Forum registration, usernames and password issues

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Ian Grace
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Forum registration, usernames and password issues

Post by Ian Grace »

When you register for the forum for the first time, you are invited to select a username and password.

It would be tremendously helpful for future administration if you use your real name as your username. When members forget their passwords, I can reset these, but I need to know their username first. if they have forgotten both, i have to trawl through the list of over 300 registered users looking for them. This is simple if their username is John Smith, but near impossible if their username is Minorman!

If you have forgotten your password but you DO know your username, then there is a 'Forgotten your password?' option on the login page. You will need to enter your username and your e-mail address - the one you entered when you first registered.

If you have forgotten your username and password, I can SOMETIMES find you in the system from just your e-mail address, but this facility often does not work, for reasons unknown. So an option in this case is to submit a new registration, using a new e-mail address, username and password.

If you have any login issues, e-mail me at and i will do my best to help you.
Ian Grace
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Joined: Sun Nov 19, 2006 12:55 am
Location: USA

Re: Forum registration, usernames and password issues

Post by Ian Grace »

I have just set a parameter buried in the cogs and gears of the forum that should e-mail you when there is a reply to your posts. Now to test it with some real posts.
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