VJ 3156

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Re: VJ 3156

Post by Ronald »

Looks great Chris, Excuse my not knowing, but is this the car that lived in Circester for years...???? if it is, i saw it a few yrs ago, far less finished!!
chris lambert
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Re: VJ 3156

Post by chris lambert »

Hi Ronald,
Yes, this was Brian Ellam's car of which (I think) you took some pictures for the register - perhaps 5 years ago? It was as a direct result of me seeing those photos that I eventually persuaded Brian to part with the car - it took over two years to achieve. I purchased the car 18 months ago, getting it roadworthy for the Dorset Rally last year.
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Re: VJ 3156

Post by halbe »

Hi Chris,

What a great looking tonneau and hood !!
It really finishis a car don't you think?

regards Halbe
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Re: VJ 3156

Post by RLucke »

Very nice hood and tonneau Chris. You must be pleased with the final result. Norma must be delighted that you have bought your favourite lady a new outfit! Its going to be a real pain when it gets wet! I can see you now holding a large umbrella! Look forward to seeing it at the Summer Rally. Roger.
Roger Lucke
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Re: VJ 3156

Post by Toby »

She's a beauty!
if it's got wheels or chips - it'll cost you dear
chris lambert
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Location: Suffolk. U.K.

Spring Run

Post by chris lambert »

Temperature in Suffolk this afternoon was a 'balmy' 12 degrees C and so took the opportunity to exercise VJ. Went for a 20 mile 'canter' around part of the rally route; lots of spring flowers and blossom in evidence and the hedgerows have just got that first hint of green. Wonderful stuff! It took the car a good five miles to properly warm up, but after that I struggled with the 'reigns' before having a real 'gallop' down the village bypass. S** it - have I missed the Gold Cup on the box?

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Re: VJ 3156

Post by Highlander »

Chris, Wonderful photograph, super car. I would have thought a ride in her would be worth missing the Gold Cup!!!!!! Two questions. One - Why is the hood down on a lovely day? Two - Can you get in and out of the car with the hood down( I am 6.3" and have to get my left foot in first between the starter motor and the clutch pedal, then , still standing, ease my backsideonto the TOP of the seat and in this position, half standing in the car, bring the right leg in and then slide down into the driving position. Getting out is the reverse. With the hood up (only tried once) I just cannot get in - Am I alone? My side screens have never been on. I often drive in light rain but have a good waterproof coat and hat and also a waterproof travelling rug which iI place over my lap and the passengers seat. When raining I never have a passenger!!!!! I wonder why? Off to the golf club dinner tonight in my new trews - Taxi home!!! Happy minor motoring to you all and I do enjoy reading all your views and messages. Alister (Highlander) I have just re-read this and of course mean hood down. My granddaughter has just visited and put me right.
chris lambert
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Re: VJ 3156

Post by chris lambert »

I hope you enjoyed your dinner and did not imbibe too many Malts to round off the evening! Did you you mark your arrival at the club with a good blast on the Sparton Horn?
Yes, I can get in and out with the hood up but I am four inches shorter than you. There is a 'procedure' to successfully doing this, but it becomes automatic after the first few times. The reason the hood was up on such a pleasant day was down to the fact I didn't want to put any creases in my nice new hood material! Sad but true unfortunately :oops:
I did miss the Gold Cup and really didn't mind at all, as the rest of a pleasant afternoon was spent collecting the debris blown onto our lawn from our pine trees, following the recent storm. Anybody want any pine cones?
chris lambert
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Re: VJ 3156

Post by chris lambert »

I have been out trying some of the rally route this afternoon and Suffolk looks beautiful. A bit too much oil seed rape for my liking, but very picturesque none the less.

Ian Grace
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Re: VJ 3156

Post by Ian Grace »

chris lambert
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Re: VJ 3156

Post by chris lambert »

Vee Jay passed its second MOT today. (Only 1300 miles in the year!) and christened its new hood when the heavens opened on the return journey. Also wearing it's new badge.

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