Vintage Minor Register Pre-War Prescott 2021

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Vintage Minor Register Pre-War Prescott 2021

Post by Ian Grace »

So our Summer Rally 2020 has become our Summer Rally 2021, but as a consequence, our 2021 gathering will be outstanding, particularly as it will mark the coming of age of our Register which will have been founded 21 years earlier. Virtually everyone who had already entered for 2020 has rolled over their entries to next year and right now we already have 124 entries, including 13 Minors, so we are looking at a potential record Minor entry for our landmark gathering. That would be fantastic! I am entering my Semi-sports and my newly-acquired 1929 tourer, and I can't wait.

In order to make next year's gathering very special, I am adding a third day to the weekend. And if you are reading this, you are the first to know that we are organizing, among other things, a visit to the Morgan factory in Malvern in Friday and a pub lunch before our traditional evening reception on Friday evening. More details will be posted as they are finalized.

But in the meantime, if you haven't entered already, consider making plans to join us at out 21st Anniversary Rally.
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Re: Vintage Minor Register Pre-War Prescott 2021

Post by Ian Grace »

An important planning task was completed today. I just submitted our application for a flypast to the RAF Air Events Team at RAF Northolt.

We had been allocated a Spitfire this year, so I am hopeful of air support for next year. We should know around February next year. Watch this space!
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Re: Vintage Minor Register Pre-War Prescott 2021

Post by Ian Grace »

Quick bit of news on PWP 2021. As this year's gathering had to be canceled, I want to make next year's weekend something special, so we are adding a third day - Friday 16th July. We will be visiting the Morgan Car Company in Malvern on Friday morning for a factory tour hosted by Ian Patton, lunching at The Swan Inn, Hanley Swan and then visiting the Westons Cider Mill at Much Marcle in the afternoon for a tour, tasting and cream teas before returning to the Prescott area for our traditional Friday evening pub reception. Full details, including prices, timings and booking arrangements will be added to the website shortly.
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Re: Vintage Minor Register Pre-War Prescott 2021

Post by Ian Grace »

With Christmas approaching fast (if it doesn’t get canceled), I thought this might be a good time to provide a few important updates on plans for New Year’s Day, Pre-War Prescott 2021 and our Register Summer Rally weekend, of which PWP is the centrepiece.

First and foremost, PWP 2021 will incorporate PWP 2020! That is to say, virtually every PWP 2020 entry has been rolled over to 2021, so if you entered PWP 2020 and didn’t request a refund (and only three people did, and for very good reasons), then your entry is good for 2021. I mention this again because I have had a number of people entering recently who are already entered, so I have been sending out refunds. If you are in any doubt as to whether you are on the 2021 entry list or not, you can easily check the live entry list as it grows at, and if you are not on the list, you should enter el quicko at!

Second, there were five entries in the last 24 hours which means that we have blown through the 300 climbs mark, so from today I am going to ‘throttle down’ the available climbs per entry from two plus a free one to one plus a free one. The one thing that can spoil Pre-War Prescott is the potential scrum and unacceptable queueing times for the hill, so I hope everyone understands that we have to limit the number of pre-bookable climbs so that those who, for a variety of very good reasons, cannot commit until the day, have a chance of climbing the hill, which means I need to keep a number of climbs back for sale on the day. Thanks for your understanding.

I also want to remind everyone that, because of the cancellation of PWP 2020, I am determined to make PWP 2021 the best yet (no easy task!), and to that end I have organized a full itinerary for Friday. There will be a special tour of the Morgan Car Company factory and showrooms at Malvern on Friday morning (hosted by our very own Ian Patton), a lunch at the Swan Inn, Hanley Swan, then an afternoon visit and tour of the Westons Cider mill at Much Marcle and finally our traditional Friday evening pub reception at the Gardeners Arms, Alderton, near Prescott. If you would like to participate in either the Morgan or the Westons visit, please let me know, so I can book accordingly. Payment for both visits will be on the day, so these activities don’t appear on the weekend entry form, but I do need to have a good idea of numbers in advance so that tour groups can be arranged.

