Poorly Engine

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Poorly Engine

Post by lee_rob »

Ok guys I have a major problem with my new acquisition, I recently purchased the 1929 New Zealand minor from HVA and have run it around for the last month. Engine seemed a bit rough and I new I had a worn camshaft and distributor drive etc. I have just had my dynamo rebuilt which incidently still doesn't work so that's going to have to be looked at again.
However I digress somewhat...The main problem I now have is the engine which seems like it is trying to tear itself apart. I have a great deal of what appears to be gear noise coming from the front of the engine which I guess could wither be the drive at the bottom of the dynamo and/or the drive at the top for the camshaft (which I know has a lot of play). I also have a massive amount of vibration and noise through the car which is most prominent on the overrun. However this disappears when you press the clutch so it is unlikely to be transmission related.. It was also noted that the noise is less when the clutch is pressed in fully at tickover so I can only assume that the front main bearing may have given up and when the clutch is pressed any end play is being taken up and reducing the racket.

So next job is to drop the sump and have a look inside, my question to you all is does anyone know how much roughly a engine rebuilt will cost as I want to have the head done too and replace the camshaft with a 12/12 type and get new rockers. I don't think it needs re-boring as it was done not so long ago and doesn't burn any oil, so I guess its just main bearings, front roller bearing and I will prob leave the rear main alone if it looks ok as that was done recently too.

Any help would be appreciated please..
Ian Grace
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Re: Poorly Engine

Post by Ian Grace »


You could do worse than talk to Dave Cooksey who is a member and has vast OHC Morris and MMM MG experience, and restores our cars as his profession. His contact details are in the Members List, but I can e-mail them to you if you like.

There is another problem that causes a lot of noise which goes when you depress the clutch, and that is a loose flywheel, but if most of the noise is coming from the front, then that is unlikely, but worth thinking about. Good luck and keep us posted.
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Re: Poorly Engine

Post by lee_rob »

Thanks Ian I may just to that, although I havent received anything from the club as regards my membership apart from the latest magazine if course. Am i meant to receive anything else?
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Re: Poorly Engine

Post by Ian Grace »

Nothing due by post - other than the Magazines. The monthly Newsletters are delivered by e-mail, and we don't currently issue membership cards.
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Re: Poorly Engine

Post by Ronald »

Lee, when you refitted the dynamo, did you check the mesh in the lower gear..??? if its loose, then it would cause lots of noise, there is also a slight chance that when the clutch is pressed as you say the end float is being taken up and the noise reduced..... it might take only a very thin shim to sort out the looseness.... and as the dynamo was rebuilt I would suggest that just fitting it with whatever shims where there before may not be the right thing to do.........

With regards to engine rebuild cost........... sit down!! Most parts are available, and depending on what is or might be wrong the cost could vary form hundreds, to several thousand, esp if paying labour rates by the hr!

I had the ohc engine on MT done 2 yrs ago, and whilst I did opt for new Pheonix crank and rods, the overall cost was easily in excess of the value of the entire car, AND I paid less than 1k in labour, which I thought was very reasonable for what was effectively a blueprinted engine rebuild......... annoyingly, the only parts that aren't, or at least weren't available new were the bevel gears at the front of the camshaft, and sadly mine are a little worn and a bit rattly.........

Mike Stubbings
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Re: Poorly Engine

Post by Mike Stubbings »

Have you tried motorising the dynamo, it may be acting as a motor. This sometimes happens when a dynamo has been overhauled. If you look up dynamo on the forum there has been various suggestions as how to do it.Good luck. Mike
Ian Grace
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Re: Poorly Engine

Post by Ian Grace »

Good point Mike. I know that the dynamo magentic field has a damping effect on the camshaft and so you can get a lot of clatter from the top end if the dynamo isn't working correctly.
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