Summer Rally and Pre-War Prescott 2016

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Ian Grace
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Summer Rally and Pre-War Prescott 2016

Post by Ian Grace »

Save the date! Friday 15th to Sunday 17th July with Pre-War Prescott on Saturday 16th. The nav rally/scenic tour will be heading up over the Cotswold escarpment this time.

We have booked our accommodation and flights, and our bid for air support has been submitted to the Battle of Britain Memorial Flight.

The Pre-War Prescott website is going to be completely overhauled next month, after which entries will be open.

For 2016, RIAT is the previous weekend, so the RAF Charitable Trust Director and Trustees will be joining us. We will be marking the 75th Anniversary of the Air Training Corps this time.
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Re: Summer Rally and Pre-War Prescott 2016

Post by martinng »

No excuse for a diary clash in 2016 -I'll fix it in the diary now.
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Re: Summer Rally and Pre-War Prescott 2016

Post by Ian Grace »

See you there Martin!
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Re: Summer Rally and Pre-War Prescott 2016

Post by martinng »

Hi Ian, I am sure that you are busy as Christmas approaches, but I was wondering how preparations for PWP are progressing.
I have a bunch of Morris Register members interested in attending (not all Morris eights either) and would like to be in a position to give them some news.

Very best wishes for Christmas
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Re: Summer Rally and Pre-War Prescott 2016

Post by Ian Grace »

Hi Martin,

Yes, there is news! I am just about to launch the November Newsletter - held over for a few days as our developers put the finishing touches on the new Pre-War Prescott website (

Here's a preview of what's going in the Newsletter, from which you will see that entries are now OPEN!

"The last few weeks have seen feverish activity and the website has now gone live at The new website has been professionally created and should present a much more polished and state of the art ‘shop window’ for the event. In particular, great attention has been given to the entry form which should make it far easier to enter. Additionally, the entry form now also affords entrants the opportunity to join the Register online and then the Prescott entry form immediately and automatically offers the £15 discount on entry. This is a tremendous deal, since it effectively offers Register membership for just £10 instead of the usual £25, and this discount will automatically repeat in future years as long as membership is continued. We would encourage everyone entering Pre-War Prescott 2016 to consider taking up this option, as it will not only offer this significant discount but also bring you our quarterly Magazines and all other Register services and support. You do not have to own a Morris Minor or M Type MG to join us!

The new website will be further updated in the coming weeks, but in the meantime, entries are now officially OPEN for Pre-War Prescott 2016! Do take a look around the site and provide feedback on any errors or glitches that you may find. Suggestions for additional improvements would also be most welcome. Thanks!"
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Re: Summer Rally and Pre-War Prescott 2016

Post by martinng »

Thanks Ian this all looks good and I will direct my friends to this web page.
However, unless either I or my system is odd there seems to be some issues with the on-line booking form.
It would be useful if the space around the check boxes was used to provide some explanation. It not entirely clear what the check boxes represent until the item appears in the total box.
There also seems some issues with the arithmetic.
For example, if one person is booked for the BBQ then £15 is added to the total. If a a second person is booked then £30 is added, but the first £15 is still there. Similar double counting seems to operate on the cream teas.
Not a major issue for me, I will probably use ther paper form.
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Re: Summer Rally and Pre-War Prescott 2016

Post by Ian Grace »

Thanks Martin,

We do have some teething probs and I'll add these to the list. Wasn't possible to fully test the system until entries started to come in. Our developers are very good though and I'm sure we'll have everything ironed out by the weekend.

Thanks again,

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Re: Summer Rally and Pre-War Prescott 2016

Post by Ian Grace »

Just launched the Summer Rally web page! Check out the link from the home page.

This year I have tried to include a little more in the way of explanatory notes and information. If you can think of anything else which might be helpful, let me know and I will add it. I will also be adding more info as various planned highlights are confirmed. I can't believe its less than six months away! 8)

Also just starting planning the Sunday route this morning, with OS maps spread across the table. This year, we're heading up over the high Cotswolds after a few years out west and in the Vale of Evesham.
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Re: Summer Rally and Pre-War Prescott 2016

Post by Ian Grace »

One of the best things about Pre-War Prescott is the variety of cars it attracts. This week we received an interesting entry from Riccardo Beccarelli in Switzerland who is bringing this beast:


It is a 1924 Delahaye 107 complete with half a dozen SU's! A friend is also bringing a Swiss-manufactured 1929 Motosacoche 414 bike.