As for entries, we have had a flurry over the last few days. As of today, we have 136 entries, 312 climbs booked, 56 booked for the Saturday evening Prescott BBQ (that’s in addition to Mike Dowley and his unmissable ragtime band) and 50 entries for the Sunday runs (nav rally and scenic tour). As you will be able to see at the entry list link above, we already have a fantastically varied and interesting entry, including three Edwardians coming from Ireland! I should also remind our Alvis friends that we will be celebrating the Centenary of the start of Alvis production, so that Alvis is going to be the featured marque for the weekend. We already have 14 Minors booked in and I’m hoping we can reach at least 21, since we will also be celebrating the Register’s 21st Birthday. If you own a Minor but have never joined in any of our rallies, please consider coming along to this one – you will be made very welcome!

Incidentally, the latest entry for the weekend is new member Jim Reed with his rare 1932 Minor 4-seater tourer. Jim is the landlord of The Old Bull at nearby Inkberrow, so this is another important reminder that the Register is planning a New Year’s Day lunchtime meet at this historic and quintessentially English pub. Of course, all owners and enthusiasts of pre-war cars – whether you are a Register member or a future member (!) will be very welcome. And what better way to help one of the BEST pubs in all England survive this current nonsense. No need to book – just turn up and say hello to Jim whose team will take great care of you. And please don’t forget your camera!

I think that’s about all the important news at this point. Full details of Pre-War Prescott can be found at, while full details of the entire weekend can be found at ... _2021.html.

Finally, may I extend a particularly warm welcome to eleven new members who have joined the Register since November – welcome to Paul Ellis (1934 Minor 2-seater), George and Marguerite Morgan or Victoria, Australis (M.G. J3), Haydon Edwards (1931 Minor 2-seater), Paul Hidden (1932 Minor 2-seater), Joe Reed (1932 Minor 4-seater tourer and a very nice pub!), Peter Burrows (1934 Minor-based M Type rep.), David Webster (1937 Alvis Speed 25), Kenneth Allen (1934 Minor saloon), Paul Holmes (Austin 7 Chummy), Mike Shaw (1930 M Type), Ian Westrope (1932 Family Eight – the youngest OHC Minor on the Chassis Register, built just a week before the end of production) and David Edwards (1955 M.G. TD and 1933 Austin 7 special). Welcome all!
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Re: Vintage Minor Register Pre-War Prescott 2021

Post by Ian Grace »

As of today we already have fifteen Minors entered for next year:

1 LJ 4435 1930 Morris Minor Semi-sports Ian Grace
2 BR 8606 1930 Morris Minor 2-seater Richard and Sue Woodward
3 MM 9385 1929 Morris Minor tourer Steve Kent
4 MV 6416 1932 Morris Minor saloon Dan Brockway
5 JN 570 1930 Morris Minor Semi-sports Nick Jarman
6 TF 3362 1930 Morris Minor saloon Clive Perkins
7 MU 5741 1932 Morris Minor Calshot Ian Harris
8 PG 2676 1929 Morris Minor Special Paul Gregory
9 CSL 977 1933 Morris Minor saloon Mike Jones
10 EC 9783 1933 Morris Minor Jensen Special Simon Hodgins
11 EN 5810 1933 Morris Minor Maddox Special Paul Maddox
12 DG 325 1930 Morris Minor tourer Clive Hamilton-Gould
13 WE 6554 1929 Morris Minor tourer Ian Grace
14 VSU 309 1932 Morris Minor tourer Joe Reed
15 BPB 357 1934 Morris Minor 2-seater Paul Ellis

And we have a total of 37 members already booked in with various cars.

That is a fantastic entry with over seven months to go. I'd really like to see at least 21 Minors in attendance, since this 2021 will mark the 21st Anniversary of the founding of the Register.

