Low ratio trials CWP's

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Ian Grace
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Low ratio trials CWP's

Post by Ian Grace »

This just in from Frank Ashley:

During the MMM register Lincolnshire wolds event, I had the misfortune to have a tooth detach itself from the M's crown wheel. Now this CW&P is unusual in having a 6/33 gearing in a Morris 8 diff, giving a ratio of 5.5. I believe that this was a Post Office spec for vans used in Wales. Being lower than the usual 8/43 in Minors and 8s, it makes a very good gear for hillclimbing, and having to substitute a diff with 7/37 costs me about 2 seconds at Prescott and a similar amount at Wiscombe. It also makes the car slightly less nimble in acceleration on the road. Consequently, I am going to have a replacement made, and David Rolfe is also interested. On the basis that if we could find one or two more people who would be interested, the cost would be considerably reduced. A run of 5 - 10 would probably reduce the cost from about £1k for one set, to about £400.

Frank can be contacted at frankashleymgm@aol.com.
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