2015 Driver of the Year

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Ian Grace
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2015 Driver of the Year

Post by Ian Grace »

As you may know, Janie Shepherd presented the Register with a new award at our Summer Rally in July - the Brian Maeers Wine Cooler - in memory of her late father and Register stalwart. (See M 151 Register Ramblings, page 8 lower image). Brian owned four Minors and was a tremendous proponent of driving them whenever possible, including using them exclusively for local runs to the shops, pub and so on. He was an ardent supporter of our rallies and anchored one of our pub meetings in his local village of Peatling Magna, he and Heidi often inviting everyone back to Manor Farm for a sumptuous luncheon.

Janie, who has picked up where Brian left off, wanted the trophy to be awarded annually to the member who had used his car to best effect during the year, and so it was awarded to Clive Hamilton-Gould at Prescott in July, thus Clive became the first recipient of the award. Clive is also a Minor stalwart and has been regularly competing - and wining - VSCC driving tests and other rallies for many years.

As we look to 2015, we need to put in place some form of structure for judging the winning of the award, which will be presented to the 2015 winner at our 2015 Summer Rally. So I am asking every member who uses his or her Minor (or Minors) to keep a log of their driving activities between now and next July 1st and submit it on 1st July for judging. Only brief details are required - such as date, mileage, destination, rallies attended, any awards gained, and so on. Other information can be appended, such as restoration work carried out, repairs undertaken, etc. Although the award will be presented at Prescott, this challenge is open to any Minor-owning member worldwide. This information is also being printed in M 152, our Winter issue, and also our January Newsletter so that it will be received by every member worldwide.

If YOU are up for the challenge, why not let us know here? And perhaps start of with a New Year's Day run!
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