VG 2007

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Re: VG 2007

Post by halbe »

Nearly ready!!
VG is nearing completion. 10 years after buying her from a farm in Bungay she is back on the road. I took her for a little drive and all the mechanical bits are fine and functioning as they should!
Next thing to do is to get a dutch registration and hopefully freeze the original one. wouldnt like to see VG2007 on a new Merc.............
So off to the dutch RDW for a licence and on with the beading and another couple of small jobs.




Regards Halbe
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Re: VG 2007

Post by Ian Grace »

Just to update this thread. Halbe completed the restoration and has now sold the car to Tony Gamble. Delivery from Holland was delayed because of Covid, but it was finally delivered today. I'm sad to see Halbe part with it, but very pleased to see this fine, original and beautifully-restored car back in England.

Congratulations on your acquisition, Tony!
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Re: VG 2007

Post by Ian Grace »

And here she is back in England. Tony had considerable trouble getting the car back on a V5, but prevailed in the end.

But finding himself challenged for space, he has been advertising the car for over a year. To be honest, given the car's highly original 'barn-find' provenance and the meticulous and no-expense-spared restoration, I find it incredible that it wasn't snapped up. I am pleased to announce that I am in the process of acquiring the car from Tony and the plan is to bring it to Pre-War Prescott, as well as the Friday tour.

One of the many nice features of the car is that Halbe was able to retain all of the original interior, including the seats, which is all still in first class order, so the car doesn't feel (or smell) like a newly-restored car inside. Also, if you compare this photo to the one above (taken just before the car was shipped back to England), you will see that the beading has been completed on the body, which finishes the fabric body off nicely.

The car is a 1930 season example, but laid down in September 1929. Until Halbe acquired it, it had spent all of its life in Norfolk and had clearly had little use in its early years and was never messed about with, so it retains all of its original fittings, instrumentation, etc.

I'd like to list out all of the little jobs I plan to do on it, but there really isn't anything that needs doing, other than ordering a period road fund license disk for it! I have already applied for a VSCC Buff Form and will definitely be entering it in Light Car events.

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Re: VG 2007

Post by Ian Grace »

Just a very quick update to say I collected the car from Tony Gamble on Thursday and am delighted with it.

It was well down on power on the initial run around the lanes here in Herefordshire, but it feels like it is retarded and may have stale fuel in it. With its 12/12 cam and skimmed head, it should go better than it does.

I have a few days next week to sort it before putting it in the garage until our next visit to England in December. I have a battery tender which I will attach before departing.

I don't have the technology to post photos here with me right now, but will post several with more info when we get back to the US at the end of the month. It does look good parked beside the Semi-sports, which I collected from Cirencester last week.
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Re: VG 2007

Post by Ian Grace »

Took VG 2007 for its first real run to the New Year's Day pub meet at the New Inn, Pembridge, about 14 miles from our cottage. We were the first to arrive, so took the opportunity to take some photos and managed to get angles so the moderns were out of shot.

The car performed without fault, except I had starting difficulties - would hardly turn over even after I had charged the battery. We bump started the car to get home, after which I found the earth terminal loose and a bit corroded. Emery paper and a spanner did the trick. It is still underpowered, given the hugely expensive engine rebuild, 12/12 cam and M Type compression ratio, but this may be because it is not yet run in. I'll have more opportunity to tune it and run it on our next visit in July.

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Re: VG 2007

Post by Ian Grace »

Back in England for PWP and today I pulled the car out of hibernation. Battery charged, fresh fuel, filled the drained radiator and she fired up immediately with no issues. Oil pressure is 89 psi cold, 85 hot. Took it for a run round the lanes.

Taking it to a pub meet at the Boot, Orleton this evening. Only about ten miles, so should do it a power of good.
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Re: VG 2007

Post by Ian Grace »

Didn't get to the pub in it - there was a deluge!

When I took it to the Boot on New Year's Day, it was decidedly underpowered, needing first gear one one hill and only just maintaining forward movement!

And I had a repeat of the starting problem I had at Christmas. I fully charged the battery but the starter barely turned over. So I removed the battery terminals again and cleaned everything thoroughly. All sorted. This time I'll get some Vaseline and slather it all over the terminals, as we won't be back over again until next June, when we relocate permanently to the UK from Seattle. Or I might just disconnect both terminals so they don't corrode.

So last week I fiddled with the ignition timing and also put in a couple of gallons of fresh fuel and the car is transformed. As I have problems with the dynamo on the Semi-sports (see other thread), I'll be bringing the fabric saloon to Prescott next weekend.
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Re: VG 2007

Post by Ian Grace »

Arrived at the cottage last Sunday and got the car out. I charged the battery and it fired up immediately, after being stored since Christmas. I have run it around the lanes and it is running better than ever, pulling well in top up reasonable slopes. I really need to put some miles on it - not for the car, but for me! The first time out, I was crashing the gears, but I'm getting better at it!

I also stocked the tool box with the essentials and so I'm growing with confidence in it. More running planned this week so it will be ready for Ludlow. I won't be on the tours/rally as I have to 'sweep' the route with the modern, but will bring it to the evening socials.

Meanwhile, the container with the other four Minors is scheduled to arrive at Liverpool docks next week, so I'll have my hands full with those and also finalizing the rally preparations. Who said retirement will be boring?!
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Re: VG 2007

Post by Ian Grace »

100 miles or more put on the car last week, with a run out to Much Marcle and a lunch at the Dunkerton's cider mill. The more I use it, the better it seems to go. Is that because the car is freeing up, or is it that my driving is getting better (or less worse)?!

Either way, it is pulling nicely. A 35 mph cruise seems very comfortable and about 38 is easily attained when I have moderns behind me. There's some good hills between here and Bromyard and all were taken easily in top or second. I don't think I can ask much more of a Minor saloon.

Next up is the Lakes next weekend, which will definitely be a test.
Francis Sanders
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Re: VG 2007

Post by Francis Sanders »

38 is pretty good going on the flat. I think MU tops out about an alleged 42 but I know my speedo is inaccurate from my gps speed so I think only about 35 according to gps
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Re: VG 2007

Post by Ian Grace »

Interesting - thanks, Francis.

Incidentally, I've seen these GPS apps - could you point me to the one you have as I'd like to install it on my phone.
Francis Sanders
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Re: VG 2007

Post by Francis Sanders »

I just use Google maps it pops up in the corner as you travel along (the speed limit is also there and that is now actually a problem in the minor in Wales with all the 20mph!)
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