Christmas and New Year Meeting Place

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Ian Grace
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Christmas and New Year Meeting Place

Post by Ian Grace »

I thought I'd start this thread where we can all check in, exchange Christmas greetings and generally have a cyber Christmas pub meet - any discussion topic OK. Something to check out and contribute to daily over the Christmas and New Year break when you get tired of eating, drinking and repeats on the telly!

I'd like to kick off by wishing all our members, friends of the Register and their families a wonderful Christmas and a great motoring New Year to come. I won't have a car to drive over Christmas - my Semi-sports is still in the UK - hope to have it on its way in January, along with the McEvoy project. In any case, conditions here are not exactly conducive to any sort of motoring right now. I had to drop everything and drive to Detroit last night when my daughter got stuck there in a snow storm flying in from Manchester. 300 miles round trip in arctic conditions on the freeway - not fun! But she is home safe now for Christmas.

M 129 seems to be arriving with everyone in time for Christmas, so you should hopefully have plenty of good stuff to read.

If anyone wants to post any Christmas or New Year motoring pics here, just e-mail them to me and I'll upload them and send you a link to put in your post. And I'll put the best in M 130 - front cover pic anyone?

Ian Grace
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Post by Ian Grace »

Very empty in here - looks like I'm the first at the bar. If anyone else comes in, mine's a pint!

Young James Ashford just walked in, but he's not saying anything.

Evening James!
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Post by Toby »

I seem to be a regular in here, my wife never sees me anymore! I'll get these ones in Ian to thankyou for your help with the photos- you can get the next round, once a crowd developes! Who's going to bring some mistletoe? I think the photo thing is a good idea and will try to capture some minors, (or just mine), at the Berks Hants vmr new years day meet, did I mention that already?! I'd like to take the oportunity to thank Ian for all his help and for running the best car club i belong to and also to say a big thanks to all who made the summer rally possible. Hang on, isn't that Chris Lambert over there at the bar? Oh no, he must have a double- although i expect he'll be in later. Anyway, I'm not sure if I'll be in over xmas due to family stuff, but if i get the chance I'll nip in for a swift one, cheers and happy christmas to you all.
if it's got wheels or chips - it'll cost you dear
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Post by Toby »

I tell you what, that looks like Tony gamble over there, look.
if it's got wheels or chips - it'll cost you dear
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Post by Toby »

Oh, Tony just left, I guess he didn't notice me :lol: Blimey is that the time, my wifes gonna kill me. Must go now.
if it's got wheels or chips - it'll cost you dear
Ian Grace
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Post by Ian Grace »

No worries - I'll finish your beer for you Toby. :D
chris lambert
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Post by chris lambert »

The lights are on but no one is in (I know someone like that!) Trust me to turn up after the pub has closed! :(
Trevor Wilkinson
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Post by Trevor Wilkinson »

Try looking in again tomorrow,might find the lights on and people in! :shock:
chris lambert
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Post by chris lambert »

It just occurred to me that somewhere in the VMR world a pub is always open!
In fact the VMR is just like our old beloved British Empire, upon which the sun never set, before all the do gooders, busy bodies, spoilsports and rightful heirs made us give it back. If we could open a map of the world and infill with red all the countries that hosted VMR members, it would look quite similar to the atlas I had at primary school - Wow - the Empire mark 2!! :D
So for a member somewhere, right now its 'Pimms o'clock'!
Cheers. :wink:
Ian Grace
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Post by Ian Grace »

Just popped in for as swift pint. Last day at work tomorrow then a week off. Last Xmas shopping tonight - never been so organized! Jayne is working Xmas Day at the nhospital so we get to eat the turkey Xmas Eve this year.

I have a bunch of stuff to do on the tourer over the break to get it ready for Ray McCrary, but he won't be able to collect it until I can dig about three feet of snow away from the garage doors, which will probably be around the end of March some time.

I also have to do the brakes on my son's Sunfire - should be fun at twenty below!

So I'll be popping in for a lifesaver after that!

All good fun.
Ian Grace
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Post by Ian Grace »

Is that Jeremy I see over by the fire?
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Post by DF9053 »

Yes - your right next to the fire its cold here, well minus 2! We have had frost all week which is really unusual this close to the coast!
Ian Grace
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Post by Ian Grace »

Hello Jeremy, yes, bloody cold here too, but I heard last night that we are expecting a few days of RAIN! That will be wonderful to drive on when it all freezes...

Just of f home for a spot of lunch. I'll be back later.
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Post by Toby »

I don't know how I keep missing you all! Could you bring that atlas in with you, chris. It must be very old and worth a few bob and you could ebay it and buy an mg or 3 off me :lol: I've been wondering what this hostelry is, should, will, be called. I knew a pub called the nut and bolt, maybe the nuffield arms? upham hall? I'm sure others can do better? This cyber pub must be giving Ian plenty of material for the next mag, if only the others knew what they were missing out on. I reckon it must be alistair reids round, if you do pop in, bring those wheels and leave 'em with the landlord. Is there a jukebox in here or shall I just give you a tune on the piano, I think I could manage "bless em all". I have to bo out to eat now. see you all soon.
if it's got wheels or chips - it'll cost you dear
Trevor Wilkinson
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Post by Trevor Wilkinson »

Hi Toby, see you've popped in again today,are you going to stop for a pie, a pint and chat.
No chips so no problems! :D
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