How many more can we gather in July?
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Re: Vintage Minor Register Pre-War Prescott 2021

Post by Ian Grace »

1 LJ 4435 1930 Morris Minor Semi-sports Ian Grace
2 BR 8606 1930 Morris Minor 2-seater Richard and Sue Woodward
3 MM 9385 1929 Morris Minor tourer Steve Kent
4 MV 6416 1932 Morris Minor saloon Dan Brockway
5 JN 570 1930 Morris Minor Semi-sports Nick Jarman
6 TF 3362 1930 Morris Minor saloon Clive Perkins
7 MU 5741 1932 Morris Minor Calshot Ian Harris
8 PG 2676 1929 Morris Minor Special Paul Gregory
9 CSL 977 1933 Morris Minor saloon Mike Jones
10 EC 9783 1933 Morris Minor Jensen Special Simon Hodgins
11 EN 5810 1933 Morris Minor Maddox Special Paul Maddox
12 DG 325 1930 Morris Minor tourer Clive Hamilton-Gould
13 WE 6554 1929 Morris Minor tourer Ian Grace
14 VSU 309 1932 Morris Minor tourer Joe Reed
15 BPB 357 1934 Morris Minor 2-seater Paul Ellis
16 IA 9142 1930 Morris Minor Semi-sports Alistair Bond
17 CRF 572 1934 Morris Minor 2-seater Harold Blair

17 and counting.
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Re: Vintage Minor Register Pre-War Prescott 2021

Post by Ian Grace »

1 LJ 4435 1930 Morris Minor Semi-sports Ian Grace
2 BR 8606 1930 Morris Minor 2-seater Richard and Sue Woodward
3 MM 9385 1929 Morris Minor tourer Steve Kent
4 MV 6416 1932 Morris Minor saloon Dan Brockway
5 JN 570 1930 Morris Minor Semi-sports Nick Jarman
6 TF 3362 1930 Morris Minor saloon Clive Perkins
7 MU 5741 1932 Morris Minor Calshot Ian Harris
8 PG 2676 1929 Morris Minor Special Paul Gregory
9 CSL 977 1933 Morris Minor saloon Mike Jones
10 EC 9783 1933 Morris Minor Jensen Special Simon Hodgins
11 EN 5810 1933 Morris Minor Maddox Special Paul Maddox
12 DG 325 1930 Morris Minor tourer Clive Hamilton-Gould
13 WE 6554 1929 Morris Minor tourer Ian Grace
14 VSU 309 1932 Morris Minor tourer Joe Reed
15 BPB 357 1934 Morris Minor 2-seater Paul Ellis
16 IA 9142 1930 Morris Minor Semi-sports Alistair Bond
17 CRF 572 1934 Morris Minor 2-seater Harold Blair
18 BF 6628 1930 Morris Minor saloon Alan Dolman

And it looks like new member Steve Fathers will have a friend bring his newly-acquired 'oily rag' 1929 tourer - he has already entered his Ford. So 19 and still counting towards the magic 21. As such, I am going to TRY to get owners of other Morrises to park in a different location so we can have an uninterrupted line of Minors which should look superb. Who else is planning to bring their Minor?

The total entry for the weekend currently stands at 168. You can view the entry list - as it grows at
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Re: Vintage Minor Register Pre-War Prescott 2021

Post by Ian Grace »

I heard from the RAF Events Team this morning regarding our request for Battle of Britain Memorial Flight air support for Pre-War Prescott.

Here is the response from the RAF Events Team:

"Thank you for your email.

Due to Covid restrictions many Events are changing dates, therefore our programme is still fluid, until we have a full picture we can’t confirm.

However, we have allocated a Spitfire to your Event, I strongly suspect this will remain, but there is a slight possibility that one of the larger display events may move to your date.

As soon as the programme is confirmed we will send out letters.

