Cylinder head question....

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Cylinder head question....

Post by Ronald »

As many of you may know, i've recently had an engine rebuilt for MT, having now filled the radiatro with oil, i find that i have a rather annoying drip from the rear stud on the oil drain pipe above the distributor, is it possible, or a known fault for the studs to effectively break through into the water jacket.... as that is what i suspect has happened.... all be it in a very small way.... for now, i have added a lead washer above the oil pipe nut, which seems to have stopped the drip, i don;t mind the odd drip, as long as it's water and not oil!!

I have looked at another head casting, and it would seem to be quite thin in the area in question...

Ian Grace
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Re: Cylinder head question....

Post by Ian Grace »


This is a new one on me, I must admit. Since there is no pressure involved, it sounds like you have the problem sorted. I always have problems with the water jacket sideplates leaking. I used spring washers with the attachment setscrews and most of them leaked. The problem was solved by using plain washers.
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