Summer Rally and Pre-War Prescott 2019

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Re: Summer Rally and Pre-War Prescott 2019

Post by Ian Grace »

As of today - 23rd March - just over 400 climbs have been booked, so the entry form has been amended to remove the option to book additional climbs. However, each entry from now will still come with a free climb of the hill (as well as a free commemorative Programme and a free £5 ticket for our first ever prestige charity raffle, with 100% of the proceeds to be donated to the RAF Charitable Trust - so we have raised nearly a thousand Pounds already!). We have an incredible 192 entries to date, and 66 entries for the Sunday Cotswold Navigation Rally and parallel Scenic Tour. A truly spectacular pre-war weekend is coming together!
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Re: Summer Rally and Pre-War Prescott 2019

Post by Ian Grace »

A quick note on spectators. As you may have read, we're changing things a little this year to be fairer, charging GBP 10 per spectator, rather than GBP 30 per car. The old arrangement was felt to be unfair on those who come along by themselves. While good news for many spectators, this new arrangement has the potential to significantly reduce our gate takings, which is a problem in a year when the cost of hiring Prescott has risen steeply. So the decision has been made to charge GBP 15 per person for spectators on the gate this year, but you can still enjoy the GBP10 per person rate simply by pre-booking.
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Re: Summer Rally and Pre-War Prescott 2019

Post by Ian Grace »

As entries passed the 200 mark this morning, we can announce that the RAF Battle of Britain Memorial Flight has allocated us a Hawker Hurricane for Saturday. The Flight operates two of these iconic fighters, but it is too early to know which one will grace the skies over Prescott.

Sincere thanks to the RAF Display Team at Bentley Priory who organize the BBMF calendar.
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Re: Summer Rally and Pre-War Prescott 2019

Post by Ian Grace »

225 entries for Saturday and 81 for Sunday - so far!

18 Minors, 32 Hornets, 65 MMM entries including 15 M Types.

158 for the Saturday evening party/BBQ.

All of these numbers are WAY up on last year, which was in turn a record turnout. You can check out the entry list as it grows at

And to top it off, the RAF Battle of Britain Memorial Flight is sending one of its two historic Hawker Hurricanes for top cover. In return we have already collected GBP 1,125 for the RAF Charitable Trust.

Latest entry for Pre-War Prescott is Anthony Littlejohn who entered today with his MG 18/100 Tigress, to join Geoff Radford with his similar model. Two historic cars!

As planning for Pre-War Prescott progresses, much work is being put into the Sunday run and a super route is developing. maps needed by the nav rallyists are 150, 151 and 163.

NOT a weekend to be missed! Entries still open. Enter at
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Re: Summer Rally and Pre-War Prescott 2019

Post by Ian Grace »

And 68 Register members booked to attend - about a quarter of the entire worldwide membership - not bad!
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Re: Summer Rally and Pre-War Prescott 2019

Post by Ian Grace »

Sunday route finalized. Entrants will require OS LandRanger maps 150, 151 and 163. Any editions. Those on the Scenic Tour will not require maps - there will be detailed route instructions in the Tour Handbook given to every scenic tourist at the start.
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Re: Summer Rally and Pre-War Prescott 2019

Post by Ian Grace »

With about six weeks to go, everything is looking very good for a great weekend. I have finalized the draft route for Sunday, 'driven' it in Google Earth Streetview, written the route instructions in Tour Handbook format, and shipped it off to Chris Dunster to drive in the real world! Once he has done this and fine tuned the wording, signposts, etc., I can go ahead and print the Tour Handbooks including the background information on all the places of interest that we will be visiting along the route. We already have 89 entries for Sunday, so we are splitting the lunch stop over two pubs to ease pressure in the lunches!

Also once the route is finalized, I can go ahead and prepare the Navigation Rally navigational and route clues and prepare and print the route and clue cards.

Meanwhile, I plan to get the first draft of the Marshaling Plan out today to all those who have generously volunteered to help out over the weekend.

The Commemorative Programme is now 99% complete, just waiting for a couple of details to be finalized and it will be off to the printers in Cheltenham. (I'm trying to get the time slot for the Hurricane.)

