VMR Summer Rally 2009

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Re: VMR Summer Rally 2009

Post by Toby »

Ian, is this the same met office who told us it was going to be a BBQ summer? I put off a roof job once as the forecast was rain each day, each day there was no rain and after 2 weeks I ignored the forecast and just went and did the job! :lol: Lets hope they're wrong and it's good from now until at least Monday. I have just finished taking the minor to a welders to get the broken exhaust repaired and then fixing the oil leak from punctured oil pressure guage line! Thoght I'd change the gauge as I've never believed it 95 psi claim but both spare gauges (1 minor, 1 eight) both go past the 100psi when cold, is this a record? I'm running on Morris's 50 straight oil. :D Have just tied your wheels on the luggage rack, can you let Terry know!
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Re: VMR Summer Rally 2009

Post by RLucke »

Hi Toby.
When I first had the CMS it had straight Castrol 50 grade in the engine, and it would not pull the skin off a rice pudding! The greatest improvement in peformance I have ever had was when I changed the oil to Duckhams 20-50. Oil pressure 70-80 Lbs hot. Regards. Roger
Roger Lucke
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Re: VMR Summer Rally 2009

Post by Ian Grace »

I've always got 100 psi from SV and OHC engines from cold, unless they were sha**ed.

I'll shoot Terry an e-mail. Have you got the d/d carb. too?

Nothing heard from Roscoe today, so presume he is now ensconced in the Plough/Rally HQ with all the necessary paperwork.

Outside air temperature gauge on my car hit 106 on my way home at 5 pm last night ... :( If you get any rain, send it this way.
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Re: VMR Summer Rally 2009

Post by Toby »

Got carb, you can have as much of our rain as you like! Morris 20/50 in saloon gives 50 psi-15psi hot, next oil change will try the straight 50 to see if it is as good as tourer! About to leave, fair old days driving ahead of us.
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Re: VMR Summer Rally 2009

Post by Ronald »

Sorry guys.......... didn't make it, the weather wasn't condusive with driving that far in MT..... next year eh...LOL!!

I hope you all had a good day without mishap.....
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Re: VMR Summer Rally 2009

Post by Ian Grace »

No news reaching me yet Ronald, so hopefully no news is good news - at least at this point.

Sorry to hear you couldn't make it - what's the weather like? The Met Office website seems to be saying it's not so bad.

http://www.metoffice.gov.uk/weather/uk/ ... ather.html
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Re: VMR Summer Rally 2009

Post by Ronald »

It wasn't so much the weather during the day that put me off, more the 4hrs each way getting there and back... esp as i was gonna leave at 5am.......
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Re: VMR Summer Rally 2009

Post by Ian Grace »

Paul Rogers is reported as being unhurt after his 'off' into the tyres at Prescott on Friday, which resulted in the front axle detatching from his Vauxhall.

Earlier he had e-mailed me: " Off to Prescott this afternoon in the 30-98. Apparently it's going to be wet for most of the weekend so will have to try hard not to go over the top of Semi-circle..."

There were some heavy showers, but mostly fine. Looks like he shouldn't have tepmted fate?

Much releived to hear that he is OK, and he had re-planned to run a F-N for the rest of the weekend.

I also just received a very nice e-mail from the Gardeners Arms - 24 people in attendnace last night, and the remark from the landlady was 'What a nice group of people'. She must be confusing us with another group. :o
Ken Martin
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Re: VMR Summer Rally 2009

Post by Ken Martin »

Summary: I am pleased to report that Kate and I had a good time in VX4590 over the w/e in spite of the rain which fell in various quantities all day Saturday. The social side was particularly good in spite of the disappointing turn out. (Ronald and Heather – you in particular were missed by us!) We met several Minor owners on the Rally and at Prescott who hope to have their cars running next year…it’s funny, but I have heard that so many times over the years! Our total mileage was 218.
On Friday evening a good number met at The Mount in Stanton for a meal including the welcome appearance of non-entrant Chris Lambert with Norma and local friends. (We commiserated at Chris’s continuing and mystifying clutch slip problem in his semi Sports Minor.) The general consensus was that food was below expectations.
The rally proper on Saturday was very wet from start to finish. The tourists appeared to have more difficulty following the given route instructions than the competitive navigators – who were relatively few – perhaps this will encourage more competition next year. We all felt very happy under the ‘command’ of David and Diana – and of course were grateful to them for taking on the task of coordinators. Cream teas at The Plough in Ford were good and the evening buffet meal at The Gardener’s Arms in Alderton was also good with all of us seating together in our own room. For us this was effectively the end of the VMR Rally although we did attend the VSCC Prescott in fine weather and saw a few Minor and MG people during the day.
Tomorrow I am taking my Minor to a reunion of the Malaysia & Singapore Vintage Car Register near Tetbury (I was a member whist working in Singapore 25 years ago) and then on Wednesday we depart for some VSCC 75th events at Malvern. A busy Minor week!
Once again thinks for organising this event Ian.
09-08-01 VMR Rally KenMartinPic.jpg
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Re: VMR Summer Rally 2009

Post by Highlander »

So pleased you had a good time Ken - well done a wonderful effort. I was not there as I was competing in an over 70s Golf Championship. I won on Friday and also on Saturday morning but lost in the afternoon I then lost on nSunday in the Plate. I think this will be my last 'fling' as everyone take it all too seriously. I have been a sportsman all my life and love good competition but also I think it should be FUN!!. Did you read about a month ago the last 1936 Olyimpian died aged 100. He won the 4 x 440 yards relay in Berlin. On the boat over to Berlin he met the other three in the relay (He had not met them before!!) and sugested that they practice batton changing. Two said why??, but they did - two laps of the boat and then retired to the bar!! That was all they did and then beat the Americans and won Gold. Thoses were the days. Am I getting sad? Off for a single malt, Highlander.
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Re: VMR Summer Rally 2009

Post by Ian Grace »


Are you referring to Lee Orr?


As you can see, he lives in Monroe - about ten miles from our house, and where my wife works at the Monroe hospital. She has nursed Lee several times over recent months. She says he is a wondeful chap, but thinks he is still alive - as far as she knows!
Ken Martin
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Re: VMR Summer Rally 2009

Post by Ken Martin »

I hope we will be on a rally together soon Alister
Ken Martin
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Re: VMR Summer Rally 2009

Post by Ken Martin »

I hope we will be on a rally or run together in our Minors soon Alister

Edited to say that I seem tyo have posted the same message twice!
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Re: VMR Summer Rally 2009

Post by Highlander »

Ken, I am always saying "Mines a double"!! Something to do with our age. To answer Ian's question re Olympics - No it was not Orr, he is Canadian but they may have run against each other in 1936 and 1938 (Empire Games). My chap was Burrell (i will check) He was a soldier all his life. Highlander.
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Re: VMR Summer Rally 2009

Post by Highlander »

Ken, I am always saying "Mines a double"!! Something to do with our age. To answer Ian's question re Olympics - No it was not Orr, he is Canadian but they may have run against each other in 1936 and 1938 (Empire Games). My chap was Burrell (i will check) He was a soldier all his life. Highlander.
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