The search for SV Minors

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Re: The search for SV Minors

Post by SideValveMan »

chris lambert wrote:I also think that there are cultural differences as well as the fact that the VMR was originally strictly for overhead valve cars, side valve cars only being embraced following Gren Strickland's decision to bow out from running the S/V Minor Register a couple of years ago.
Hello All, I bet you thought you'd never hear from me again! Hahahaha! Bad penny and all that.

I think this comment hits the nail on the head quite firmly. There was without question a cultural difference between the OHV and SV communities, although being out of the circle for the past couple of years I don't know if this difference still exists. I suspect it does.

I remember having a email exchange with a prominant VMR member about the differences between the OHC and the SV minors. Quite obviously I sided with the SV cars as that is what I owned at the time. Although some of the words exchanged were very much tongue in cheek from my perspective, it was fairly obvious at the time that this member firmly believed the Cammies were far superior. It didn't change my mind or attitude about OHC Minors nor SV Minors nor that member, but it did confirm to me at the time that there was a certain amount of "elitism" going on. However I was not bothered. It was a bit like the children of the parents, one girl, one boy and yet they were not thought of as a "family".

As Chris rightly states, the VMR was originally conceived for the OHV Minor community. Despite this I signed up as the first SV member (I delibrately allocated web membership No. 54 to myself - as that was my birth year!) and I constructed the very first VMR website and continued to run the site for a long long time until I had passed sufficient web authoring knowledge across to Ian (via emails and telephone calls) so he could run it himself. Note for Ian, I noticed you've knicked some of the SV site content and included it into the VMR site. Very cheeky!!! :wink: :)

Janet and I also attended VMR rallies and events and I even encouraged the SV Site members to join in.

Throughout my membership I tried to encourage (and argued) the VMR to accept SV Minors and to feature them in the Magazine, but it was many many issues before this happened. In fact the was just before I sold our Minor. I am sure Ian will remember those exchanges!!

In addition to the safety aspect of owning a Minor in our area, I think the other turning point for us was the VSCC episode and the debate of acceptance of the Sidevalve Minors. The outcome was something I could never understand. The early side-valve cars are now over 77 years old and yet they still will not accept the SV Minors into their fold. Total rubbish. The rules say cars up to 1931, but there are cars post 1931 in their membership. Then they say, no mass produced cars, but that didn't make sense either. So I gave up on this debate as it was obviously a political and elitism issue and quite frankly a total joke. I don't approve of political jokes...I've seen too many of them get elected.

It wasn't that we wanted to participate in any VSCC event (I had more repect for our SV Minor), but the pure bloody mindedness of the organisation. I get the impression it's populated by a very "cliche" membership - a bit like the Fox Hunting crowd. The SV Minors were too far of a common car to be amongst their ranks.

So where are we today. Are the Sidevalves accepted into the Vintage Minor Register? Well yes they are - "I think". I note there are more photo's appearing in the mag and on the website and some references to sidevalves in the articles. But, when I came back to the VMR site after a couple of years absence, I still get the feeling it's very much OHC bias.

So the parting questions are:

Is the acceptance of the SV Minors purely to bolster membership of the VMR?

If the VMR is intended for OHC and SV Minor equally and the SV Minor out-numbers the OHC Minor existance by x to 1, then why do the SV Minors not have equal presence on the site or in the Mag?

I think until it is very clear ("crystal clear" as they said in the film "All Good Men") that the VMR is a Morris Minor register and not solely for the OHC community alone, then Sidevalve owners will continue to stay away.

As Ian and others will know, I am a very contraversial chappy, but my intensions were and still are very genuine. I still have a soft spot for Minors and would love to see a large register where everyone would benefit from it to help them with keeping their Minors running for the owners and everyone's enjoyment.

The key to success is welcoming and catering for all Minors. I've argued that for many a year.

Peace and joy Minor Owners - we all own (or did) Morris Minors, long may they live.

VW Karmann Gipsy
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Re: The search for SV Minors

Post by Highlander »

I am a fairly new member of the VMR and I am not sure where Gren is coming from. I have been 'vintage' motoring for over 51 years and in that time have belonged to many one make clubs as well as the VSCC and VMCC. I have never noticed any bias towards any model I owned in these clubs. All Humbers were Humbers, sside valve Alvis and over head Alvis were just Alvis cars, even the 20 Ghost club with pre lst world war Rolls Royce motor cars, post war cars, straight bonnet, rear brake only, 20hp small cars we were all the same and treated as such. I joined the VMR with a sv two seater three years ago and have not noticed that I am different from a member with a ohv morris minor. I have not noticed that sv items are any less than ohv items on these pages or in the pages of the Register. What I have noticed is that we are a very, very friendly club and any problem I have had, and I have had many, this site has responded, e.mails and telephone calls have come in and solved any problem I have had. I am not good with computers but Ian sends me my Register snail mail and also the Yearly Mag. If I asked how to get these via the computer someone will spell it out to me. I think we are very lucky in the VMR and long may it continue.Highlander.
Trevor Wilkinson
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Re: The search for SV Minors

Post by Trevor Wilkinson »

Although I have been welcomed into the VMR, as a SV owner I do feel that we are considered less than equal. The name "Vintage Minor Register" despite the later addition; 'Serving the pre war Minor and MG M type', does tend to make us an afterthought.
Having said that I know that there is nothing else available to compare with the VMR, shame about the name!!
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Re: The search for SV Minors

Post by prharris25 »

As somebody who has owned many SV and OHC Minors over the past 45 years, let me assure you that owners of SV cars have absolutely nothing to feel inferior about. I happen to like all Minors, wherever their camshaft happen to live. However, I would say that some of my happiest, most comfortable and reliable miles have been covered in SV cars.
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Re: The search for SV Minors

