DG 3967

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Ian Grace
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DG 3967

Post by Ian Grace »

Mike Tebbett sent me this photo and the following:

"Hello Ian. I have been looking for this snap for ages! This is the car that started me off on old motors.....that is me and brother Paul at the side of the car, and this was taken circa 1958-60 in Minehead Somerset. We used to go and stay with a family for our annual holidays, and the son of the family owned this Minor. I was smitten! The family name was Webber, and that is the daughter in the background. The car was named 'Memota" by the way. I think it is a 1933 side valve two seater - correct? So does DG 3967 still exist?"

I contacted Harry Edwards who told me that a Stephen Bowden owned it in 1990. Mike traced him through BT.com. I called him. He told me that he had sold the car about five years ago to an Alan Sully in Bridgewater. He then stripped the number off it and sold it through a bike dealer - Ron Farthing (http://www.ronfarthing.co.uk/), to a dealer in the Czech republic. So I'll be calling Ron tomorrow to get the Czech dealer's number. Anybody speak Czech? He happens to be visiting the UK - to buy more bikes - in January.

It was Ron Fathers who set up the deal - so it looks like he buys bikes, strips the numbers and sells them abroad - a nice little earner, I'm sure. Watch this space for more on this car. Stephen Bowden is going to be e-mailing me some recent pics of the car.

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Post by Toby »

It is a 32 model so could be 33, same as mine and interestingly (?) mine had the same chequer design on the rad before it was restored. This must be the 50s/60s equivalent of go faster stripes. Not sure if the silver wheels are correct???
if it's got wheels or chips - it'll cost you dear
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