The bonnet has been apart, soda blasted and primed. The central brass rod was wasted at both ends so has been replaced. I now need to finish the body filling, rubbing down, adjusting bonnet fit, etc, etc. The list goes on! A start has been made on replacing internal trim panels, using ply per original. The folding head frame is back in place, and I am happy to be able to use the original nose piece with its metal lower trim. Thoughts now turning to paint and trim, but maybe the paint will have to wait for the Spring. Pictures show the current position.
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Ian Grace
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Re: VG 3260

Post by Ian Grace »

Great work, Mike. I think you mean waisted, not wasted. Wasted is what you do at the bar, not the rod. :o
mike houston
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Re: VG 3260

Post by mike houston »

Yes, I'm sure you are technically correct, but some metal had definitely wasted away! Mike.
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