VMR sweatshirts

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Ian Grace
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VMR sweatshirts

Post by Ian Grace »

Early members may remember that back in 2003, we ran off a batch of about 50 75th Anniversary sweatshirts with the VMR logo embroidered, and they proved very popular. I still have one of these, but it is a bit threadbare now and I have been looking for someone to run off some new ones for us. The lady that did the 2003 ones lived in Grand Rapids when we lived there, and I have contact with her when we moved to Seattle.

However, I was talking to one of my software engineers at work yesterday and she happened to mention that she has a small embroidery business on the side with a ten needle digital embroidery machine and does sweatshirts, T shirts, etc. for various local companies and clubs.

So I have sent her our logo and she is going to have it converted into embroidery-speak so she can do the business for us. I will get with her next week and sort out a selection of colors/sizes, sort out prices and start to gather a batch order together. Something for Christmas perhaps?
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