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Re: Happenings

Post by Ian Grace »

Forgot to mention that we are booking our flights to the UK this evening for July. Yay! Looks like we're going Seattle Manchester via Washington and then returning Thursday after the Summer Rally to Chicago to attend Oshkosh - the biggest air show in the world. We get into Chicago Thursday afternoon and drive about two hours to Oshkosh where the US Moth Club is organizing a big dinner downtown. As the club's new Chairman, I'm MC'ing the dinner. Then on Friday, I'm the keynote speaker at the Moth Forum at Oshkosh. We'll be camping there, shipping our tent in advance. Returning to Seattle Saturday, back to work Monday. But that's my other life!
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Re: Happenings

Post by Ian Grace »

Fired up the '62 Sprite tonight for the first time this year. Our son moved to Seattle from Portland, Oregon last weekend with a job change and promotion, so this coming weekend, I'm driving the Sprite over to his new place for him to borrow which will give me more space in the garage to work on the McEvoy and the Moths. Forecast for the rest of the week here is dry, with temperatures up to 79 by Sunday, so I'm hopeful of getting a lot done in the next few days, including getting the fabric saloon driving for the first time since the seventies - yay!

I have flying booked for Saturday - the first this year. I'm taking my biannual flight review - an instructor check ride I have to take every two years. I'll be doing this in a Cessna 172, and then getting checked out on the Aeronca Champ so I can brush up my taildragger skills - for flying the Spitfire at Goodwood next July and for the Tiger when it is finished.

Jayne and I are getting very excited that it is just over two months until we head for England, real vintage motoring, meeting many friends, making many new ones and visiting many PUBS!
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Re: Happenings

Post by Ian Grace »

Glorious weather here this weekend - temperatures in the eighties. Renewed my flying license this morning with a trip around the local area and a knowledge test, then cleaned up the new front springs for the fabric saloon, sorted a number of issues on the '62 Sprite including filling the front shocks with fork oil, thereby transforming the handling - they were bone dry! It is strangely reluctant to start - not sure why, but when it starts, it is fine. It is a Mk. II that has been fitted with the later 1,275 c.c. engine, stronger gearbox and front disks from a seventies Midget.

Then in the cool air tonight I took XK8 for a blast up into the mountains under the stars with the speedo running well into three-digit territory. There are simply no words to describe this incredible car. My advice is - get one. Get a good one now, while they are at the bottom of their value - they are bound to follow the E Type and become an iconic classic in the coming years.
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Re: Happenings

Post by Ian Grace »

Crazy busy couple of weeks with a weekend trip to Idaho last weekend (about 350 miles east of here) to visit daughter and family.

The Summer Rally and Pre-War Prescott is/are taking up ALL my time right now. The entry list has exploded and I just allocated the 350th Prescott climb to Pete Williams this morning. So from here on in, everything depends upon being able to extend the hill opening times, which I have requested. Whatever happens, it's going to be a fantastic day. Right now we have 11 Minors booked in (down one as plj is bringing his 8 ). We had 16 last year, so we could do with some more if we are going to equal or beat last year. We have 5 M Types. Apart from that we have 13 Sevens ( :x ), 6 Bentleys, 4 Vauxhall 30/98's, 8 BMW's, 4 Morris specials, 7 Hornet specials, 6 Alvii, 5 Rileys, something like 22 MMM's in all, 3 Aero Minxes, 5 TA's and a total of 140 entries, and there is still six weeks to go!

For Sunday so far we have 12 for the Nav Rally and 17 for the Scenic Tour. So it will be a busy weekend from start to finish.

And I just realised this morning that I haven't put out a May Newsletter and its already the 29th. :o :o :o

But M 146 is about 70% done and it should go to print next week. 8)
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Re: Happenings

Post by Ian Grace »

Busier than a one-eyed cat watching two mouse holes!

Four weeks today we'll be in England and heading for Manor Farm for the Midland Weekend. Planning for the two weekends has reached the usual fever pitch with less than 28 days to go to knock off my five-page To Do list! M 146 is virtually ready to go to the printers. It was going at lunchtime today (I deliver it in person on a thumb drive), but I ran out of time, so it will have to be Monday now. The Pre-War Prescott programme is also ready for printing by Northwest Fine Art - our printers, and they will also be preparing all of our road and Paddock signs for Prescott. I've started a pile of stuff ready to pack for the trip. Which reminds me - I need to order some gearbox bearing sets to bring over - any more takers? At Prescott, I'll have a supply of car badges and Tenth Anniversary DVD's if anyone is in need, or I can post to you while I'm in the UK.

Our relatiosnhip with ther RAF Charitable Trust is going to the next level. We're organizing some amazing lots for the Prescott lunchtime auction, including a free weekend in a brand new Jagual XF :o . And I'm working behind the scenes with Air Commodore Tim Winstanley, the Director of the RAF Charitable Trust, to set up a flying scolarship scheme for selected Air Training Corps Cadets to come over to Seattle for their flight training at my local flight school. Hopefully, we'll be able to raise at least some of the funds to underwrite this initiative.

Jayne and I are REALLY looking forward to our UK visit, and meeting as many of you as possible.
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Re: Happenings

Post by Ian Grace »

This thread is for everyone, not just me! What are YOU up to - or is it unprintable?!

Sitting in the Three Lions, exhausted but elated after having completed the UK planning, having a quiet liquid lunch (Fullers ESB). Last day at the office before flying in the morning. Just about packed and ready to roll. We'll be staying with Brian Maeers this weekend and he is generously supplying Jayne and I with an OHC tourer for the weekend. Difficult to believe after a year of planning that it is all about to happen.

