Found a great period photo of my car.

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Found a great period photo of my car.

Post by paddyr »

Imagine my surprise when a Google search on my reg number actually produces a result. I found a fantastic 1935 (ish) photograph of my car in a town history archive in Witham, Essex.



Unrelated to the car (I believe), the house behind the photographer is where the author Dorothy L Sayers was resident.
Ian Grace
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Re: Found a great period photo of my car.

Post by Ian Grace »

Absolutely brilliant!
Keith Durston
Posts: 1
Joined: Wed Apr 28, 2021 3:45 pm

Re: Found a great period photo of my car.

Post by Keith Durston »

What luck Paddy. I also have an EV Essex registered car that I have never managed to find any period information on. How did you search because when I search on Google Chrome for your registration number (and mine) I don't get what you have found? The nearest I have got to any information on my car was when a previous owner in Chelmsford found me via the car club and wanted to know about the car he once owned. However he knew very little and owned the car for a very short time before selling it to the guy from whom I bought it in 1964. At that time it had been abandoned as it was very worn out and the gearbox output shaft was broken. It was hidden beneath brambles that had grown over it and a small tree was trying to grow its way through the floorboards.

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