The Non Minor related thread

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Trevor Wilkinson
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Re: The Non Minor related thread

Post by Trevor Wilkinson »

Probably no connection with Chris's sighting but earlier this week a Lancaster flew low over our house heading north
Tony Gamble
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Re: The Non Minor related thread

Post by Tony Gamble »

Not seen it yet Trevor !!!

Tony G
chris lambert
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Re: The Non Minor related thread

Post by chris lambert »

Well the F15's and AF1 didn't frighten the stork, who has just delivered Grandchild no.6 to my youngest daughter - wetting the baby's head as I type!
PS Was the Lancaster on its way 'oop north' to try and breach that dam that it kept missing whilst seen practicing in 'The Dambusters' film? Pretty poor show I thought.
Ken Martin
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Re: The Non Minor related thread

Post by Ken Martin »

Congratulations to you and your family on the new arrival. You can tell that this is a male only domain otherwise you would have provide the weight and name of the baby - essential info for women but I don't know why...

George Bush was in Ljubljana on Tuesday - is that near you?

chris lambert
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Re: The Non Minor related thread

Post by chris lambert »

I think that is what they have re-named Peterborough following the recent inflow of economic immigrants to the area! Thanks for the good wishes - the new arrival was a boy apparently (or was it a girl?)
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Re: The Non Minor related thread

Post by Toby »

congrats, Morris is quite a unisex name? :lol:
if it's got wheels or chips - it'll cost you dear
chris lambert
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Re: The Non Minor related thread

Post by chris lambert »

Thanks Toby (welcome back by the way!) My new Grandson is to be named Oscar in recognition of the 48 hour performance he gave attempting to arrive!
Ian Grace
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Re: The Non Minor related thread

Post by Ian Grace »


Congrats from across the pond - celebratory drinks at your place this weekend? :D

Yes, welcome back Toby - I though you weren't due back until the 22nd?
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Re: The Non Minor related thread

Post by cammy »

I purchased a tube of Gas Tight yesterday £4.66!!! It was called Hermatite when I last worked on a proper car 40 + years ago.
It was not as gooy as I remeber but--the smell is exactly the same and the memories just came flooding back.
I hadn't realised exactly what it was that made my MG TC smell like it did. Ah Happy Days!
chris lambert
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Re: The Non Minor related thread

Post by chris lambert »

Hi Clive,
Get past a 'certain' age and its strange what it takes to get the memory into overdrive. The fins on the barrels and heads of my numerous motor bikes were always covered in red hermetite from the various gaskets that 'blew' as a result of the head being incorrectly tightened down, or from my various efforts to polish the ports, cylinder head domes or anything else come to that. But it is stll available:


Must buy a tube to replace the blue stuff I use at present!
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Re: The Non Minor related thread

Post by halbe »

the red stuff beats the blue ,when used properly!!!!!!!!
At leased I hope so, Used it on the aston's head gasket

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Re: The Non Minor related thread

Post by Toby »

My brother used araldite as a head gasket on his Kawasaki KH250 before he traded it in and it worked very well, however he also glued the failing centrifugal clutch on their twin tub washing machine but it burnt out the motor in a week!
if it's got wheels or chips - it'll cost you dear
chris lambert
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Ken Martin's Op.

Post by chris lambert »

I am sure there are many of us who will want to wish Ken Martin a speedy recovery from his back op which I understand was performed yesterday. If anybody has a bulletin on Ken's progress please let us know.
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Re: The Non Minor related thread

Post by Highlander »

We all wish Ken well after his opp. I have been re-reading this thread and must have missed all the chat re childrens names - in l961 had my daughter been a son his name might have been Douglas Scott Norton Reid !!!! These were my three bikes at the time. Catherine still pulls my leg and Molly, my dear wife of 51 years denys all knowledge of such names!!!! Seeing the 1934 2 seater on e bay and stating only 21 survive - I know of 6 2 seaters none of which wants to belone to any register and how many more do we all know? I am just off to have a large Scotch and wish Ken well. Highlander.
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