MT 3286..........

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Re: MT 3286..........

Post by Ronald »

The engine builder had it running for a few hrs, not all at once, several cold starts etc!! all i've done is install it in the car, and fit the needle from the old carb into it, i might swap it back and see if it makes any difference....... the LAST thing i need is to have trouble with it, after it cost so much....... :roll:
Ian Grace
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Re: MT 3286..........

Post by Ian Grace »

Congratulations Ronald on a nice piece of work. I'm sure you and Heather will enjoy many more happy years in MT now.

So with the engine done, what is the next department to receive attention - presumably, now you have unlimited power, the brakes?!
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Re: MT 3286..........

Post by Ronald »

Brakes, yeh, someone noticed on the rally 2 yrs ago, that for some bizarre reason, the backplates on the rear of MT are on upside down..... hence the effeciency is not great.... so thats the next small job.......

Whilst doing the engine, i have also fitted a battery cutoff, to act as a kind of immobiliser.... and also it means i don't have to remove the seat to disconnect the battery...... I've also fitted a big earth lead, straight from the battery to the bellhousing...... oddly the engine never had one, should it???
Ian Grace
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Re: MT 3286..........

Post by Ian Grace »

Backplates upside down - that's not good.

I also fitted a battery isolator on the Bed-Pan before shipping - superb device and it gave me peace of mind for the shipping. I paid a little extra to have the car towed on and off the ship - the standard way is for the dockers to drive the cars on and off - apart from wondering about their chances of actualy starting the car, I hade a terrible picture in my mind of some burly longshoreman not knowing that the throttle and brake pedals are reversed and launching the car off the dockside into the oggin! Amusingly, the girl in the office in Southampton was all afluster when she counldn't find the ignition key to give me when I picked up the car and gave me an incredulous look when I tried to explain that my car didn't need one!

As far as I am aware, the Minor did not originally have an earth strap to the engine, but I know it helps to cut down resistance in the earth return - perticularly after fancy rebuilds where everything is well painted! Definitely worth considering if your starter motor is unduly sluggish.
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