Spring pub meets

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Spring pub meets

Post by Ian Grace »

Yes - spring IS coming!

Where and when shall we meet?
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Re: Spring pub meets

Post by martinng »

Might be a bit 'public' but the FBHVC is having their annual drive-it day on 27th April which I am sure we should all try to support. (http://www.fbhvc.co.uk/heritage-culture ... ve-it-day/)

There are many places that they have identified for meetng with historic vehicle owners, so I for one will be getting out and about for probably the first real dirve of the new season.
Not exactly a pub meet, but could provide a staging post before or after a hostlry.

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Re: Spring pub meets

Post by Ian Grace »


Forgot to mention that we always try to arrange our spring pub meets on Drive-It day - specially now that the Register is a Federation member. 8)

I'm happy for members to turn out to any local Drive-it Day meet up and down the country (and the world!), but we also try to hold our own meets in one or two places where there is a viable density of VMR members in one area. We usually have a meet in the north Hants area (recently, at the Phoenix haertley Wintney), and another in ther New Forest, which has been held at vatious locations in recent years. Toby Sears usually anchors these meets.

Having said that, we only had two cars turn up at the Phoeninx last autumn, but have had up to a dozen at the north Hants meet in ghr past (and all OHC at that!).

I'll be getting the March newsletter out in the next few days, so want to post details of these two meets in it, so everyone at least has the info, so hopefully we'll have a good turnout once again.

It would also be very nice if a few members could turn out to the Cock Inn, Peatling Magna, Leicestershire this April. The late Brian Maeers used to anchor this meet, and since he passed away recently, it would be wonderful to show some support to the family who have inherited Brian's four Minors at nearby Manor Farm. Janie, one of Brian's daughters is very keen and has taken on Brian's Morris mantle in the family.
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Re: Spring pub meets

Post by martinng »

Peatling Magna could be a possibilty for a midlander such as me. I also know two other SV Minor owners in Leics / Northants who I think are not members of VMR. Maybe they would join in as well and I will also try to recruit them to VMR . The only problem is that they both have engine issues at the moment (blown gaskets lack of compression etc) so some work is needed before they are mobile again. I'll see what I can do.
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Re: Spring pub meets

Post by Ian Grace »


Based on this I will contact Janie and see if this will work for the family. Watch this space.


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Re: Spring pub meets

Post by Ian Grace »

I just heard back from Janie Maeers who tells me that she is using the Minors as every day transport now that she has no modern car. The Maeers clan have entered their Minors in the Stilton Cheese Classic car Run on Drive-It Day - Sunday 27th April. The run starts at Uppingham and ends in the village of Stilton.

The run website is at http://stiltoncheeserun.webs.com/

I STRONGLY encourage members to enter if at all possible. Can we make this a show of support for the family?
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Re: Spring pub meets

Post by Ian Grace »

And here's a lovely period photo (unfortunately only a photocopy) of Semi-sports HX 4872 outside the famous Bell Inn at Stilton - the end point for the Stilton Classic Car Run.

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Re: Spring pub meets

Post by Ian Grace »

Peatling Magna spring pub meet confirmed for Sunday 4th May at noon.
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Re: Spring pub meets

Post by Ian Grace »

So who is going where for our spring pub meets? :D
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Re: Spring pub meets

Post by Ian Grace »

From our April Newsletter - chance to win a PRIZE!

The Federation of British Historic Vehicle Club – and we are a member club – is holding its annual Drive-It Day on Sunday 27th this year. This is the old car movement’s opportunity t publicize our interest and to spread good will among the general public in order to garner support so that we might be able to continue using our cars on public roads. For the VMR the day is also a mechanism by which we can encourage ourselves to get our Minors out of the garage and drive them – perhaps for the first time (and hopefully not for the only time!) this year.

To support Drive-It Day, we hold a number of pub meets around the UK, but we recognize that many members do not live in the UK, and – even in the UK – we are spread fairly far and wide, so that gathering a good number of vehicles in any one pub car part is a challenge. However, anyone with a running Minor or M Type any where in the world can participate in Drive-It Day by taking their car out for a run – perhaps to the local pub or place of scenic beauty. And this year we are asking ALL members with a running vehicle to take it for a run, photograph it and end in their photographs to the Register. The best photos will be included in our Commemorative 50th Magazine (M 150) this summer – and there will be a PRIZE for the best photograph, AND for the best effort made on the day.
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Re: Spring pub meets

Post by martinng »

Ian, I will be taking UF7090 to Charlecote House to 27th April as my contribution to Drive-it Day. This is part of the East Midlands / Leicester Morris Register Noggin run and I will be leading a group of cars along the route. Three cars (two Eights and a Morris E) will arrive here then, as I know the Northamptonshire lanes, I am expected to navigate to Charlecote without getting us all lost! We will see - more later, but rather nice that the Minor will lead the way.
However, before any of this I need to reassemble the car (fuel line, gearbox top, floor etc) and fit my new chromed bumper recieved from the platers today.
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Re: Spring pub meets

Post by Ian Grace »

Excellent Martin. Thanks for the info. I shall expect a Full Illustrated Report on my desk by 9 o'clock Monday!
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Re: Spring pub meets

Post by martinng »

Hi Ian, just had a family 'conference' and as far as things are at the moment we will hope to be at Peatling Magna on the 4th May, hopefully buoyed up with some success from this coming week-end on Drive It Day - if that's not tempting fate.
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Re: Spring pub meets

Post by Ian Grace »

Thanks Martin,

I will let the Maeers family know.

Anyone else for Peatling Magna?
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Re: Spring pub meets

Post by Ian Grace »

Clive Hamilton-Gould will also be at Peatling Magna.
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