All of the tickets have now been printed and also all of the address labels for the ticket envelopes as well as the Final Instructions sheet that will go out with the tickets. Entries are still coming in, so I will wait a little longer before competing the ticketing and getting all of the envelopes across to John Hicks for posting on to everyone. Ticketing is no small task and has to be done VERY careful to ensure everyone receives the right tickets - entry, spectator, climbs, BBQ and cream tea tickets, plus raffle tickets this year.

Most other jobs are either done or under way - the band is booked, the prizes for the raffle are coming together, the paddock parking plan needs to be done and all the marque boards printed and taken for laminating, and countless other smaller jobs.

One of the last things I do before flying is to finalize the start line entry list in alphabetical order of registration numbers and print it off to pin to the start line hut. And then the entire weekend gets copied over to my laptop - just in case the paperwork goes astray during the flight to Heathrow!

Then there's the Summer Magazine which is currently about half done and is planned to go to the printers in about two weeks.

And just one more monthly Newsletter (July) before the weekend, but there are bound to be a number of smaller e-mail updates as we gt down to the wire.

Once that little lot is done, I think we're getting close to being ready!
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Re: Summer Rally and Pre-War Prescott 2019

Post by Ian Grace »

71 members booked in for Pre-War Prescott so far - almost a third of the entire worldwide membership! And I'm sure more will turn up on the day.
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Re: Summer Rally and Pre-War Prescott 2019

Post by Ian Grace »

Quick update. John Hicks forwarded all the tickets for entries received so far yesterday and I have heard from some that they have received their tickets this morning. Entries remain open, as we have an excellent late-ticketing system.

And this morning the RAF Battle of Britain Memorial Flight confirmed their slot for the Hurricane. Hurricane IIc PZ865 will arrive over Prescott at 1542 hrs, flown by the RAF Conningsby Station Commander Mark Flewin who first solo'd on the Hurricane this April as the new Station Commander. P7865 was the last Hurricane ever built.

Mark is autographing two copies of James Holland's definitive RAF Centenary book, 'RAF 100', for us. One will become a prize in our raffle in aid of the RAF Charitable Trust, and the other will be awarded to the Air Cadet who sells most raffle tickets in the morning on the day (the draw will take place directly after the auction in the lunch break).

In other news, we just hit 240 entries and have a number of vintage bikes about to enter. Just 17 days before we fly to London - all good stuff!
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Re: Summer Rally and Pre-War Prescott 2019

Post by Ian Grace »

Two weeks this evening Jayne and I will be welcoming early arrivers at the historic Gardeners Arms at Alderton, just north of Prescott. We will have spent the Friday afternoon at Prescott, preparing the Paddock and greeting campers as they arrive. We’re expecting many of our overseas visitors to join us at the Gardeners as they will be arriving in the area on Friday. And I can’t wait for my first pint of real English ale for a year!

If you are arriving in the area on Friday, do come along and join the gathering and kick off the weekend in style.

The Gardeners Arms is located in the Alderton village just off the B4077. OS reference 998333.
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Re: Summer Rally and Pre-War Prescott 2019

Post by Ian Grace »

Pre-War Prescott is two weeks today!

We fly to London Tuesday week, arriving at Heathrow Wednesday morning and heading for our rented cottage in Bredons Norton, which will become VMR Base Camp for the weekend.

Everyone who has entered has now been ticketed but entries remain open at – we’re awfully slick at handling late entries and ticketing. However, if you simply can’t make a decision until the day, you can pay at the gate which opens at 9 a.m.
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Re: Summer Rally and Pre-War Prescott 2019

Post by Ian Grace »

Twelve days to go to Pre-War Prescott and two weeks today, about 90 pre-war cars will be meandering across the Cotswolds as they take part in the Vintage Minor Register’s traditional Navigation Rally and Scenic Tour, stopping in at various places of interest along the way. Their crews will be lunching at one of two pubs that are ready to welcome us and we will be taking tea in the gardens and the gorgeous Stanway House where Lord Wemyss has once again kindly arranged for the three hundred foot gravity fountain to be launched – a spectacular sight that has become a highlight of our annual summer rallies.

The Cotswolds are looking its very best right now and harvest time is not far away. The weather forecast for the weekend is fine, settled and warm but not baking hot. Perfect!

