March VMR Magazine.

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March VMR Magazine.

Post by Highlander »

Ian, I hope I am not as thick as I feel! I may have "opened" something, but what? If I did, where was it in the first place? Am I right in thinking that I just click on to something to read it and then print it out? Ian I am sorry about this but I am a novice when it comes to computers. It is turning very cold here and snow is forcast for Easter! No doubt you have a foot of snow! Aye, Alister.
Ian Grace
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Re: March VMR Magazine.

Post by Ian Grace »

Hi Alister,

The newsletters come as e-mails, but you can also download them from the members' area of the website. On the website they are saved as .pdf files which just means that you will need to have Adobe Acrobat installed on your PC - which you may already have. If not, get it for free at Youn don't need Acrobat to read the e-mailed versions of the Newsletter.

I'll re-send the March VMR and EMS Newsletters to you by e-mail now.
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