Pre-War Ludlow - 19th to 21st July

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Pre-War Ludlow - 19th to 21st July

Post by Ian Grace »

To kick off this thread, the following is taken from a news update circulated this week.

We have committed to Ludlow for next July – specifically Friday 19th to Sunday 21st July. Full details of the weekend are not yet firmed up, but we expect a weekend commencing with a pub reception on Friday evening, a Tour to a specific place of interest on Saturday (as we did with Morgan Cars this year, and the Hook Norton brewery in 2022) and a substantial Saturday night social occasion. The Sunday itinerary will follow our traditional Pre-War Prescott Sunday format with a parallel Scenic Tour and Navigation Rally, a Vintage Picnic lunch, cream teas in the afternoon and a farewell pub run on Sunday evening. And of course, the entire weekend will be open to all pre-war cars, plus the ‘square-rigged’ early post-war cars – just as we have always done with Pre-War Prescott, and as the VMR is now a club for all of these cars, and all Register members will receive a discount on their entry – just as with PWP.

Much more information will be forthcoming in due course, but for now, for those interested in taking part, feel free to book your accommodation with confidence in the Ludlow area. An excellent resource is Click on the Where to Stay link to explore a wide range of accommodation in and around Ludlow, including several excellent local campsites.

The focal point for the weekend will be The Clive Arms hotel (01584/856565 to book) in Bromfield, a couple of miles northwest of Ludlow on the A49. This charming boutique hotel has 17 rooms, a great bar and restaurant, plenty of secure parking and is right next door to the region’s very best farm shop, as well as the famed Ludlow Kitchen where our weekend road runs will commence over breakfast. All three of these great venues are co-owned and cannot wait to welcome us for the weekend.
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Re: Summer Rally 2024 - 19th to 21st July

Post by Ian Grace »

Very good news today re the Ludlow Weekend.

The VSCC is holding its 90th Anniversary Jubilee celebrations in Stratford-on-Avon next August and I have offered a VMR trophy for the Minor contingent, as part of the Light Car Section's element of the week.

Because of this week, the LCES will not be holding their traditional Summer Rally next year but have asked if there could be a LCES class and awards at the Ludlow weekend. The answer, of course, is a resounding yes!

There will be a great deal of planning carried out over Christmas and much more detail will be circulated in the New Year - to both the VMR and the LCES membership.
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Re: Pre-War Ludlow - 19th to 21st July

Post by Ian Grace »

The weekend’s website is now in development and I will post the link to it here shortly. In the meantime, the Entry From is now available and can be found at ... 20Form.pdf

If you require accommodation information, this will also be included on the new website, but PM or e-mail me now if you are planning to come along and I can share the information I have.

Watch this space for more information as it becomes available.
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Re: Pre-War Ludlow - 19th to 21st July

Post by Ian Grace »

The routes for the two days are taking shape very well indeed. There seems to be no limit to the fascinating and hidden places of interest and amazing scenery and dramatic vistas in the area.

And in a new development, for the first time, this year there will be an optional treasure hunt during the Saturday Tour. No cryptic navigation clues like on the Sunday navigation Rally - just some easy-to-find clues located at the various places of interest that we will be visiting on Saturday, with suitable awards to be bestowed at the end of the day.

The hope is that this will add an extra dimension of interest to the Tour as well as introducing entrants to the sort of clues we set on our Navigation Rally which might encourage more of our Sunday entrants to try the Navigation Rally, rather than the Scenic Tour.

So far, we have 20 entries for the weekend, with many more in the pipeline, so, with the LCES joining us, we are expecting a really good entry list!
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Re: Pre-War Ludlow - 19th to 21st July

Post by Ian Grace »

I just engaged the Eureka Jazz Band for Ludlow!
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Re: Pre-War Ludlow - 19th to 21st July

Post by Ian Grace »

The website for the weekend is now live at ... _2024.html.

There are still a few updates to add, so stop back to check for these as plans become finalized.
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Re: Pre-War Ludlow - 19th to 21st July

Post by Ian Grace »

I have just added the entry list to the website - link near the top. 43 entries so far including seven Minors. And there are plenty more entries in the pipeline - expected entry will top off around 100 or so. Should be a super weekend.
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Re: Pre-War Ludlow - 19th to 21st July

Post by Ian Grace »

The planning and menu have now been finalized for our Sunday evening Vintage Evening and BBQ, the highlight of which will be the famed Eureka Jazz band.

