Summer Rally and Pre-War Prescott 2022

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Re: Summer Rally and Pre-War Prescott 2022

Post by SV_Minor »

Hi Ian, my Minor managed to get to East Anglia (I stayed in Norfolk while the event was across the border in Suffolk), without a problem. I did 185 miles on the Thursday, a short 20-odd miles on Friday, around 120 miles on Saturday, another 80-odd miles Sunday, and then drove back to Worcester, another 185 miles, on Monday. I'll be attending at least one day over the weekend, but don't know which days for certain until a bit closer to the time.
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Re: Summer Rally and Pre-War Prescott 2022

Post by Ian Grace »

Brilliant! That's a really good check-out behind you.
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Re: Summer Rally and Pre-War Prescott 2022

Post by Ian Grace »

Good news! The tickets arrived in the UK from Seattle this morning and 250 envelopes are already in the post to those who have entered.

Spare tickets for all of the weekend's events were also shipped, so we have late entries covered, if you have not entered yet, but intend to. This will hold good until four or five days before the weekend, after which entrants can simply turn up on Saturday and pay at the gate (but will not receive their free climb for booking in advance).

Sounds complicated, but the system is tried and tested!
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Re: Summer Rally and Pre-War Prescott 2022

Post by Ian Grace »

Here's the latest updates, copied from the July Newsletter which was circulated today:

Top reminders:

Entries are still open for all of the weekend’s events. If you haven’t entered and wish to do so, please get in touch ASAP – we have a stock of tickets in the UK that can be posted immediately. Failing that, you can turn up at Prescott on Saturday and pay at the gate – either if you wish to enter, or as a spectator.

If you have entered Pre-War Prescott and wish to climb the hill – drivers AND passengers will need an RS Clubman license AND you will also need to pre-register with the Bugatti Owners Club – details below. If you cannot commit to entering Pre-War Prescott in advance, don’t worry, you can turn up on the day and pay at the gate, and you WILL be able to get your license and sign on in the BOC office on the day, but the more drivers and passengers that have their paperwork in order before the day, the less pressure there will be in the office on the day.

There will be a number of spare climb tickets available on the day. If you with to avail yourselves, please come to the Register marquee in the Paddock when you arrive. These will go quickly.

If you have received your tickets, etc. for the weekend and have any issues with them, please get in touch immediately so corrections can be made.

If you wish to order Vintage Picnics from Revill’s Farm Shop for Sunday, I strongly urge you to do so immediately. The Picnic Menu and ordering details can be found here. Get in touch if you need any help with this, or simply bring your own picnic to Colesbourne Park.

Camping at Prescott – should be booked with me, not the BOC. This year, all campers MUST pitch their tents or park their camper vans, trailers, etc. at the BACK of the Orchard – that is between the farm at the bottom of the Orchard and the bathroom block at the top. There must be NO camping anywhere along the stone track that runs from the entrance gate towards the farm in the lower corner, i.e. parallel with the lane. This area must be kept clear so that the Peugeot Sports Club can stake out that area for their event on Sunday.

Don’t forget the Best-Dressed Trophy – the Quaich. Period dress is NOT required at Prescott, but take the opportunity if you wish – it all adds to the pre-war atmosphere. And you might go home with a very nice pewter trophy and miniature keepsake!

Please also don’t forget the lunchtime charity automobilia auction and raffle. Please bring along any quality items you would like to donate. 100% of the funds raised will go to the RAF Charitable Trust.

All will be very welcome on Friday evening where we will be holding our traditional Reception at the Gardners Arms at Alderton, (OS150/998334), just north of Prescott.

If you have a Minor, but have not entered, please consider doing so. You don’t have to climb the hill (and if not, then you don’t need the RS Clubman license and you don’t have to pre-register with the BOC), and you can even bring your car on a trailer if it isn’t running or reliable. Remember, this is the Register’s annual rally and we’d love to see a strong Minor turnout.

If you are one of the 52 Sunday Scenic Tour entries, you might like to switch to the Navigation Rally. It a light-hearted treasure hunt and not in any way a high-pressure event. And each entrant receives a sealed envelope at the start containing the full and explicit route directions, so you can drop out of the rally and into the scenic tour by simply unsealing the envelope.

All Sunday navigation rallyists should bring copies of OS Landranger maps 150 and 163 – any edition will do.

Both the Friday and Sunday runs will start at the Royal Oak at Gretton, starting at 8 a.m. where refreshments and fresh bacon baps will be available before heading out.

If you have ANY questions, concerns or requests regarding the weekend, please get in touch by replying to this e-mail without delay. The more issues we can iron out before the weekend, the more enjoyable will be the weekend for everyone.

Last but not least – we have engaged the services of two professional marshals at Prescott this year, specifically tasked with overseeing the queuing to the start line gate. At some times in past years, this has caused problems, in that cars coming down from the top of the Paddock have been disadvantaged compared to cars coming from the lower rows of the Paddock. There was an instance last year where a car waiting in the queue saw a car from the lower rows of the Paddock take the hill in front of them, return into the Paddock and get a second climb in before they reached the gate! Much queueing can be averted by taking your climbs in the morning or at least early in the afternoon. Remember that the hill will close promptly at 4 p.m. so make sure you get your climbs bank early in the day if you have multiple climbs booked.
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Re: Summer Rally and Pre-War Prescott 2022

Post by Ian Grace »

Almost all done on the planning front! I have about a day's worth of printing left to do - all sorts of odds and ends like the start line entry list, marshals' instruction cards, marshaling roster, sing on sheet, score cards for Sunday etc., etc. but then we'll be all set to pack and fly this Friday, arriving at Heathrow on Saturday morning.

I'm still getting entries in and I'm passing them across to John Hicks in Gotherington who is posting tickets out on a daily basis, so there's time to enter if you have not done so already

I'm sorting my cars to get them there - insurance, logistics, etc.

And the really good news is that the two week forecast is really looking food for the whole weekend.

See you very soon!
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Re: Summer Rally and Pre-War Prescott 2022

Post by Ian Grace »

The weather forecast for the weekend is indeed looking really good. No rain in Gloucestershire between now through the rally weekend. Friday 28 degrees, Saturday 28 degrees, Sunday 27 degrees. it doesn't get much better than that and bodes very well for the Lancaster display on Saturday.
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Re: Summer Rally and Pre-War Prescott 2022

Post by Ian Grace »

Great short Youtube video of PWP 2022 by Matt Boroweicki. Also shows the Sunday navigation rally.
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