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Gearbox 3spd Jumping out of top

Posted: Sat May 25, 2019 2:30 pm
by PeterWHills
I recently overhauled my gearbox as I had to use a new casing (long story). With my old gearbox I do not recall it jumping out of gear. After refitting the 'new, box it runs fine but every so often it jumps into neural, some times when decelerating or going over a bump. I subsequently removed the top cover and noticed the difference between old and new was a missing spacer (in new), see the original and new casing pictures and spacing tube. The pointer shows with and without the spacer. I moved the spacer to the 'new' box cover thinking that would be the solution but alas it still jumps into neutral now and then. One might suggest that the balls and springs to secure the lever are the cause but it seems to click quite soundly into position when changing gear. I'm inclined to refit my original gearbox top but before spending a weekend on this job does any Minor users have similar experience, assuming it is simply wear and that we should live with the problem?




Re: Gearbox 3spd Jumping out of top

Posted: Tue May 28, 2019 7:43 pm
by Ian Grace

I'm not sure that the spacer is an original Morris part. If it were, why not machine it from thicker tube like the other spacers?

Looking in the parts list, I don't see it.