Hope this helps, apologies for the late confirmations this year."

It must be a complete nightmare trying to schedule flights at such an unpredictable time. Much like the Battle of Britain, I suppose ...
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Re: Vintage Minor Register Pre-War Prescott 2021

Post by SV_Minor »

Would like to say I'll definitely be heading to PWP in July but even though I have managed to do 850 miles since the Minor returned to the road in December, I'm very aware that it could very easily go wrong between now and then. I've only had one breakdown so far. I ran out of petrol! :lol:
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Re: Vintage Minor Register Pre-War Prescott 2021

Post by Ian Grace »

Jonathan, excellent news and I look forward to receiving your entry form!
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Re: Vintage Minor Register Pre-War Prescott 2021

Post by Ian Grace »

A bit of a critical update on PWP. All of you who have entered should have received this news this morning, but in the interest of spreading it as widely as possible, here's what went out this morning:

Since Pre-War Prescott 2019, much has changed over the past two years. We all know about Covid, which caused the cancellation of Pre-War Prescott 2020 (and much else!) and it will impact Pre-War Prescott 2021 – as detailed below.

In addition, since PWP 2019, MSUK has introduced new regulations governing the sport. These are impacting Prescott and the Bugatti Owners’ Club, and in turn, Pre-War Prescott.

Further details will be circulated in a couple of days, but here are the key points for you to start absorbing:

• ALL entrants (i.e. all those parking their pre-war cars in the Paddock, and whether climbing the hill or not) and their passengers over the age of 18 will require an MSUK Clubman license (or higher ranked license).

• ALL those arriving at the gate on the day – entrants and their passengers, spectators, traders and displayers - will have to pre-register online before the day and their pre-registration will be checked against a list held by the gate marshals. Those not pre-registered will regretfully have to be turned away.

These two requirements mean that it will no longer be possible to simply turn up on the day and pay at the gate to enter and climb the hill, so anyone wishing to enter MUST do so in advance. And for this year, because of the Covid track-and-trace requirements, THIS ALSO INCUDES ALL SPECTATORS. So, if you are planning to come along on the day – even just to spectate, you should put in an entry form ASAP and you will have to pre-register using the BOC system that will go live shortly. Spectators do NOT need a MSUK license, but you might well want to obtain one anyway, just in case you get offered a ride up the hill, or if you are lucky enough to win a ride up the hill in the raffle!

Hopefully, the track-and-trace restrictions will be eased by July and long gone by next year. But for now, it would be safer to assume that track-and-trace will still be in effect for PWP 2021, and the Clubman license and pre-registration requirements for entrants are here to stay.

To obtain a MSUK Clubman license, go to: ... n-licence/

and apply online. It is very simple, quick and free. When your license is e-mailed to you moments later, simply print it out and bring it with you on the day.

The above raises all sorts of questions which I am currently taking up with the BOC. I will be circulating a comprehensive update on all of this as soon as I have all the answers. One big question relates to those turning up early on the day (traders, volunteer marshals, and even campers arriving the day before, etc. I will include the answer in the update.

I am told that I will have access to the ‘back end’ of the BOC pre-registration system so I will be able to see all those who have pre-registered. I will then cross-check this list with the entry list so I can chase up any who have not yet registered. Clearly, this is going to be an enormous overhead, so I would really appreciate if everyone could sort out their licenses and jump onto the pre-registration link as soon as possible when it goes live in a few days. Please look out for the next e-mail update.

A further note on spectators. Right now, the Bugatti Owner’s Club is in constant contact with Tewkesbury Borough Council who are driving the spectator restrictions in accordance with the national lockdown rules. As of today, up to 250 spectators are being permitted to attend Prescott events. This number may be increased by July, so I don’t think we will have a problem with permitted numbers, even at the 250 level.