The Navigation Rallyists will require Ordnance Survey Landranger maps numbers 150, 151 and 163 (any edition), and in addition to their route and clue cards, they will receive a sealed envelope at the start containing explicit route instructions – just in case they get hopelessly lost. Opening the envelope will automatically transfer them to the Tourist Class. Meanwhile the Scenic Tourists will receive a Tour Handbook in the morning which will contain explicit route instructions for the day. Therefore they will need no maps but it might be a good idea to bring them or at least a gazetteer, just in case you still manage to get lost!

The start will be from the Prescott Paddock and the marshals will be there at 8 sharp and do their best to get everyone away as early as possible so that entrants have plenty of time to enjoy the route and the morning stops before reaching the lunch stops. If you don’t have time for breakfast, the kiosk will be open in the Paddock serving their famous bacon butties, teas, coffee, etc. The marshals will be departing at 9 sharp, so please make sure you arrive by then. If any of you simply cannot make it, please let me know in advance and I will do my best to make alternative arrangements for you.

The following annual awards will be presented at Stanway House:

The Roy Hogg Trophy, awarded to the highest score by a Minor or M Type MG in the Navigation Rally

Lewis & Nicholson Compass, competed for annually between teams of Morris Minors and Austin 7's in the Navigation Rally

The Nymph Trophy, awarded to the highest scoring marque team of at least three cars in the Navigation Rally

Plus a special award for the highest scoring non-Morris Minor/M Type MG in the Navigation Rally

Other awards at the discretion of the organizer
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Re: Summer Rally and Pre-War Prescott 2019

Post by Ian Grace »

A week tonight, early arrivers will be descending on the Gardners Arms at Alderton for our informal Reception, kicking off an incredible weekend of vintage motorsport, socializing and much more.

Jayne and I will be there with our family and I’ll have plenty of spare tickets of all types if anyone is in need at the last minute. I will also have all of the gate ticket envelopes if anyone would like to collect theirs before arriving on Saturday morning.

Advance entries are STILL coming in and we passed the 250 mark yesterday, which is an incredible total, with many more expected to turn up on the day. We can handle advance entries RIGHT up to the day, and these will come with a free climb, Commemorative Programme and a free five pound raffle ticket. All advance entries received from now will have their tickets enveloped and waiting to be collected at the gate.

A few important updates.

Spectators. We’re expecting a very good number this year and nearly 200 advance spectator tickets have already gone out. Advance spectator tickets are ten pounds per person and fifteen per person on the gate. The gate opens at 9 a.m.

Raffle prizes. I’m still assembling prizes for the raffle which currently include a Tiger Moth flight, dinner for two at a Michelin-starred restaurant, a climb of the hill with Charles Trevelyan , Chairman of the Bugatti Owners Club, in his stunning Type 37A Bugatti and a copy of RAF 100 autographed by Group Captain Mark Flewin, the Station Commander of RAF Conningsby and our Hurricane pilot for the day. All those who have entered their pre-war car will have received a free raffle ticket. DON’T forget to bring it on Saturday! The Air Cadets will be selling additional tickets on the day and more will be available at the VMR marquee, but it would be better if you buy them from a Cadet as the Cadet who sells the most tickets will be receiving another autographed copy of RAF 100. I’d like to appeal for any additional prizes that anyone would like to donate. All of the funds raised will be going to the RAF Charitable Trust.

The Hawker Hurricane flypast is scheduled for 1342 hrs. Precisely. But listen out for the Tannoy during the day in case there is an update. The Memorial Flight will be calling on Friday to give us an update an final confirmation. As always, it will be an incredible sight and sound overhead, so have your cameras ready!

I’d also like to remind everyone that we will be holding a no-reserve auction of spares and automobilia in the lunch break so if you have any quality items to offer (specially M.G. and Wolseley items this year!), please drop them off at the VMR marquee in the morning – thanks in advance. Again, all funds raised will go to the RAF Charitable Trust. The raffle draw will take place directly after the auction which will take place at 1-30, so do gather around the VMR marquee at that time.

Children at the Saturday evening BBQ. If you have bought BBQ tickets for Saturday evening and any of these are for under twelves, stop by the VMR marquee on Saturday and swap them out for children’s tickets and receive a ten pound refund. I have negotiated for these to be half price.