Variety is the spice of life!
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Re: Summer Rally and Pre-War Prescott 2016

Post by Ian Grace »

Entries now mounting up nicely. 35 so far including three Minors (Lynch, Hamilton-Gould, Colquitt), six Austin 7's (!) and fifteen MMM's. Last year we had 35 MMM's and we're almost half way to that number already. 14 VMR member entries so far.

3 nav rally entries and 10 scenic tour entries so far.

Looking good for another great turnout.
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Re: Summer Rally and Pre-War Prescott 2016

Post by Ian Grace »

Entries now passing the 40 mark, with no less than 21 MMM's booked in so far. The latest entry today is Ronald Trumpi with his 1934 2-seater Minor. He'll be driving from Holland, taking the Hook of Holland to Harwich ferry and then heading down to Prescott to camp for the weekend, then touring Wales before driving back. So he's definitely in the frame for the Gilg & Kay Long Distance award this year.

So far we have 5 Minors booked in, and 2 M Types, and also 4 D Types which is excellent. And 7 Austin 7's, so come on you Minorists - get your entries in!

An interesting entry, and the first Minor to enter is mark Lynch's recently-imported Australian-bodied 1932 Minor roadster.

All looking good for another great weekend.
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Re: Summer Rally and Pre-War Prescott 2016

Post by Ian Grace »

More excellent news this morning. Ron Gammons, who may be known to many of you as an MG 18/80 owner is also a DH Moth man. He's organizing a grand vintage air tour of the south of England on the same day as Pre-War Prescott, and it looks like the flotilla of OVER FORTY AIRCRAFT - Moths and others - will be overflying Prescott just before the lunch break, which should make an extraordinary sight. I just have to ensure that the Lancaster doesn't get mixed up with them! The entry list currently stands at around 40 cars, so with two other Moths already scheduled to join us, we now have the slightly peculiar situation that we have more aircraft booked for the day than cars. But I suspect that advantage won't hold for long!

If you go to the Pre-War Prescott website (, there's now an ENTRY LIST link at the top which takes you to the entry list and I update it as entries come in.
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Re: Summer Rally and Pre-War Prescott 2016

Post by Ian Grace »

Things are coming together quickly now. This week, Ashdown Camp confirmed that they will be bringing more military vehicles this year, and this year marks the 75th Anniversary of the ATC and we are planning to make this a feature of PWP. This morning I heard from the Officer Commanding, Bristol and Gloucester Air Training Corps Wing, who wrote:

"Having attended the 2015 Pre-War event as a visitor, I know this is a good opportunity for us and with the added bonus of flypasts it should attract many people (young and old) with an interest in vehicles, engineering and aviation. Very much our own audience. Thank you for offering to support us with this opportunity in our 75th anniversary year.

We have in the meantime been looking at your offer with the Sector Commanders for the Squadrons in the vicinity of Prescott Hill and also with my Wing Media Officer. One of the Sector Commanders (Sqn Ldr James Farr) has been appointed as our Project Officer. He is cc'd to this email and will correspond with you on specifics. James has experience in organising similar events for us with military vehicle weekends which will stand him in good stead - he also has a passion for historic and classic vehicles.

Although we may appear to have got off to a slow start, with James's prior experience and some outline thoughts and plans having already been discussed we should be on track."

This will be a great opportunity to introduce a lot of young folk to our vintage car world.
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Re: Summer Rally and Pre-War Prescott 2016

Post by Ian Grace »

As we hit 90 entries this morning, we have confirmation that the Vintage Air Tour will be visiting us between 1200 and 1230, followed by the Lancaster at 1415. Timing is still TBA for the Puss Moth.
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Re: Summer Rally and Pre-War Prescott 2016

Post by peterb »

Will either of the Minor Skinner Specials be at Prescott this year ?
I found a picture of Barbara Skinner in the White Minor at Shelsley Walsh on a very wet day in 1934....must have been a Bank Holiday !
Shelsley Walsh 1934.jpg
Shelsley Walsh 1934.jpg (442.76 KiB) Viewed 7032 times
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