Arty F***y Minor Pics

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chris lambert
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Arty F***y Minor Pics

Post by chris lambert »

I saw a picture of Peter Stubberfield's VF 6700 on the back of VMR Magazine M128 and I knew I had seen another arty f***y pic of the same car somewhere. Well here it is, along with Trevor's 34 two seat tourer and others at the Peatling Magna Rally some years ago. Many of us had stayed under canvas and I took this at about 5:00 am in the morning after needing to dispense with some of the liquid I had taken onboard (in vast quantities) the night before. The previous six trips to the facilities had been made in the dark.
Anyone else with moody pics of their cars?


Ian Grace
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Post by Ian Grace »

How about this? Visiting a friend's farm in Michigan one evening shortly before shipping to the UK last year. Or was it 1930?

Ian Grace
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Re: Arty F***y Minor Pics

Post by Ian Grace »

Jack Blyth and his much-traveled fabric saloon. See cover of Magazine M 116. The caption was "Waiting for her ship to come in. Winner of the front cover photo competition is Jack Blyth with this marvelous shot taken January this year [2004] at Buller river mouth, Westport New Zealand. It shows his friend Val looking towards Australia late in the afternoon after a heavy downpour."

Note the Blyth-designed rear body and Magna wheels.

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