If the weather is set to be dry in the evening, we will have plenty more BBQ tickets for sale on Saturday at the VMR marquee. The reason for the weather contingency is that if it is wet, the Clubhouse can only seat around 150 guests, and we have reached that number in advance ticket sales already.

I’m tracking the long-range weather forecast daily and right now its looking lovely! 24 degrees, light breeze for the whole weekend.

I’m still getting people asking if there is any camping at Prescott. Yes! Camping is available from Friday to Sunday nights inclusive. Five pounds a night for a tent, camper or caravan. Just pop in to the BOC office and pay when convenient.

One more point about camping. Many of you will be aware of the serious problems encountered by the VSCC at their event last year. If not, suffice it to say that the Bugatti Owners Club will be particularly sensitive to any noise coming from the campers late at night. Of course, this has never been an issue at Pre-War Prescott and I fully expect the same this year. PWP campers are definitely the right crowd! Enough said!

Parking in the Paddock. As noted previously, we’re going to be quite tight in the Paddock on Saturday – although there is a very large overflow area on the far side of the Paddock. But I’m trying to get all marques gathered together and so I’ll attached again the Paddock Plan to this e-mail and would advise everyone to either carefully note their club location or print this off and bring a copy with you. In addition the gate marshals will have this plan and I will be putting out marker boards on Friday.

I plan to be at Prescott on Friday morning to put up the marker boards and also mark out the lower Paddock for the traders, club tents, displays, etc. And Jayne and I will be there in the afternoon to welcome campers as they arrive before heading of to the gardeners for the evening.

A note about Motor Wheel Services. They will be joining us again this year, s if you would like them to bring anything for you, do get in touch with them without delay.

We have a wondrous collection of veteran and vintage motorcycles joining us on the day. These will be on display close to the BOC office, next to a superb 1950 Harrington-bodied motor coach. Harrington coaches were famous for their distinctive aircraft-style fin on the roof. Nick Helliker will be bringing this delightful coach and family member Clive Harrington has entered his Alvis.

The Sunday Navigation Rally. Right now we only have TWO Minors entered for the rally, but we need a team of three to compete for the Lewis & Nicholson Compass. So if anyone entering a Minor in the Scenic Tour would like to switch, or if anyone else would like to book, please let me know before the day. Right now, we have 25 cars entered for the Navigation Rally and 65 on the Scenic Tour.

And a reminder that we have TWO pubs fully prepared for us on Sunday lunchtime – the George Inn at Lower Brailes and the Wyckham Arms at nearly Sibford Gower. Both Navigation Rallyists and Scenic Tourists will have directions to both establishments on the day, so you an take your pick! I spoke to Lily at the George this morning who told me that the car park behind the pub will be reserved exclusively for us on the day. Nice!

Ans another reminder for Sunday for everyone to fill their tanks on Saturday evening as there are no petrol stations along the route that will be open on Sunday (although a short diversion could be made into a number of nearly towns along the route.)

One more piece of good news for Sunday. There is no Wedding reception at Stanway House over the weekend this year, so the Tithe Barn will be available on Sunday afternoon, should the weather be inclement. (Sadly, Lorraine who I usually deal with at Stanway won’t be with us this year – her husband just passed away. I have passed on condolences on behalf of the Register.)

If you have any remaining unanswered questions or requests, please get in touch now. The more issues we can resolve in advance, the more we can relax and enjoy what is going to be an incredible weekend.

Jayne and I and our family will be flying from the States to London next Tuesday, arriving Wednesday morning, so will be out of e-mail contact for a brief period in transit. We will be heading for our rented cottage at Bredon’s Norton Wednesday morning and will then be contactable again, in case you need to get in touch.
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Re: Summer Rally and Pre-War Prescott 2019

Post by Ian Grace »

Off to the airport in the morning, flying Seattle to London, arriving early Wednesday morning and heading for the Cotswolds!

Apart from when we're in the air, I'll be in e-mail contact for any queries. Simon Johnston is already there - he arrived on the ferry from Ireland today with his J2 and family.
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Re: Summer Rally and Pre-War Prescott 2019

Post by Ian Grace »

Fabulous weekend!

These photos give an idea of what Saturday was like. Sunday pictures coming shortly.
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