Minors in competition

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Re: Minors in competition

Post by Ian Grace »

I was standing just up from Pardon when she rolled mover - looked as if it could have been very nasty - she was very quick-minded to crouch down in the car as it went over. I think I saw five or six accidents of varying degree this year - about 3 times the average for some reason. I wonder if the marshals had anything to say at the end of the day. They were certainly kept busy this year!
chris lambert
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'UX' at the 2008 VSCC Brooklands Driving Tests

Post by chris lambert »

Thanks to Ken Martin who pointed out this YouTube gem to me. It shows Paul Rogers competing in his coachbuilt saloon during the VSCC driving tests last January. Although an Austin Seven appears as the second car in the sequence (driven by Annabelle Jones), stick with it, as Paul is seen taking the Saloon up the famous Brooklands Test Hill. Brilliant!!!


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Re: Minors in competition

Post by Highlander »

Chris, What a wonderfull vidio!!! Would you believe that was the first moving pictures I have seen on my compter - more please. I have owned what we today call vintage cars for 51 years and have never competed in a trial, race, hill climb but have watched many. Thank you for allowing us to view such good sport. Highlander (Alister)
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Re: Minors in competition

Post by 1936morriseight »

Highlander (Alister),

There's a lot more trials footage on YouTube, particularly if you don't mind watching Austin Sevens and other cars in action, just type Austin Seven into the empty box above the video title you've been looking at, which was "VSCC Brooklands January 13th 2008" make sure the drop down menu to the right of this box says 'Videos' not 'Channels' then press the search button, multiple pages of 20 videos per page will appear, just click on the blue video title or on the stills image to start that particular video. Similarly to the right of the 'Brooklands' video you'll see a vertical column titled 'Related Videos' - use the vertical scroll bar to run down these and as above, click on the blue title or stills image to start the video - have fun.

Jeff (1936morriseight).
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Re: Minors in competition

Post by Highlander »

Jeff, Thank you so much for the vidio tip - not too sure what the rest of the lads think about the "blue vidio"!!!button but it worked but I will also need more time to view as it could take hours. O)ff SAcottish Dancing tonight but may look tomorrow, Thanks again, Highlander (Alister)
chris lambert
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2008 LC&ES Welsh Rally

Post by chris lambert »

Although Wiggy's 29 Tourer didn't make it as his CWP was U/S, there were 6 or more Minors in Llandridnod Wells last weekend. There are some wonderful pictures on this website:


At least four of of the Minors on the tour were Saloons, which is quite unusual these days, represented by the cars of Messrs Evans, Rogers, Lee and Claire Rolf. The Tourers of Clive H-G and Brian Maeers flew the flag for the 'open' cars, although looking at the weather, Saloons were the cars to be in.
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Re: Minors in competition

Post by halbe »

Here are two period pictures from the Austinharris website.


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Re: Minors in competition

Post by DF9053 »


Saloons were certainly the best option for Saturday, it rained pretty much non-stop, there were some very wet tourer drivers! We did not do that well in spotting the photo locations only scoring 4/15

Sunday was better, had the folding roof open most of the time. The 9 hill trial was good fun but Colin Lee was stopped by a weak clutch and I did not see Paul Rogers out. The Rolf's Saloon pipped us on over all score. We scored 43 and were the third Minor, Laura H-G getting 56 and the Rolf's 45. The CMS Minor (38 points) was also out as was Denis Johnson (26 points) in a Minor Tourer. Top score in class 2 was 98 for Keith Hill and the Singer Junior Porlock. There was a single M type out OD425 of Bob Mellors which acheived 32 points.

All good fun,

chris lambert
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2008 Light Car Welsh

Post by chris lambert »

As I think I may have said elsewhere, I believe I could do the tour, but the trial takes a special breed of driver - one that is not frightened of damaging his car. It is amazing that so many saloons of different manufacture were mudplugging with the almost specialist trials cars. I take my hat off to you and the other saloon car entrants!
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Re: Minors in competition

Post by DF9053 »

Special yes - in that at our advanced years we still have not grown up!

My lad and youngest daughter came back from "trialing" in the field with thier go kart, mud everywhere, a neighbour commented - at least they grow out of that as they get older - then he saw the Minor covered in mud!

The light car trial is very gentle, not like a main club trail, I would not be too happy about tackling one of those, the hills are only as damaging as your right foot is heavy - assuming of course that you have the right combination of power (interesting thought!) and traction!

The best trial score was from a Trojan - no diff so in a differnt class to us, but 134 points makes my 43 seem rather poor!

All good fun!

David Whittle
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Light Car Welsh

Post by David Whittle »

This was my mount on the wet Saturday

No mudguards. No Hood. No Front-wheel Brakes. No Windscreen. Lovely Noise. 1913 and very fast. I have never overtaken so many cars in such a short space of time! 4 Litres and very little weight - what a motor car. My thanks go to Roland Duce for the memerable ride in trully awful weather! :lol: :lol:

On the Sunday I spent the morning with Paul & Barry Rogers - Paul was too delicate to do the trial due to accute alcohol poisoning! We offered advise at the Tea Stop Section! Best performance from a Minor at our Section was the Bluey/Purple Saloon by far, this got nearly as far as the Trojan, which itself was knocked in to a cocked hat by the only 'clean' we witnessed from Francine in a standard Chummy! :roll:

I would have loved the conditions on Sunday if WE6554 was with me, two years ago I won the Winifred Boddy trophy in almost identical conditions. I do like it very muddy on the LC&E Trial!
OHC 1929 Tourer WE6554
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Re: Minors in competition

Post by DF9053 »

The hill at the tea stop was great, we got 17! It was more difficult getting to the start point. We watched an A7 wiggle through the trees and then get all tied up not getting one of the turns right. Being only the second car through we were a little worried and I thought if we moved at all in the muddy grass that a 5 would be our score. However a little bird said go steady and you'll be surprised, get the turns right not too much welly! So we set off, loads of arm work round the trees and fantastic 17!

Looking at the score sheet there were three 20's a Riley and 2 A7's, an 18 from Keith Hill in the Singer and then 7 cars with 17 including the Trojan. Three of those were Minors including 2 saloons! Not bad eh!

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Re: Minors in competition

Post by Highlander »

Hope tpo make Brooklands tomorrow but the forecast in the SE is very bad, snow!!! This is a VCC event and all of the cars will make it so I must show the minor flag. I am not too bothered with the hood (cant get in ot out with it up) it is the lack of windscreen wiper. I took it off as it is in direct line of vision. I put screenX on the windscreen and this works well in rain but snow!!! Am I getting soft? More tomorrow, Highlander.
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