Post by Toby »

I have never been treated differently, at least not due to my sv leanings! I have been befriended by ohc members and havn't noticed any bias on the forum, in fact there seems to be a large number of sidevalve related stuff on the forum and as far as I can see Ians vision is to record ALL surviving minors and he has devoted a fair amount of time to this end-sv and ohc. (do i get my tenner now Ian?) :lol:
Anyhow, why would anyone want the notorious ohc engine just to gain half a bhp over the delightful sidevalve :shock: (try out rocket man Wilkinsons sv powered racer) :wink:
Mind you the cammy minors do look more vintage than the down to earth sv
if it's got wheels or chips - it'll cost you dear
Trevor Wilkinson
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Re: The search for SV Minors

Post by Trevor Wilkinson »

Anyhow, why would anyone want the notorious ohc engine just to gain half a bhp over the delightful sidevalve :shock: (try out rocket man Wilkinsons sv powered racer) :wink: [quote]
Thanks Toby, my money is in the post to you, hope Ian pays up also! :shock:
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Re: The search for SV Minors

Post by Ian Grace »

Will you take Dollars, Toby? :D
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Re: The search for SV Minors

Post by Toby »

I'm not only cheap but also flexible-£s, $s, sv parts, washers, bananas-I love to barter, why?! :lol:
if it's got wheels or chips - it'll cost you dear
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Re: The search for SV Minors

Post by Ian Grace »

Well, since we are moving to Seattle - what can I offer you? Seattle is home to Starbucks, Microsoft and Boeing. But when I visited there recently for my interview I brought home some Copper River, Alaska alder-smoked sockeye salmon which was to DIE for. 8)
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Re: The search for SV Minors

Post by Highlander »

Today I travelled to the Ockley area of Surrey to see my old 14.40 Humber. This was Oswold Mosley's car and had been in a shed since 1953!! It was in need of a complete rebuild and I ran out of steam, sold it and purchased my Minor. The Humber looks good. When leaving I was told "the old lady next door has a Morris Minor like yours" I knocked on her door and she came out to see my minor and was most knowledgeble, she them asked me next door to see hers. In a 4 car motor house she had a Lagonda, Rover, 500 Fiat (1950) and a 1933 Morris Minor 2 seater!!! It looked in good order but had not run for a few years as the battery was flat! She has owned it for 40 years. It had a morris reg badge on it. She might get it running sometime but is more interested in horses. I found out she has a son who also might get all the cars running. Point is they are still out there. I did not push questions. I will return (with a 6 volt battery)My Minor again went very well - no one has answered my petrol question of last week. I thought all petrol was the same - up to a BS quality. Is Sainsburys petrol not the same as Shell? Barry Henderson is visiting tomorrow in his 1932 2 seater. He has just put in a rebuilt engine. I will get him to join. Has Bernard Parris Joined with his 1930 2 seater? Highlander.
David Whittle
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Re: The search for SV Minors

Post by David Whittle »

Highlander wrote:Today I travelled to the Ockley area of Surrey to see my old 14.40 Humber. This was Oswold Mosley's car ..........

she had a Lagonda, Rover, 500 Fiat (1950) and a 1933 Morris Minor 2 seater!!! It looked in good order but had not run for a few years as the battery was flat! She has owned it for 40 years. It had a morris reg badge on it. She might get it running sometime but is more interested in horses........

Did you offer the 14/40 to Max Mosley first at an inflated price? I would have done, he seems to have lots of spare cash to play with! :lol: We had a 16/50 Golfers DHC for a while(we could not get on with it! The only Humber I ever wanted was Ken Neves/Judy Portways 'TT')

What was the Lagonda? 2 litre tourer?
OHC 1929 Tourer WE6554
Ian Grace
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Re: The search for SV Minors

Post by Ian Grace »

Highlander wrote:Today I travelled to the Ockley area of Surrey to see my old 14.40 Humber. This was Oswold Mosley's car and had been in a shed since 1953!! It was in need of a complete rebuild and I ran out of steam, sold it and purchased my Minor. The Humber looks good. When leaving I was told "the old lady next door has a Morris Minor like yours" I knocked on her door and she came out to see my minor and was most knowledgeble, she them asked me next door to see hers. In a 4 car motor house she had a Lagonda, Rover, 500 Fiat (1950) and a 1933 Morris Minor 2 seater!!! It looked in good order but had not run for a few years as the battery was flat! She has owned it for 40 years. It had a morris reg badge on it. She might get it running sometime but is more interested in horses. I found out she has a son who also might get all the cars running. Point is they are still out there. I did not push questions. I will return (with a 6 volt battery)My Minor again went very well - no one has answered my petrol question of last week. I thought all petrol was the same - up to a BS quality. Is Sainsburys petrol not the same as Shell? Barry Henderson is visiting tomorrow in his 1932 2 seater. He has just put in a rebuilt engine. I will get him to join. Has Bernard Parris Joined with his 1930 2 seater? Highlander.
Sounds like an interesting day! Bernard is not a member. Would also welcome Barry Henderson. Remember that if the joining owners fill in the referral part at the bottom of their membership forms, you get a discount on your next year's sub. :D

Is Max related to Oswald? :o
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Re: The search for SV Minors

Post by 1936morriseight »


Max Mosley - FIA President and recently in the news regarding an alleged sadomasochistic sex romp - exposed by The News of the World, is Oswald's son.

David Whittle
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Re: The search for SV Minors

Post by David Whittle »

1936morriseight wrote:Ian,

Max Mosley - FIA President and recently in the news regarding an alleged sadomasochistic sex romp - exposed by The News of the World, is Oswald's son.

Also famous was his mother, Diana Mitford of the famous 'Mitford Girls'.
OHC 1929 Tourer WE6554
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