So we have a target to have the McEvoy restoration completed. August 2015. That's when we will ship 6 Minors/M Types from Europe and 6 from the Antipodes to VMR HQ for a Two Hemispheres gathering of the clan for two weeks of unforgettable rallying around the spectacular Pacific North West. Mountain climbs, volcanoes, Puget Sound, island tours, British Columbia raid, whale watching and a huge slug of Wild West hospitality. Gentlemen, complete your restorations for the rally of a lifetime and a unique, once in a lifetime opportunity to bring the two halves of the Register together from opposite ends of the globe.
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Re: Happenings

Post by Ian Grace »

Just surfacing after jet lag and getting organized. Complicated by son and family living with us for a couple of weeks while their house purchase completes, and the arrival of two tons of Tiger Moth spares from Palm Springs yesterday!

Tons to get on with - rally wrap-up, M 147, and planning for next year's trip, the 2015 Two Hemispheres, plus hopefully concluding the arrangements for DO 7820.

About to start work on a 24 x 36 foot garage with workshop above, so no peace for the wicked!
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Re: Happenings

Post by Ian Grace »

This thread wasn't supposed to be just my happenings! You guys must be happening too?!
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Re: Happenings

Post by KartikeyaL »

Just too much happening on the New found Minor front, Hope to have a meeting tonight with the owners son.
nothing else is occupying my mind space since last 4/5 days !!
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Re: Happenings

Post by Ian Grace »

Any news on this car Kartik?
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Re: Happenings

Post by KartikeyaL »

I met the owners family and told them that the guy they were dealing with is not the right guy,
told them that if they want to sell the minor , I would be interested and would also help if they want to restore.

Spoke to them later too, but no response, meanwhile the car has disappeared from where it was and I am trying my best to find its whereabouts !!

Will keep you posted when I hear/ find more !!

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Re: Happenings

Post by Kenny »

As for JJ 9069, this week I took the radiator out as I noticed a small trickle from the bottom, so today I dropped it off at the radiator company for further investigation and repair, whilst its out Im going to get the engine cleaned up a bit and make sure all is snug and tight, and then before start of season will get all oils checked and if need be topped up or replaced :lol:
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Re: Happenings

Post by Ian Grace »

Busy weekend working on the McEvoy brakes and the Tiger Moth. Packing the brake shoes to send over to Ian Harris, along with the full set off the fabric saloon. I want to get the fabric saloon shoes back in the next few weeks because it won't need that much to get it driving. Up until now, I've run the engine for a minute or two (no radiator hoses) and driven it forward and back in the drive only. With new hoses, a working fuel tap and the brakes and suspension serviced (with replaced front springs), I should be able to take it up the road and start really road sorting it. Right now I have a wire running directly from the battery to the coil because the rotary switch on the panel is seized solid and so cannot be turned on! Also, to\he original wiring looks quite iffy, so i have obtained some black cloth-0covered wire from Paul Beck with a view to re-wiring to the original specification.

Also priming a number of wing fittings for the Tiger Moth - Treated with DX 579 chemical cleaner then DX 520 (basically phosphoric acid), and then primed with an industrial primer before being two-packed in cockpit green. There are literally hundreds of fittings to be so treated. The first step is to blast them, and I am spending a couple of hours each week on Thursdays at the Seattle Museum of Flight's Restoration Centre where they have generously let me use their blasting cabinets.

The big task for tomorrow is to continue to develop the nav rally/tour route for the Cotswolds in July, based on Great War places of significance in the area, as this is the Centenary of that War.

The clocks went forward here last weekend which is making a big difference in the evenings, allowing work to be done outside during the week for the first time this year.

We booked our tickets for England this week and we're REALLY looking forward to our two weeks in the UK - Summer Rally, Pre-War Prescott and The Lakeland Weekend, plus as much other stuff as we can fit in. I've booked two days of Tiger Moth flying at Henstridge after the summer rally weekend, and so we're booked in with John and JoJo Nagle in nearby Marnhull - looking forward to staying in their newly-restored cottage. And I have a day booked at the national Archives in Kew to do some other research.

Next week, it is the big push to get M 149 to the printers so I can start on the big m 150 issue and have that ready for the Summer Rally.

Roll on summer!
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Re: Happenings

Post by Ian Grace »

Crazy busy couple of weeks. Dreadful weather so not much done in the garage, but i did manage to get my two sets of brake shoes off to Ian Harris roe re-lining and Simon Hodgins came up with the fourth brake backplate I need for the McEvoy - thanks Simon. In the meantime, I've been working flat out to get M 149 to the printers next Monday, so I'll be at the computer most of this weekend. Right now I'm putting together a great article on JHT 596, the Witney Jensen (or was it a McEvoy?) which is now the Oliver Special.

If you have any adverts for the issues, please let me know by tomorrow.

And next week, the April Newsletter will be out, and feature all of our spring pub meets which are approaching fast.

Meanwhile, with less than four months to go, the Summer Rally planning is ramping up and we're getting a good Minor and M Type entry, not to mention a wide number of other interesting types.

In other news, I have located a set of floats for the Queen Bee across the water in Victoria and hope to visit to take a look at them next weekend, and I have also located a 1929 Gipsy 1 engine for the Gipsy Moth. Oh for more workshop space, particularly as the floats are 17 feet long, and there are three of them!
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Re: Happenings

Post by Ian Grace »

Nobody else had any happenings since 13th December? :?
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