Often seen at Prescott and other motoring events and led by Terry McGrath - Alvis, Austin 7 driver and still racing his Amilcar. Terry leads on trombone, playing melodic vintage jazz of the 1920's/1930's era and featuring Sheila Fawkes on vocals. Not to be missed!

You can download the ticket ordering form at ... 20form.pdf.
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Re: Pre-War Ludlow - 19th to 21st July

Post by Ian Grace »

I've spent much of the last couple of weeks working up the routes for Saturday and Sunday, an iterative process requiring much negotiation with the owners of various stately home, castles and pubs along the potential routes! I have 'driven' the routes several time in Google Earth Streetview in order to check out the terrain and to create the Tour Handbooks which contain the details of the routes, including road signs at all junctions, together with historical details of all of our ports of call, together with information on our lunchtime stops and route end points. We now have catering sorted for both mornings, both lunchtimes and both afternoons, plus the evening pub runs.

This is the first route that I have put together in the Herefordshire/Shropshire region and I must say, the routes are going to take us through some incredibly scenic localities, some very secret hamlets and byways in this sparsely-populated neck of the woods and of course it wouldn't be a VMR rally without a liberal sprinkling of fords!

As of this weekend, we already have 54 entries, the latest from John Stanley from Northern Ireland who will be joining us once again with his wondrous 1917 six-cylinder McLaughlin Buick Speedster.

But some sad news reached us today. MMM stalwart Colin Butchers passed away on Tuesday. Colin had attended no less than eight Pre-War Prescotts with his M.G. PB. And in further awful news today, a pilot of the RAF Battle of Britain Memorial Flight (as yet un-named) was killed in a Spitfire crash earlier today at RAF Conningsby - the first fatal accident in the history of the Flight. His Spitfire, MK356 was totally destroyed. There are no details of the accident yet, but from what I have read, it looks like engine failure after takeoff.
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Re: Pre-War Ludlow - 19th to 21st July

Post by Ian Grace »

Good news! For the Sunday Navigation Rally, you will only need OS map 137.

And the Scenic Tourists for both Saturday and Sunday will need no maps, as the route will be clearly detailed in the two Tour Handbooks, to be distributed at the Saturday and Sunday starts.

The route tracings and associated info will be overnighted from Florida to MSUK at Bicester tomorrow.
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Re: Pre-War Ludlow - 19th to 21st July

Post by Ian Grace »

A quick note on MSUK and insurance for the nav rally.

After clarifying with MSUK, I have just added the following to the Summer Rally web page:

"Note on MSUK route authorization and insurance requirements. Today's Navigation Rally route is being authorized by MSUK, with event number 29037JY21. In addition to the standard RTA insurance, the Navigational Rally entrants will have to obtain a ‘top-up’ insurance from a broker such as REIS or Bluefin. This would also be a requirement if the event was running on a Motorsport UK permit as whilst the permit provides 3rd party cover for damage to property, etc., it does not provide cover for the entrants running on the competitive road sections. The weekend Scenic Tours do not require additional top-up insurance as they are not competitive and have no timing element. Note also that some insurers include cover for MSUK permitted events, but as this is not a permitted event, you may need to take out top-up cover. Worth checking."

All a bit of overkill for a simple treasure hunt style Sunday jaunt, but at least this means that we can continue to run our nav rallies in the time-honoured Register tradition without having to be a MSUK-affiliated club, which would require a committee, annual elections, minuted committee meetings, annual general meetings, a Register rule book approved by MSUK, etc., etc.
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Re: Pre-War Ludlow - 19th to 21st July

Post by Ian Grace »

Tremendous weekend and we were so lucky with the weather!

Here's a couple of photo links:

Peter McFadyen: ... low24-105/

David Southcott:
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Re: Pre-War Ludlow - 19th to 21st July

Post by Ian Grace »

For those of you that receive The Automobile, the October issue is out now and includes a good write-up and photos by Peter McFadyen of Pre-War Ludlow on page 10. Thanks, Peter!
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