Prototype SV Minor

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Ian Grace
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Prototype SV Minor

Post by Ian Grace »

As reported a few years back, what may be the prototype SV Minor JO 764 langishes in a farm museum and theme park in Devon.

Harry Edwards visited this car in the nineties and was skeptical about its identity, since it was somewhat modified and carried the chassis plate SV5334. However, the logbook was clearly that of JO 764, registered 11th December 1930.

Our recent research at Gaydon that enabled us to start assembling the SV Minor Genome (now in the Members' Area) has the following entry against SV5334:

Erected 7.7.31
Tested 7.7.31

Nothing of particular interest here, but then there is an odd note in the Bodyshop column:

'Sold second hand'

But the really interesting note is found in the Notes column:

'(alloted production number)'

So this was a works car that was alloted a chassis number when it was already a works-owned vehicle. This would appear to confirm that this is indeed the prototype Minor and that it was alloted the chassis number SV5535 in order that it could be sold off by Morris.

it is a pity that the car is unlikely to be restored any time soon, as, along with the prototype McEvoy Special RC 300, it is VSCC eligible. JO 764 is of course eligbile by virtue of its production date, while RC 300 is eligible by virtue of its racing history.
chris lambert
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Re: Prototype SV Minor

Post by chris lambert »

Quoted by Ian: "Harry Edweards visited this car in the nineties and was skeptical about its identity, since it was somewhat modified and carried the chassis plate SV5334".

I have attempted to upload an extract of Harry's original Morris Register Journal article but the forum 'board attachment quota is full'. However, following his visit to Bideford, Devon to see JO 764 in 1992 Harry was not at all sceptical about the origins of this car. In fact quite the opposite is true. Both Harry and noted vehicle historian Anders Clausager had carried out the research at the Heritage Centre and concluded that it most definitely was the prototype £100 Minor, the telling evidence being described in the penultimate paragraph of his article. Those wishing to read it probably know where to find it.
Ian Grace
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Re: Prototype SV Minor

Post by Ian Grace »

Hi Chris,

Perhaps skeptical was too strong a word - more like confused by the SV5334
chassis number on the chassis plate. I remember talking to Harry at the time, and he was indeed keeping at least an open mind as to the car's origins (but not the logbook) at that time, which was before he wrote the article.

It is surprising that Anders didn't close the loop by finding the notes in the Progress Books which he had direct access to at the time. Happily that has now been done and we can now explain why the car has chassis plate SV5334 - it was fitted by Morris to enable the car to be sold second-hand.

One has to wonder whether the new owner had any idea what he had in his hands!

chris lambert
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Re: Prototype SV Minor

Post by chris lambert »

Anders and Harry did close the loop. See the last para at the foot of the opening page of his article. The clear link to SV 5535 is there and the fact that it was sold second hand is also clearly stated. This was obviously all gleened from the Progress Books. The current owner in Devon was left in no doubt by Harry what he had on his hands and has taken Harry's very good advice , given at the time, and left well alone - until he has the time to restore the car "properly".
Ian Grace
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Re: Prototype SV Minor

Post by Ian Grace »

Well the important thing is that the car has survived, is positively identified as the prototype and is safe. I'd like to think that it would be restored to the road some time in the foreseeable future (reminds me of a few other SV Minors I know!). But I won't be holding my breath - it must have been ten years ago that I spoke to the owner, from Grand Rapids - I think I have a note of the call somewhere. And I doubt very much that we will see it awarded a VSCC Buff Form once running - even though it is eligible. But it would definitely make an interesting conversation piece on a Light Car Rally! :o

Chassis number is SV5334, not SV 5535.
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