And a note on obtaining your MSUK Clubman license if you not resident in the UK. Right now, the online form only accepts UK addresses and mobile phone numbers. I spoke to MSUK this morning about this and they told me that a hotel address/phone number or similar is fine. So just use your accommodation details. And they did tell me that they will update the form for next year to include free text fields, so that any address/phone number can be inserted. If you have any problem at all in completing the online application, call the membership staff on +44 (0)1753 765050 or e-mail them at

So here’s what to expect on the day. At the gate, you will show your entry ticket as usual, but you will also need to be checked off against the pre-registration list, and also show your MSUK Clubman license if you are a pre-war car entrant or a passenger aged 18 or over in the car. Then, before climbing the hill, you will need to attend one of the periodic BOC safety briefings to obtain your wristband which permits you access to the start line. This applies to both drivers and all passengers, and it exactly the same system the BOC has always operated. However, the small difference this time is that there will be no paper indemnity form to complete and hand in, because you will have provided all the information on it when you pre-registered online. But if you are a driver or passenger 18 or over, you will have to show your MSUK Clubman license. And that is it!

That is about all I can tell you at this point. The good news is that obtaining a MSUK license is quick, simple and free, and I believe the BOC pre-registration process will be equally straightforward. But I want to make sure that NOBODY turns up on the day and has to be turned away. By sorting all this out in advance, we can all look forward to a relaxing and enjoyable Pre-War Prescott as always!
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Re: Vintage Minor Register Pre-War Prescott 2021

Post by SV_Minor »

Sad to see this island sinking under the weight of ever more red tape and regulations/rules. What if, like me, you don't have a printer to print off all these forms?
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Re: Vintage Minor Register Pre-War Prescott 2021

Post by Ian Grace »

I couldn't agree more!

You can show the e-mail on your phone -if you have one - and can delve back far enough to find the e-mail!

I'll be calling MSUK again tomorrow, because we have some people who aren't members of any car clubs on their affiliated clubs list, and you have to pick one and also add your membership number. This is also causing problems to those who bring vintage motorcycles, because there are no bike clubs on the list.

Goodness knows what will happen with the Prescott Bikefest!
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Re: Vintage Minor Register Pre-War Prescott 2021

Post by SV_Minor »

Thanks for the heads-up about only needing to show the email on my phone. I'll just take a screenshot and create a VMR Album for quick and easy access on the day. At least that is helpful 8) I'll have to make an effort to book in the next week or so. Did you mention that VMR isn't affiliated with MSUK? If so, is that a problem?
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Re: Vintage Minor Register Pre-War Prescott 2021

Post by Ian Grace »

That should work nicely!

So the VMR is not a MUSK-affiliated club. First, it costs money, but more pertinently, one has to have a committee, officer elections, AGM's, a rule book that has to be approved by MSUK, and on and on and on. The VMR doesn't even come close to fitting this template!

Lots of clubs have chosen not to be affiliated - like the Octagon Car Club, which is a very large club.

I'm calling MSUK to thrash all this out tomorrow. For example:

We have PWP entrants who bring along vintage motorcycles, but there are no bike clubs on the MSUK list of CAR clubs! (God knows what's going to happen with the Prescott Bikefest!)

Then the requirement for passengers to have a license is pure nonsense. Roger Burnett's wife might like to have a ride up the hill with him. So she not only has to have a MSUK Clubman license but also has to join an affiliated club before she can apply for one!

It's all to do with insurance which MSUK provides as part of the permit for the event - which in this case is applied for by the Bugatti Owner's Club. Remember that our remit ends at the start line gate. Everything that happens past that point is the responsibility of the BOC. I'm told the reason they require everyone to pre-register is so they know who is covered by the insurance.

And who believes that the Clubman licenses will continue to be free for long? I believe, as do many others, that requiring the license is Step 1 and charging for them will be Step 2.

Thank goodness, as a non-MSUK club, we avoid all this nonsense when it comes to our scenic tours and nav rallies. And I did confirm this once again with MSUK this morning. Long may that go on.
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