Recent odd postings

Area for anyone experiencing problems with the website or the forum.

Moderators: Ian Grace, Will Grace

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Recent odd postings

Post by garagiste »

Who is posting as ehobjman on General Discussion?

Don't like the look of the postings or worse still the attachments.

Can they be removed?
Ian Grace
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Re: Recent odd postings

Post by Ian Grace »

Yes - all removed and user banned. No idea who he was or how he gained access.
Posts: 93
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Re: Recent odd postings

Post by garagiste »

Thanks Ian, looks as if we have another doubtful one today.
Ian Grace
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Re: Recent odd postings

Post by Ian Grace »

Housecleaning done - intruder banned. Let's hope for no more of this.
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Re: Recent odd postings

Post by plj »

Don't understand these things too well but could one of us be harbouring a "Trojan Horse" type virus that is allowing these posts?
Ian Grace
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Re: Recent odd postings

Post by Ian Grace »

I don't think so. I receive several 'spam' forum registration requests every day from bizarre usernames - most originate in Russia. I delete them all, but the problem comes when a genuine request come sin. it is fine if they pick a username like 'Jon Smith', but some people pick some pretty silly usernames and it is difficult to tell if they are spam or not, so I have to e-mail them to ask if they are a real person or not! Also, if I look in the control part of the forum, i can see about 4,000 inactive spam users that have somehow got in through the back door. I need to delete all of them, but there is no way to globally do this, so the task will take hours or days.

All very frustrating, but please keep posting with good stuff!

I am off work from today to next Monday - its Thanksgiving Day here in the US today, so I will have time to do some website housekeeping and I need to finish M 144 to get it to the printers next week, so I can get it to everyone in time for Christmas - any and all input urgently needed to fill this issue. Pictures, restoration updates, general correspondence - sent it all over!
Ian Grace
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Re: Recent odd postings

Post by Ian Grace »

Quick update - spent most of the day housecleaning the forum and - fingers crossed - no attack as of the last few hours. Deleting about a dozen bots MAY have been what was needed, but I also deleted about NINE THOUSAND inactive 'members'. In addition to these, we have about 2250 illegitimate subscribers to this forum, but only about 250 legitimate ones. I have no idea how they registered without my approval.

I can see these illegitimate users in the admin control panel, but have to delete them - one by one. This is going to take weeks, and as I do it from the most recent, you'll see the 'most recent member' change to all sorts of weird and wonderful names in the process - but it may help stave off further attacks.

What I need you guys to do is POST STUFF! So its all worth the time to maintain this forum as a Register asset which we worked so hard to restore back at the beginning of the year and takes time every day to maintain!
Ian Grace
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Re: Recent odd postings

Post by Ian Grace »

Pleased to report that the forum housekeeping work carried out a couple of weeks ago has been completely successful - no more spurious posts, no more automatic registrations and no more spoof registration request e-mails. Phew. 8)
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